Well-Known Member
its gotta be something to it. they are running out of things to show us these days so they will create anything. never again do i want to live on this earth. im going to heaven after this life.
this post doesn't make sense.... you state your going to heaven but have you ever seen it? is it a physical place? how do you know there is a heaven and what exactly is heaven. does heaven have a purpose? when you get to heaven, what happens after that? you live happily ever after?...... not saying heaven isn't real, and not saying it is,.... but how can you disregard reincarnation and in the same sentence talk about heaven? how do you know heaven is not as false as you believe reincarnation to be?its gotta be something to it. they are running out of things to show us these days so they will create anything. never again do i want to live on this earth. im going to heaven after this life.
I believe in the paranormal now after watching this video,scary shit man.
keep your bullshit to yourself, it helps no one.
you should talk about stuff like that with her more.I about shit myself when I read this OP because my granddaughter did this the other day, I'm not going into the whole story, but the way she explained to me what a cannon can do right down to how you feel near a blast and what it does, it's pretty freaky.
you should take your own advice, pad.
Reality dont give a fuck about what your beliefs are lol. I see you are trying to get out of ss&p and be infectious. Too bad most people are immune.
you should talk about stuff like that with her more.
I should not touch this; no good can come of it.
But here is my feline-lethal curiosity.
What is a Certified LBL Therapist?
Who is the certifying agency?
What is being certified,
and by what protocol?
I'm still curious about this. cn
She's lived with me her whole life and we do talk alot,thats why this was so interesting,..all started Thursday with a little cannon music ornament. She told me how they were used , how people would die and that before she was in her " real moms" stomach, her " other mom" had told her to run when the blast were coming.........I guess she didnt run fast enough