Getting Your Pet High Too? ?

I would say don't force it. I had a yorkie that would hop in peoples lap and follow a j around. She would also snatch a bag and run. She truly enjoyed it. I never forced it and she learned what it was on her own.

This is a crazy one. I have a rooster that started coming around when I step outside to smoke. Where I stand the smoke drafts slow in the same direction. All be damned if he don't get in the same spot and breathe it. I'm serious. Dang rooster learned what pot is and likes the buzz.
Is that your hermie cock Or just your normal cock you were playing with a while back whitebb2727
Yeah my rabbit, he's a house rabbit so he's always around me ovbs had some friends over so there was 4 blunts in the go it just sat and didn't move for at least an hour, I honestly thought iIkilled him felt terrible but he's just kinda came around started jumping running around, it probably has medical benefits to your pet but only given orally like oil n stuff who knows help us so why wouldn't it help then just dint force it
My female Golden Retriever"Hanna" loves cannabis.One time she took a pan of "Magic Brownies" off the cupboard countertop.She ate a forth of the pan before we caught her doing this.My wife and I ate the rest of the pan.Big,big mistake.My wife,Hanna and I were paralyzed.My wife and I in recliners and Hanna seemed glued to the carpet.I had a bunch of Led Zeppelin playing.The body rushes were really strong.We didn't move for 3 hours.
I've never seen a dog yet that doesn't hover around whoever has the bowl/joint, copping a contact buzz. Blow it in their face? Nope. But they'll get theirs just by invading your space.

A number of years back (like 30), my brother gave me for a BD present a 1/4oz bag, it was one bud. Yeah, bud. Don't remember the strain or who he got it from, but to say I was impressed is an understatement.

Anyway.....had a party and of course everyone was contributing to the stash and smoking from it and all was good. I was saving that bud for later to smoke with my brother and a select few. Late that night as we were sitting in front of fireplace, I broke off a bowl size chunk of that bud and placed the bud on a tray and placed it under the rocking chair I was in. Lit the bong, pass pass, stare at fire. Grins all around.

Meanwhile, my brothers Shepherd was trolling around, sniffing heavy, mooching food. All was quiet except for crackle of fire. Then I heard the sound of munching. Took a few secs to realize what was happening, looked under my rocker to see a 110lb German Shepherd with top part of bud stem out one side of his mouth with the bottom part out the other side. Yeah, that little bastard ate my birthday bud. Then he had the balls to curl up in front of the fire and snore for two hours.

Dogs will get themselves stoned given half the chance.
People and animals are two different things If there's a pet in the house or area your smoking in that's one thing but giving your animal thc purposely as a dosage is wrong IMO .......I've heard of some messed up shit happening to animals that Injest weed.......that's just my take on things. I've also seen CBD biscuits I think if you absolutely feel the need to give your pet anything to do with MJ that's probably the best but idk Peace
Do your homework dogs have a canabanoid system just like us. Many animals do. Your reading old info
Did the government print this in 1960?
My old cat (rip Beefy) used to go nuts for purple weed. He would treat it like cat nip and play with it then eat it. He was famous for stealing purp weed. If it werent fresh and finished he would lift his nose and ignore it. When we would smoke he'd jump on your chest and put his face a couple inches away from yours. When i used to buy weed; if it was purple i would call him over to smell test it. If my cat didnt like the purp it usually wasnt good or flushed(over fert'd)

My dogs now; like weed too. They come over everytime i smoke. When i smoke cigs they walk over to give me a look like theyre saying "wtf are you smoking dawg," and walk away. When i smoke bud or dab theyll lay down a couple feet away from me everytime. If they didnt like weed thehd leave like wnen i smoke cigs.

I dont blow it in their face; they come to me so i dont feel bad. They obviously enjoyed it.
I have to keep my dog away when I smoke. He's always jumping up to see what I've got. And usually tries to give my bong a good sniff.
Do your homework dogs have a canabanoid system just like us. Many animals do. Your reading old info
Lmfao.....your answering a year old thread and telling me I'm reading old info ........hey if your pet is the only thing that wants to get high with you then that's your prob ...seems like that's what's going on especially trying to bring back to life a boring year old thread .....and further more there's people who get seriously panicked and sick who can't smoke weed at all but at least a person can say something ......unlike an animal ...but since you get stoned with your pets so much I'm sure they talk to you to .......old news Hugh lol ....year old thread
Lmfao.....your answering a year old thread and telling me I'm reading old info ........hey if your pet is the only thing that wants to get high with you then that's your prob ...seems like that's what's going on especially trying to bring back to life a boring year old thread .....and further more there's people who get seriously panicked and sick who can't smoke weed at all but at least a person can say something ......unlike an animal ...but since you get stoned with your pets so much I'm sure they talk to you to .......old news Hugh lol ....year old thread
If the thread was not meant to be discussed our brought up again why would it still be here? First off I don't even smoke at home so do i smoke with my pet's answer is no. You would first have to ask do i have a pet? In what way did you think I did this? Oh ya Re read i never said anything of the sort. But check your facts before you start tap tap tapping at your fingers only to run your mouth saying nothing.
Lmfao.....your answering a year old thread and telling me I'm reading old info ........hey if your pet is the only thing that wants to get high with you then that's your prob ...seems like that's what's going on especially trying to bring back to life a boring year old thread .....and further more there's people who get seriously panicked and sick who can't smoke weed at all but at least a person can say something ......unlike an animal ...but since you get stoned with your pets so much I'm sure they talk to you to .......old news Hugh lol ....year old thread
If the thread was not meant to be discussed our brought up again why would it still be here? First off I don't even smoke at home so do i smoke with my pet's answer is no. You would first have to ask do i have a pet? In what way did you think I did this? Oh ya Re read i never said anything of the sort. But check your facts before you start tap tap tapping at your fingers only to run your mouth and say nothing.
If the thread was not meant to be discussed our brought up again why would it still be here? First off I don't even smoke at home so do i smoke with my pet's answer is no. You would first have to ask do i have a pet? In what way did you think I did this? Oh ya Re read i never said anything of the sort. But check your facts before you start tap tap tapping at your fingers only to run your mouth and say nothing.
Must have upset you double posted just trying to tell me this ......all I'm saying is you can get dog treats pretty cheap maybe even free instead of blowing smoke in there face NOOBS....and if you want to sit around and answer year old threads after being on here 4 months that's up to you got some old newspapers in my attic whenever your done with that .....oh and make sure you look at dates before you bring up old ass stuff then tell people there reading old news EVENT FOR YOU .....we landed on the moon ....just wanted to share that with you since I know your a bit behind
Must have upset you double posted just trying to tell me this ......all I'm saying is you can get dog treats pretty cheap maybe even free instead of blowing smoke in there face NOOBS....and if you want to sit around and answer year old threads after being on here 4 months that's up to you got some old newspapers in my attic whenever your done with that .....oh and make sure you look at dates before you bring up old ass stuff then tell people there reading old news EVENT FOR YOU .....we landed on the moon ....just wanted to share that with you since I know your a bit behind
Still don't know how to read do you? You landed on the moon. It was old news when you posted it. See what i said in my first post, oh wait you can't read probably don't know what the numbers mean 1960 that was 56 years ago. If you count all of your fingers 5 times then one more hand and finger, And if you truly think we went to the moon than you belive everything you read. If it's on Google or our government to you so it must be true right lmfao. Tell me more facts you know please. I don't have a dog to join me and I'm lonely :cry::clap:
Must have upset you double posted just trying to tell me this ......all I'm saying is you can get dog treats pretty cheap maybe even free instead of blowing smoke in there face NOOBS....and if you want to sit around and answer year old threads after being on here 4 months that's up to you got some old newspapers in my attic whenever your done with that .....oh and make sure you look at dates before you bring up old ass stuff then tell people there reading old news EVENT FOR YOU .....we landed on the moon ....just wanted to share that with you since I know your a bit behind
One more thing was wondering why you couldn't answer one question i asked? Or how you commented two times without responding to reply? If your such a master why can't you answer. Just cause I am new on some social media sought m sight what does that have to do with anything at all cause you spend more time on a computer your special? Or maybe just smarter that's it wahaha. All in good fun my friend you sure took offense to me simply stating check your facts nothing more. It has been known for years dogs have a canabanoid system it's not new news. So your first response i should have answered wow that really upset you me saying check your facts.
Still don't know how to read do you? You landed on the moon. It was old news when you posted it. See what i said in my first post, oh wait you can't read probably don't know what the numbers mean 1960 that was 56 years ago. If you count all of your fingers 5 times then one more hand and finger, And if you truly think we went to the moon than you belive everything you read. If it's on Google or our government to you so it must be true right lmfao. Tell me more facts you know please. I don't have a dog to join me and I'm lonely :cry::clap:
Facts k ......your 12 live in your parents basement pretty sure you have several animals you like to smoke with and your really fun to respond to cause you get butthurt .....and your a year late ...and from you once again double posting I can tell your throw tantrums like a 9 to 12 year old .....oh and you definately belong in the flat earth thread's old but your obviously into that old news stuff

