Ghetto Grow


Ursus marijanus
Hi thieves
I would leave (uh huhuhuhuh) the leaves on. The plant has a way of drawing what it needs from them ... and I've had leaves that were half dead get green in the not-yet-dead part once the plants became happy. The plant prunes itself, so I suggest a "hands off" approach there.

Also, don't be in a hurry to feed your plants. They're still seedlings, and those carry almost all of what they need in their cotyledon "bag lunch". I think you're doing the right thing trying to dry the soil ... just don't give the poor dears a "hotfoot" withy the heating pad. If you burn the roots ... the first sign if trouble you see is already waaay too late. I do approve of letting the soil dry out a lot. From the pics it isn't very 'airy" soil. When you replant into next-size-up pots, you might want to mix in a lot of perlite.

New leaves are supposed to be that light green ... it's healthy! cn
Hi thieves
I would leave (uh huhuhuhuh) the leaves on. The plant has a way of drawing what it needs from them ... and I've had leaves that were half dead get green in the not-yet-dead part once the plants became happy. The plant prunes itself, so I suggest a "hands off" approach there.

Also, don't be in a hurry to feed your plants. They're still seedlings, and those carry almost all of what they need in their cotyledon "bag lunch". I think you're doing the right thing trying to dry the soil ... just don't give the poor dears a "hotfoot" withy the heating pad. If you burn the roots ... the first sign if trouble you see is already waaay too late. I do approve of letting the soil dry out a lot. From the pics it isn't very 'airy" soil. When you replant into next-size-up pots, you might want to mix in a lot of perlite.

New leaves are supposed to be that light green ... it's healthy! cn
fantastic! yea the heating pad was incorporated their first 2 weeks of life set to the maximum (HI) and they had delicious looking white root systems when i transplanted... so hopefully i wont boil my roots up. not going to cut the leaves, and not going to feed for a good while either. glad the new growth is light green, i'm a little color deficient so i can't really tell bright green from light yellow some shades of purple/pink from one another. as for the growing medium, it was nice and airy before i poured half a gallon of water through it hahahaha, next time definitely going to up the perlite to avoid that. always appreciate the help and advice!
hope everyone had as good of a thanksgiving as i did. i'm sitting fat listening to stevie ray vaughn smoking a fat bowl and about to destroy this left over pumpkin pie!

alright so we're looking good after the nute burn disaster, growth rate has definitely taken off and we're starting to grow up nice! I did end up cutting off the yellow leaves on one of the seedlings at the stem, didn't seem to have much of an effect as it's the same size/amount of new growth as the other uncut plant.

Now, what are these leaves where the branches meet the stem, preflowers? Or are they starting to show sex? They were on 24 HR light for first 2 weeks, 12/12 for one day, then I switched it to 18/6 which is was they've been for the past week or so.

ALSO any tips on what i can do to start training them to grow in this tiny space would be appreciated.

these are bodyshots from yesterday:


