GGG good ideas ....... HAZEMAN mikado complete grow


well i decided to give riu a real try. i told someone i didnt like it here, but then i realized i never posted a thread so i never gave it a fair chance..... here i am with a new out-look on riu and i am here to share my style......that is when you guys get interested and want to i am guessing around wk 3 of flower i will be telling you all how i got there.....sounds fun to me :-P

here are a couple pics of the start of their lives. i will update a lot when they take off....till then.............stay medicated:leaf:..cb420

i am a little under the weather right now , but i will talk a lot about this ggg gear when i feel better. till then............stay medicated


wow, that was found me before i could find you to tell you i am to bro. getting old sucks.....dont do it.

i got lost for a minute in that tea thread. i will be spending some time there....the mad man was correct......cb420


i woke up today feeling much better. i am going to get some pictures of the little ones today so this thread will be up to date and i am about to bring you all up to speed on me and what i do..........

i have been running the same 4 clones for about 23 years. i have tried many different styles of growing and soil is the one that consistantly works best for me. over the years i have developed my own soil mix that uses many things that people tell me i should not use, but they work wonderful for me so i will do what i do. i do not use hardly any bottle nutrients. i top dress my soil in pelleted seabird guano that is a general feeding program. i also top dress with triple phosphates a week before the flower room. there is mycos in my potting hole and my soil mix. i use lobster compost and pelleted garden manure as well. i top dress with dolomite lime thats pelleted also. i spread all my top dress in 4 inches of the soil and i water with a watering can religiously. if i see things heating up in my plants i will water with a pitcher as it doesnt promote osmosis as well as a sprinkling can.

i also use a blackstrap molasses tea at the second week of veg and the second week of flower. i always use a water mixture of 75% ro water and 25 % from the well. but , the most important part of my style is the pk boost. i do a pk boost when my plants tell me too and i will show you all just when that is. i use bcuzz blossom builder at 10 ml per gal.

i will be doing the flowering of these under 100 watt hps supplemented with 2 new led lights from grow northern. i finally found some leds worth trying out so here we go......................thats how i do what i do , and now lets what it all happen.....

i have ran other hazeman gear and it is plain a simply the best you will ever find at 50 bucks for 12 beans....that being said , thet still are no gage green group. every bean i run from ggg has keeper written all over it before it hit the soil. now i have the 2012 good ideas. some people feel that they need to know what they are about to grow, but i love the surprize, and when it can be cherry puff or banana puff or grapeful chem or something from the mendo purps line..... how could that be a bad surprize, and i cant buy any of that gear anymore.......cloning tools are out and ready.......well there is what i have planned......hope it sounds like its worth watching.....i promise a good show y'alll......till next time......stay medicated....cb420

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Oh hell yeah, I'm pulling up my chair for this one. It's gonna get GOOD.

Edit: You just HAVE to throw down some of the finished nugs from previous grows here too brother. Will give people an idea of the DANKNESSSS approaching on this thread ;)


Oh hell yeah, I'm pulling up my chair for this one. It's gonna get GOOD.

Edit: You just HAVE to throw down some of the finished nugs from previous grows here too brother. Will give people an idea of the DANKNESSSS approaching on this thread ;)
will do.. dankness on the way brother


damn right bro....imo the best gear out seed for seed....only bohdi compares......imo. i do like other companies. lots actually, but the ggg just seems to have dank in every bean. not a bad one yet.. that is all according to me and my organic soil style.......till next time...............

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
damn right bro....imo the best gear out seed for seed....only bohdi compares......imo. i do like other companies. lots actually, but the ggg just seems to have dank in every bean. not a bad one yet.. that is all according to me and my organic soil style.......till next time...............
RIGHT ON! I'lll only be spending my pay-checks on Bodhi and GGG from now on. Both have the most killer vibe, and just do things RIGHT. I am yet to see a grow of gear from either that didn't come out as near perfect as one could hope for.


here are a few photos of past dankness in mt garden. some of these plants are from a run with 36 plants under a single 1000hps in 1 gallon pots. i was strain hunting and i found hope you enjot them as much as i did. here are a few from a feb. runSDC10002.jpgSDC10006.jpgthese first two pics are from a damn bag it was the best bag i ever bought for anti-depression, i have since then crossed this with a plant i have had for 20 + years and grows striaght up, this should helpSDC10010.jpgSDC10012.jpgnow these next 2 pics are of an EMERALD JACK from emerald triangle seeds by cb420....dank dank dank and sweet as anythingSDC10015.jpgSDC10018.jpgthese next 2 are pics of a pineapple express for g13 labs by cb420. again dank as all hell, but more of a rotten smell and taste then sweet, but still fruity...DSC00214.jpg...... here is my white88g13/hp from hazeman seeds i got as a freebie when i bought some cocopuffs. i am smoking it as i type and it is all head buzz. she is a total keeper, but i am growing out another one right now. it grew for 12 weeks before it made a crystal, but boy did it come on after that. i really doesnt look as good as some of my stuff , but i cant even hold in a small toke and i might feel like fixing my roof or something if i smoke a whole ........this is my sinmint cookie by sincity seeds. this was the femmed version. i re-checked and it is fem. this is a young pic so you can see it in the 1 gallon pot.SDC10019.jpg.well 1.25 really, but you get the point. no veg on this either and it still wanted to grow tall tall talll. ..SDC10004.jpg....and this is a week from harvest. and it was damn good funk here guys.....SDC10002.jpg.... i hope this gets your attention. ......SDC10005.jpg..really i have 5-7 more strains pictured like this. i do this because i hate to buy beans and not know what the really will produce, and a lot of gear has no info out on-line. my gift to the canna world, god knows if gave me my life back. if you guys want to see more just let me know. i got some dinafem critical plus pics and some godberry from freedom of seeds for sure. and a ton of stuff that will be done in a month or so. i will post all of that gear too..ttyl.......cb420 that what you had in mind mad bro

BTW, all of these are from the run with 36 plants. 16 were in 4 gallon pots and 20 were in the 1.25 gallon pots. they brought me in about 3.25 joke guys....and i will prove it this run.


RIGHT ON! I'lll only be spending my pay-checks on Bodhi and GGG from now on. Both have the most killer vibe, and just do things RIGHT. I am yet to see a grow of gear from either that didn't come out as near perfect as one could hope for.
exactly what i was trying to express. damn you got the words bro. i am going to try some bohdi testing if they will have me. i like to be a tester because i like to have first crack at the great stuff. i have a tester of ggg's new chem og (a) cut that i read great thing about and i have testers from ggg of their platnum og crossed with og joe. that is why i like to test i will start a thread of thos beans here when they go to the flower room, or maybe sooner, ya sooner...........hope this satisfies your bud porn addiction y'all......ttyl.....cb420


Well-Known Member
Subbed up man, got a pack of mikado myself so real keen to see how yours turn out as im hell keen to run mine too :D good luck man!!

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
NICE!!! Classing up the place with that organic goodness! That SinMint is such a beauty man. Really is a looker of note!


right on. thanks for all the support. i got a lot going on, but i will keep it updated as much as i can.........ttyl


i will be starting on this thread real soon. it is just about time for flowering. i would do more shots of them vegging, but they are kinda tough to get to...DSC00869 (2570x1116).jpg.....but they are great and i will be all over them real soon...later...cb420

thats all auto gear on the left and the next round of photos on the right