GH FloraKleen

Maybe you can answer another question for me. When watering I let the water sit over night to evap the chlorine. Is that still important during flush? It's hard to get that much water ready
The reason de-chlorinated water is needed is so as not to kill the beneficial micro- organisms(bacteria) in your root system, that are there to attack funguses and larvae of fucked up bugs, like gnats. With 2 weeks left, it doesn't mean shit. Also, fuck that leaving the water out bull shit. Go to an pet store, and ask for a de-chlorinating product. It is used all the time for fish tanks, works in seconds. I have had a bottle of for years, and my roots are as white, as my pubic hairs after a good bleachdown.
if the de-chlorinating tablets are good enough and safe enough for fish and aquatic plants i think they'll be safe for any plant ........ Id check to see how many you use per gallon etc etc you might be able to overdose .. IDK?
Thx everyone, all good stuff. Haha with 2 plants in 5 gal pots it's tough to prep up that much water. Shoot I'd new to fill a bath tub. I will look into those tablets at the pet store. Now who wants to help trim :mrgreen:
Check your local water quality report. If your city uses chloramine like mine does then you'll need to filter it out because chloramine will not evaporate.
I found the report online(cool find, didn't know I could look the up). Looks like we use chlorine/chlorine dioxide. Also saw something called chlorite as a byproduct in there. No mention of chloramine.
I always use florakleen, use the 10ml per gallon and it works best, BE SURE TO PH! the florakleen comes as PH 4.0 and will seriously harm your plants if you don't PH it. Use R.O water or 0 PPM water ONLY.
if the de-chlorinating tablets are good enough and safe enough for fish and aquatic plants i think they'll be safe for any plant ........ Id check to see how many you use per gallon etc etc you might be able to overdose .. IDK?
I use a concentrated liquid, 1 drop per gallon. 1 bottle has lasted me for over a year. Cost like $17 though. Well worth it in my opinion