Well-Known Member
I hope you're right! Not feeling that great today either lol...I normally never get sick but when I do it's always right around Christmas for some reason ;\I hope your not getting sick for real. Hopefully it's just your body cleaning itself out.
Is Canada Post like your guys' USPS (united states postal service)?Funny, the best luck I've had is using Canada Post. They take a little longer but if they try and deliver and you're not home, they drop the package at a local store that has a mini post office in it, then I just pop by there and pick it up. Courier's suck when there's a signature required.
I was kind of over reacting...that guy on the phone didn't speak english well so I couldn't understand what he was trying to tell me, but what they do is leave a door tag with multiple check boxes, and you just check that you want it dropped off without a sig (sign away liability from them) n the next day they come see which box you checked n go from there...Good news is the package got delivered for real today - now lets hope my shit hole neighbors fingers aren't feeling sticky today