Ghetto grow box - My first attempt


Well-Known Member
Thank you for once again sharing.
If I could ask a favor of you;
Please consider starting up a grow journal of your own. This is a log of MY grow, for my future use in the event of repeating a similar grow. I would appreciate having just my recollections, and current relevant comments.
I hope you understand.

Link me when you start a journal!



Well-Known Member
Day 3 flowering.

The plants are super green now! Most of the nute burn has grown out, and the stem is pretty stocky too!
Most of the leaves, particularly the largest of the fan leaves are showing typical Sativa characteristics.

Long thin, finger-like leaves.

The plant is still not showing any signs of sex, but hopefully will in the next few days!

Atleast once these show gender, I can get rid of males, if I did get any, and leave the females to grow outside.

I am considering planting my babies in a 7 Gallon perforated planter, which if need be, can directly be put into the earth, allowing further growth of the roots!

If the plants do start budding soon, I may stick to the 3 gallons, through to harvest!
The net 7 gallon pots are pricey, and would be something I can do without!

Current setup:
Grow cab, light hood - Full of mixed CFLs, totaling 217W (actual wattage, not eqv).
These are warm tone for the most part, with only 46 W of the above constituting of daylight bulbs!

Both plants are still rather short, but nice and bushy!
The taller one comes in at 6 and a half inches, the shorter, not far behind at 5 inches.

The LST plant is the taller one. The other one is being kept nice and low by the screen!

Seeing as this grow is going reasonably well, I decided to go wild and order a few different feminized seeds, straight out of the Attitudes pick and mix selection.

I chose strains with varied appearances, genetics and highs.
All are relatively fast flowering.

these will start off all together, and they will all go into 12/12 together too, hopefully budding in at around the same time (a week or 2 apart maybe).
It will be a perpetual grow, giving me 7 strains of bud to smoke once they are ready!
I may just go the other way and make clones instead of going perpetual... But we will see later on!

My Attitude Order - June 2010. Check it out!

Here are some pictures of my current grow:

The foliar feed I use every 6 waterings. I will stop using this after one more feed.
Lights are almost touching the plants. No burning!
Nice and bushy! Pseudo ScrOG plant.
Some new development.
No sex showing yet... :-?
Looks like a Sativa eh?
Nice and bushy LST plant.

Comments welcome! Hope for some activity here soon!


Well-Known Member
You are absolutely right, i spent some more time visiting the website and got more of understanding of what 'a journal' is meant for, pole!. i deleted the insertions except the needs and organic fertilisers tables that i thought could be useful for you. I will follow with true interest your developments, best of wishes dude! you can delete also your previous comment and i will remove this one right after i see you have read it so your journal stays clean.
Not to worry. I am glad that you understand where I am coming from. Input and questions regarding THIS grow are still more than welcome.
I would imagine it would be a great time to start a grow too! More power to us! God knows we need better stuff here! Cheers.


Well-Known Member
The lowest leaves and coty's on both my plants are withering away now, and falling off...
I guess this is normal?
The rest of the leaves, as before, are looking -OK!

Here is a picture:


Marijuana. Enhancing my photographic skills by the day! :joint:


Well-Known Member
Tied/trained the plants a few minutes ago. LST is proving to be an easier and more effective task.
The plants have been bent back down to a flat canopy, at 3 and a half inches from the soil level.

All the new points of growth are exposed, and are at the same height, across the canopy.

I lost a fan leaf whilst bending the plant under a wire.
No biggie... More light to the rest of the plant.

My LST has moved up from paper clips anchored in soil, to cotton twine, tying branches closer to the pots edges.
I am using a self tapping screw to hold the chords in place. This makes it easy to loosen or tighten them as the grow progresses.
The twine is not tied to the plant, but is lasso'd, which allows easy removal and adjustment of position of the point being held down.

A few more hours before the plants go to sleep for the second half of the day, so before then, here are a few clips.


Comments as always, are welcome!



Looks fine to me, it looks like a very first leaf not with the full shape. If leaves yellow in the bottom add diluted urine and within hours if you see change of colour it means that they are short of N. Note that plants tend to loose what is consider 'useless' leafs.

The lowest leaves and coty's on both my plants are withering away now, and falling off...
I guess this is normal?
The rest of the leaves, as before, are looking -OK!


Well-Known Member
Yep, I think the lower leaves are pretty much defunct now. Plus, they are shaded from light by the canopy...

Will just let it grow for now. Not wanting to add nutes at this time.



Well-Known Member
do what you want, but i wouldn't go pissin on your plant anytime soon (if ever). here is a recommendation that might be of use. Garden soft ties. alot easier than string and doesn't bruise the plants. Plus is inexpensive and can be used in several applications because it has a stiff wire surrounded by soft foam. i have used it to train a plant while it was in the flowering stage also for mother plants, and currently an ak47. Just food for thought (a few photos for examples)



Well-Known Member
Wow! Those ties would be super helpful! Let me see if I can get my hands on some,locally!

What is that little bottle in the first picture?

I am having hell trying to find some decent flowering nutes.

Ny ideas on something easily accessible world over for flowering?

Let me know!



Well-Known Member
that was Superthrive from walmart. its not a fertilizer. it was something that alot of people swear by for boosting the growth of you plants. those people were soil growers and i wanted to try it in my hydro. i stopped using it because my ph kept climbing back up fast. i have a buddy that grows with dirt and he really likes the stuff.


Well-Known Member
Cool! I have never seen this, or any similar product available locally, but will keep checking!

Will post some pictures of the plants in a few hours, once they come out of the dark cycle! :)

allen bud

Active Member
Hey bud have been watching your grow.looking good so far i grow cfl also..You can use about anything for LST i use peices of wire, there only on a week or 2 then off,and for nutes miracle grow have some stuff thats ok check for high Nitrogen and Phosephate and flush with water when 2 weeks from harvest til harvest only water


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice, Allen.
Cotton twine is working really well for me at the moment.
I have put the plants into flowering (day 4), but still no visible signs of sex.
These are Sativas, both 5 weeks old at end of veg. Wonder how long they will take to start showing!


Well-Known Member
Oh boy! I hate waiting. I am always SO IMPATIENT!
I am on my way to check on the plants.
Will post a few pictures in a short while!



Well-Known Member
Here are a few more clips of the plants.
Still no sex, but I just spread them out a little bit more, tying them down, staying short and bushy!


This thread is still open to comments!
