Ghislaine Maxwell Trial

do i detect sarcasm? if so, disagree. she was found guilty by a jury of her peers for her crimes. Sadly, Mr. Epstein (a white man) took the cowards way out as they are so often allowed to.

i was just thinking that when T**** passes he'll need an unmarked grave..or i got a trip to take.
He was gonna spill the beans and name names, doubt it was so much the cowards way as the plug the leak way
Her team is asking for five:lol:

She'll "suicide" or be "killed" in jail and then a body double hoe will be cremated. The real Ghislaine will then join Epstein on his double super secret island and they'll have a big party.

Bill Gates will be there, so will Bill and Hillary.

Wonder how soon she becomes eligible for parole. That fine...ehhhh, that needed to be quite a bit higher. Given the circles she ran in, that's like 750 bucks in normal people dollars.

I assume she will sit and be quiet, get paroled at the first available time, and walk into a lot of money to live out her remaining however many years.
She'll "suicide" or be "killed" in jail and then a body double hoe will be cremated. The real Ghislaine will then join Epstein on his double super secret island and they'll have a big party.

Bill Gates will be there, so will Bill and Hillary.

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I’ve been to busy watching the right being exposed for trying to overthrow our government
But sure Clinton’s again hahaha
Wonder how soon she becomes eligible for parole. That fine...ehhhh, that needed to be quite a bit higher. Given the circles she ran in, that's like 750 bucks in normal people dollars.

I assume she will sit and be quiet, get paroled at the first available time, and walk into a lot of money to live out her remaining however many years.

she'll do 8-10 if she behaves..she's gotta go to prison too..much different from jail.
She was convicted in Federal Court. There is No Parole in the Federal System. She will serve 85% of 20 years, which is 17 years, and then 5 years supervised release. She will be 82 years old before shes done with the feds, and will also have to register as a sex offender. Shes in deep shit.

In many cases Prison is way better than jail. I got convicted for more than 1000 clones, in an indoor grow op in 1997 and spent 1 year in a jail, sleeping on the floor in a 10 man cell with 33 men in the cell. At that time you were also allowed to smoke, and I was the only one out of 33 that didnt smoke. Talk about cruel, and unusual punishment. We were also supposed to get 1 hour a day in the rec yard, but most of the time we only got 1 hour every 2-3 weeks. Sometimes we would go a month without going outside. I was begging to go to prison. When the feds came to get me, they didnt have all my paper work and I spent 2 weeks in the hole, in a 4 x 8 alone. It was a reprieve from what I just went through. The only bad thing was you only got 1 shower a week for about 5 minutes with the guard on your ass telling you to hurry. On Wednesday. There were other inmates on the floor, but you were alone, undisturbed in your own cell. I did 7 years, and 5 years supervised release. And a 3-5 MILLION $$$ Fine, which was waived. You cant get blood out of a turnip. She probably wont have to pay the fine. I pled guilty to a Mandatory Minimum of 10-Life, and with actual prison time, and supervised release, I got 12 years. They can fudge with the way they give you time. They could have given me 1 year in prison, and 11 years supervised release if they wanted, or 11 years prison, and 1 year supervised release. And they also try and get you to snitch. I told both the FBI, and the federal prosecutor fuck you. When I leave prison, I wont have to look over my shoulder, and I wont lose any friends because I snitched. The inmates also have ways to find out if youve snitched or not. First thing they want to do when you get in there is see your papers. They will get your prison number, and send it to people outside who run it through a data base, and there are ways of the wording that can be a clue as to whether you snitched or not. They are also on high alert for child molesters, and Maxwell trafficking in young girls, will be in deep shit if shes put out into the general population. She did get lucky in that the federal judge recommended she do her time in a Low Security prison in Danbury Connecticut. But the feds are under no obligation to send her there. Most likely if she was a man, and did those crimes, she would be sent to a high security prison, and have to work her way down to a low over about 12 years, if she didnt get and infractions.
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