Another noob know it all ....don't be cruel to animals noobs il contact your parents and let them know what your doing to fluffy to flat earth you go now where you belong ......and I know your a lonely person you don't have to state the obvious ....once again old news
Ya my dog chooses to get high. She'll eat leaves in my garden she'll eat raw or dry and cured weed and stems. Shit she's notorious for knocking over the ashtray eating a roach and getting shit faced as well. That being said I'm also a CVT in a diff state with 8 years experience. I have a 100% overly healthy 4 year American Staffordshire that loves getting stoned lol I have monitored her Everytime and never an issue. She had one time where I think she learned her limit and it was one of the first times and she peed herself. Besides that all vitals were normal and she was just out of it but was fine next morning like nothing happens. My dog will come up to me to smoke and one of her favorite things is stalks that are fresh. I'm all for it as long as not forcedIMG_20160915_230301.jpg IMG_20160915_230832.jpg
Facts k ......your 12 live in your parents basement pretty sure you have several animals you like to smoke with and your really fun to respond to cause you get butthurt .....and your a year late ...and from you once again double posting I can tell your throw tantrums like a 9 to 12 year old .....oh and you definately belong in the flat earth thread's old but your obviously into that old news stuff

Another noob know it all ....don't be cruel to animals noobs il contact your parents and let them know what your doing to fluffy to flat earth you go now where you belong ......and I know your a lonely person you don't have to state the obvious ....once again old news
That one actually made me laugh out loud. Because you totally described yourself to a T. Just can't seem to answer one question. This shows your lack of intelligence. I know you use humor to defend yourself because you don't feel good about yourself. People lacking social skills intellect and who just don't feel like they add up always respond as you have to every post. Don't answer s question can't respond to a single thing. I feel sorry for people who hate their lives like that, it really is sad. I'll pray for you ok. I wish you the best really i do. :peace:
Pretty dog.
Thanks lol this topic is always controversial even when I was managing 2 animal hospitals at once in fl I had talked to the owner/head doctor about it and he said he believes it has the ability to great things with us and our pets if they would just allow us to study it. The reason they say no pot for pets is no one knows proper dosaging and all dogs are different and react differently just like humans. The true risk is grtting too stoned and forgetting to breath essentially. This mainly happens with edibles or decarbed weed. I've never seen I'll effects from fresh or dry and cured weed. Granted she'll only eat a .3g nug or so and bunches of leaves a day but damn dog so healthy I can't say it's bad for her. I have bloodwork run every 6 months everything always in check