GHE Ripen advice please


New Member
Hello, I am trying to finish bf blue cheese in 8 weeks using ghe ripen due to time restraints (growing organic in soil). Luckily by week 6 I already had good bud development = good size and about 50% milky, 20% orange pistils and beautiful smell so I won't consider this grow a loss. However, I used a full does of ripen 2 days before week 6 flowering and now is 10 days later and I havn't seen much development. Now maybe 70-80% milky, 50% orange pistils and a little bit more swollen... has anyone had this prob? I decided to flush today using cannaflush and a lot of water (double pot size) and there was a loaddddddd of nute run off - could it be that the ripen didn't take proper effect due to there being too many other nutes present??? should I hit it again with another does?? (already had 2 now) Or does the ripen all of a sudden start working?


Staff member
please only make 1 thread on the same topic
generally helps to have photos attached to your threads

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
I've used ripen on two plants, I'd recommend it in last 2 weeks of flower but introduce it at 1/2 through to full and finish last 5 days at 1/2 strength.

First grow and weed is tasty and smokes pretty clean.


Well-Known Member
feed from day 55 with NO OTHER NUTES. 2 weeks then pull

expect yellow leaves as ther is no N in ripen

have fun

pm a member called "newuserlol" he swears by ripen annd uses it every grow


Well-Known Member
drop your light hrs from 12 to 11, or even 10 . Your plant will sense the shorter hrs which, outside, means winters coming. And the plant naturally needs to fiish its life course before then. Inducing some cooler temps as well could also help give that extra bit, to make them think the seasons changing