GHS Kalashnikova+bagseed roots organic soil first grow. Take a look


Hello all
Green house seed Kalashnikova Germed march 19th via moist paper towel in plastic tubber ware and left on top of my cable box. seed popped next day moved to rapid rooter in a tray under "50 watt lamp". sprayed rapid rooter 3-4 times daily or as I seen fit. Within 2 days i had my first leaves opening up and she was stretching like mad for the light. After I seen a decent amount of good looking roots coming out of the side and bottom of the rooter (about a week and a half later) I moved it into my one gallon smart pot filled with roots organic soil and into my tent under a 400w hps from htg with a grow bright bulb. i was worried about soil being to hot (nute wise) but that's why I waited nearly 2 weeks from germ to move her into the soil and so far so good. She's been thriving ever since, throwing out sets of leaves left and right.

Also have a few bag seed growing from what I believe was a kush plant turned hermie. There were started around march 10th the same way as the Kalashnikova and also are sitting in roots organic. The bag seed seem to be real stretchy but hey I'm new to this.
Temp with lights on sits at a nice 72 f n humidity at 40 %, temp w lights off usually sits around 62-65 w humidity at 30-40 %. I have a small 6 inch clip on fan running 24/7 shaking the plants nicely giving them some ridiculous stems already. Also have a 250 cfm inline fan that I flip on every hour or 2 to bring fresh air in to the 3x2x5 tent.
Haven't really started using nutes yet except for a few drops of superthrive since day one. I have gh flora micro and flora bloom which were given to me brand new never opened and bought 2 months ago. Then I have what came with my tent/light, soul synthetics grow and bloom by aurora, and lastly super thrive and a small black bottle that only says amino treatment sample guy at hydro store have it to me for free I don't know much about it thow. Plan on picking up some cal mag next week or well see how things play out. I haven't really decided what way to go nute wise as I noe gh is for hydro and soul synthetics is made by the same people that make the soil I'm using but soul stuff isn't organic but has some in it. I've just bin watering with Phed water from 6.2-6.5 with a few drops of superthrive per gallon. Any advice on nutes or with the Kalashnikova strain would be appreciated, questions welcome to. I'm new myself by would be glad to help anyone. More pics to come peace out my fellow smokers

First pic is Kalashnikova day 20ish, then my nutes and last 2 are bag seed a little older then the Kalashnikova


Damn sorry for the run along rant I know it's tough to read with no spaces..
Will get some pics of my tent tomorrow. Gn all


Well-Known Member
Looking good so far. Don't worry, it seems this forums users can be a bit dull when it comes to droppin comments.

Is this strain some ak47 hybrid? How far is ur hps from the plant, and what size is the final pot for her gonna be?


Well-Known Member
Plants look good, The one bagseed is nice and tight.
A penny per view would still only be $1.33


I love how the asshole who makes a post to ask how to get clones if he's doesn't live in a medical state gets like 10 negative replies in a hour just because of how stupid he is.
spacebuddha thanks my hps is about 8 inches away from top of tallest plant. I got the seed from attitude it's from green house seeds and its the photoperiod one not the auto flower I'm not sure what strains it's a mix of or anything. And the Kalashnikova sits in a one gallon smart pot but thinking of moving to a 3 gallon bucket or a 3 gallon smart pot before flower so mayb another month.
and Ricky it's funny how there both the same bagseed but are growing so much differently.


Anyone got any info on that black bottle that says amino treatment sample? Or how the soul synthetics works w the roots organic soil ?


Well-Known Member
I love how the asshole who makes a post to ask how to get clones if he's doesn't live in a medical state gets like 10 negative replies in a hour just because of how stupid he is.
spacebuddha thanks my hps is about 8 inches away from top of tallest plant. I got the seed from attitude it's from green house seeds and its the photoperiod one not the auto flower I'm not sure what strains it's a mix of or anything. And the Kalashnikova sits in a one gallon smart pot but thinking of moving to a 3 gallon bucket or a 3 gallon smart pot before flower so mayb another month.
and Ricky it's funny how there both the same bagseed but are growing so much differently.
This Kalashikova strain seems really interesting, greenhouse website says it's ak47 x white widow :weed:

I had to keep my plants about double as far from the light as yours are, some of them had a bad reaction to the temps or light intensity, so remember to observe that carefully. ;)
I also found that the plants burst into faster growth right after I transplanted them, which I did really early, besides there's the talk about avoiding stressing your plants around 3rd to 4th week to incrase chance of a female plant, so you may wanna transplant early rather than later.

Debating on topping the klashnikova
Topping is one way to increase yeild, but it stunts growth for a while I believe, perhaps you should also read into low stress training.


"I also found that the plants burst into faster growth right after I transplanted them, which I did really early, besides there's the talk about avoiding stressing your plants around 3rd to 4th week to incrase chance of a female plant, so you may wanna transplant early rather than later."

some good info/advice right there spacebuddha, I dropped by your grow btw looking mighty fine


image.jpgimage.jpg klashnikova day 26 from germ. gave her hes first dose of nutes yesterday. soul synthetics grow 5 ml and a couple drops of superthrive like always and the water was at 6.5. still seeing new set of leaves daily and shes stackig pretty tight. cAnt wait to see what she looks like in flower.