Ghost??? pic included!!


Well-Known Member
looks like a blur from the cam, a smudge on the lenses or a reflection, if you notice theri is also some other small white things in theri as well. most likely it looks like the flash was for sure on, and that being said theri was most likely something white in the closet as well witch made it show up.
doe snot look like any sort of paranormal activity at. most paranormal activity is more like paranoia activity.

not trying to be a dick just being real with waht i see.

haha just saw the post above mine and realized it said almost the same thing.
my bad


Well-Known Member
it looks like a dog, you can see a snout, some darker spots that look like eyes (but would prob reflect), you can see kinda front legs and possibly the bump of hind legs. is there a dog in this house?


Well-Known Member
Over 90% of the ghost pictures and videos on the 'net are reflections, smoke/condensed breath, dust or something totally normal at a weird angle or something. I have seen and experienced paranormal stuff so I do believe there is something pout there, but damn....too many folks are so eager to think they've caught something they don't use a critical eye or common sense


Well-Known Member
its just a splotch. the human brain likes to see patterns and faces in things, even if they are not patterns or faces