Ghost Inside My Child

its gotta be something to it. they are running out of things to show us these days so they will create anything. never again do i want to live on this earth. im going to heaven after this life.
its gotta be something to it. they are running out of things to show us these days so they will create anything. never again do i want to live on this earth. im going to heaven after this life.
this post doesn't make sense.... you state your going to heaven but have you ever seen it? is it a physical place? how do you know there is a heaven and what exactly is heaven. does heaven have a purpose? when you get to heaven, what happens after that? you live happily ever after?...... not saying heaven isn't real, and not saying it is,.... but how can you disregard reincarnation and in the same sentence talk about heaven? how do you know heaven is not as false as you believe reincarnation to be?
I should not touch this; no good can come of it.

But here is my feline-lethal curiosity.

What is a Certified LBL Therapist?
Who is the certifying agency?
What is being certified,
and by what protocol?
Pretty much all this stuff is unverifiable....religions, the concept of god, the afterlife. Other life out their in the universe etc.

we may think we know the truth behind all of the above, but I think we'd be really surprised at the actual truth, and the nature of reality. So all we can do is speculate. I have done many paranormal investigations,and at least to me it's proven there is something else, another side. Caught some voices that weren't there, interesting videos etc i can show people. But is that proof? No, it just means I got something on the recorder or camera, doesn't prove it's a ghost

People assume if there are ghosts, they are of people who have passed away. May be, at least in some cases. But there could be an alternate dimension with non human entities, something natural in our world that we just aren't aware of....could be anything.

I don't think it's wise to dismiss reincarnation out of hand. Some of those cases were impressive. But I don't think it's that common either. But just like everyone else, I'm only speculating. But I think for all of us, it's best to keep an open mind
The question I ask is why can only SOME members of society remember? we should have all come from someone else, or are some of us new souls.

I believe in the paranormal now after watching this video,scary shit man.
As a Christian, I do not believe in Reincarnation, but I have been having re-occuring dreams. I am going to a Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist on January 24, 2013. I believe that I have a "dark cloud" hanging over me. I have been married three times. I am currently happy with my husband, but we are struggling financially. No matter how hard we try we just can't succeed in life. I believe it has something to do with me. I think it has to do with me being a bad person in a previous life. The more I research it, the more I think there could be something to reincarnation. I will post more after my appointment and let you know how my session goes.
As a Christian, I do not believe in Reincarnation
I about shit myself when I read this OP because my granddaughter did this the other day, I'm not going into the whole story, but the way she explained to me what a cannon can do right down to how you feel near a blast and what it does, it's pretty freaky.
you should talk about stuff like that with her more.
you should talk about stuff like that with her more.

She's lived with me her whole life and we do talk alot,thats why this was so interesting,..all started Thursday with a little cannon music ornament. She told me how they were used , how people would die and that before she was in her " real moms" stomach, her " other mom" had told her to run when the blast were coming.........I guess she didnt run fast enough
She's lived with me her whole life and we do talk alot,thats why this was so interesting,..all started Thursday with a little cannon music ornament. She told me how they were used , how people would die and that before she was in her " real moms" stomach, her " other mom" had told her to run when the blast were coming.........I guess she didnt run fast enough

Thats crazy man. I talked to a few people online about their kids and how they speak about past lives, I wish I could meet one of these kids in person and have a talk. They start to forget a lot when they are older. My little cousins mom was telling a story about her son and a big hawk. The hawk flew right down to him and perched up on a chainlink fence and starting chirping to the little guy. He was gunna go up to pet it before his mom took him away from it. He told his mom that the hawked spoke to him, when asked what the hawk said my cousin said its a secret. That was when he was 4. Hes 11 now and he cant remember. Hes quite a sharp little kid too, very mature for his age.