GH nutes?


Well-Known Member
I'm working with micro, grow, and bloom. Am I supposed to use all three in veg? Reading mixed reviews online. Small plants still, 3 or 4 nodes only. I have been adding quarter teaspoon per gallon of all three and my plants seem to like it. Is this wrong or right? Or should I just use micro and grow in veg?


Well-Known Member
Depending on what soil you're in you might not need to add nutes yet, I don't add for a month to six weeks after I transplant in Fox Farm ocean Forest

I also use GH3 part. I follow exactly what the label says:

eg.) mild growth is 1-1-1 (5ml of each per gal.)

It's very flexible. you'll hear a lot of different recipes, however you don't really need to do anything but exactly what the label says, dependent upon what stage growth you're in, or trying to achieve, to have extreme Success With It..!
-good luck!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I used Lucas formula my first dwc run. It worked but trying to use grow this run. I didn't have ro water last time or a pH or ppm pen, I have everything now and trying to dial everything in.


Well-Known Member
ahha, well that changes things, didn't notice the Forum. you're going to need somebody who grows in Hydro, I don't, haven't since the 90s and I used another product back then, sorry buddy!


Well-Known Member
ahha, well that changes things, didn't notice the Forum. you're going to need somebody who grows in Hydro, I don't, haven't since the 90s and I used another product back then, sorry buddy!
I have only done 1 hydro run so far a few years back, this is my 2nd. I researched soil grown weed and it was so confusing to a hydro head. Was thinking of doing organic soil but then chose hydro cuz I like a challenge, they say hydro is the hardest to grow. They say it's also quicker veg time which I believe can cut veg time in half roughly. And more thc content comes from hydro they say. But I'd have to say there is no smoke that taste better than organic soil grown meds.


Well-Known Member
I chose the hydroponics because of the faster veg time and higher thc. Some summer I do want to make my own super soil where you water only though. When I get the cash to get the shit and get ambitious enough to try a outdoor grow. I live in the upper peninsula of Michigan where we have a short grow season though. Only certain short flowering time plants and cold climate plants will survive up here outdoors. I would have to start my plants indoors in spring cuz there is still snow here right now and it's the end of April , lol. But I do plan on trying a couple plants outdoors when I can and get a few grows under my belt. There's other locals who grow outdoors too so I know I can do it. Just not ready this season as my indoor grow stole all my cash flow. Bahaha
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70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
That chart airwalker16 posted looks perfectly reasonable. I'm sure GH had a much stronger recommendation 20 year ago. I used to burn my plants pretty bad when followed those old directions.