GHS Bing Bang + GHS Hawaiian Snow Grow

MY 1ST Grow
Ok even tho i say its my 1ST grow, its not. My 1ST grow went horribly wrong because i was a total noob, i had 2 GHS Train Wreck, 2 Big Buddah Bubble Cheese and 2 Afghan.
All was cuttings from a friend who grows amazing weed, but i started flowering before they were rooted properly and topped em to death, the result was 3 turned hermie, 1 died and the two left (Afghan) was seeded from the hermie. and all i got was like 1/2 ounce. I Cried!

so im takin this grow as my 1ST

This grow is already underway infact ive just started flowering, have no previous pics, but will be uploading some pics tomorrow.

Heres my setup:
2 x GHS Big Bang
2 x GHS Hawaiian Snow
4 x 20LTR (about that anyway) pots
1 x Desk fan
1 x 600watt HPS light
1 x Carbon Filter and TT fan
1 x Ionic Grow, Bloom and Boost
soil is a mixture of Mirical Grow Magic soil, and perlite

in a cupboard about 1m sq and normal room hight, cupbaord already has a extraction fan always on at the top like one in a bathroom, a veny on the front for intake and a rail, to hang the light on!!!! How cool already setup eh
You will see in pics

OK i know im rambling on but heres a quick update on whats happened so far,

Planted all 4 seeds same day, and they took about a week to sprout, quite quick i thought :D
18/6 on the light, and i vegged for 8 weeks.
They have been flowering now for..10 days as i started the 1ST of this month

I did have a few problems with the Hawaiian Snow, the leafs had a lot of rust spots and verry yellowy looking, i thought maybee the food was doing it - so i watered em in the shower for `10 mins each to rinse em off, and left em in the dark 4 2 days, then back with the Big Bang. They seem to have sorted em selfs out a bit but i dont have high hopes, you shall see in the pics tomorrow.

The Big Bang on the other hand are amazing i think, well because of my small space 1 MTR sq, i have had to create a SOG of such for 1/2 the space and left 1/2 for the Hawaiian Snow - they seem to like it any way and have produced a nice canopy i think.

I havent bothered with the PH on any plants.

The big bang started to slow down on the upward growing at about 2 1/2 FT and ive been supercropping the Hawaiian snow to stay at the same level and hopfully create a full SOG in the 1x1 MT space.

Ive heard u can get a big yeild of both these strains, and so far they look ok to me but im a noob. i did make sure this time they vegged enough and have been removing yellow leaves at the bottom of the canopy etc, so fingers crossed.

Anyway cant really think of what else to say right now, ill upload some pics of each plant and the grow space tomorrow, and hope u guys got some good advice for me :D

PS. This is why i chose a indica and sativa strain , my theory is... the Big Bank will be read at 8-9 weeks, so after i havest those and hang them for 2 weeks and start curing for perfection for 2 weeks, they will be lovely dry n cured to smoke, and as i start smoking that stash, my Hawaiian snow will be ready for Harvest. sooo i just hjope i get a decent amount off the Big Bang to last while the Hawaiian Snow are finishing and drying. i dont have a clue at what sort of yeild i will get off any of em, i just hope i could get even half of what the GHS videos show on youtube. infact 1/2 would be amazing :D