geuss the plant newbie underdog story....... illustrated!


Active Member
hi all this is my first post, i have been reading some of your posts and decided to join!
ok the story!
i got a cutting from a friend at just before summer, i sat it at the window through summer till now and this (refer photos!) is what i have now,
as you can see there are 3 main stalks........there should be 4 but after what can only be described as "the great fall" there are 3.
that was about 2 weeks ago and due to circumstances.:wall: the one that was there lay dead for at 2 days before bieng choped up:wall:,i dried and tryed to cure but after 2 weeks it still jaggy nettles! it still gets you nicley stoned though.*also heres one for the profesionals!
when i smoked it it was like a kinda of haze.......when i smoked haze weed
in nederland
it kinda had a little menthol effect when inhaleing,very noticable compared with other types,and i found very potent, my friend there said haze plants usually flower for longer periods,is this the case?how do i tell my plants "type"?
so back to the living! she has been flowering for about 3 to 4 weeks and there is no decent sun left this year so i have baught a light,fan and timer and made a little home for her, bongsmiliequestion is how much longer do i wait?
the buds have built up to form "tops" and there are lots of "random little buds" they seem to keep growing bud on top of bud,the are white hairs growing about 5mil long,there is notable "crystal" all over the hairs and sourounding leafs. my instinct is to wait till all the fan leafs fall off and then harvest, any ideas how much more they it grow?
comments are very much apreciated!
well hope your all well and enjoying the finer things!



Well-Known Member
keep it flowering, for a long long time, the white hairs should turn a amber color when ready... someone else will come in here and tell you more...


Active Member
ty i hope your right, a friend has cuttings of the same plant and has cut them down already, he knows less than me so im gonna keep going, you think her flowers will get much bigger?


Well-Known Member
well actually im not sure, it depends on your lighting situation... what kind of light you got over it? how many lumens etc..

another thing is that the trichs arent even amber yet...


Active Member
thanks for your input buddy,
yeah im gonna take your adive and stick with it till they turn amber,
don't some plants stay white......white widow for example,
ok your gonna laugh at me and call me a fool but the only light i have is a twin strip light that has 12 watt bulbs, i know it's probebly not enough but when it is under the light it seems to "reach toward it.,i have a mirror in there also though in not sure if that will help.

we have had some sunny days here so i have been putting it into the sun in the day and in the evning back under the light, i smoked a little more of the stuff that died and it gets you nicely stoned, i thing the good stuff will be well worth it.
thanks again.


Well-Known Member
lol thats a link to this thread..... but yeah, if its not getting cold where your at, let it outside all day... that is better for it, (in bud development) rather than the 12 watt bulbs..... If you're willing to spend a little money for new bulbs. See how high of watt bulbs you can put in it and buy new more high powered bulbs for the flowering phase which it is currently in.