GHS Super Lemon Haze grow/smoke report


Well-Known Member
14grams?!?!?!?! i got more than that from an auto....... (my profile pic)
thats an absolutely horrible yield.. and i just ordered some with the 4/20 promo:-(
ill veg for 4-6 weeks, see what they can do :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
So I have 2 clones from a seed of SLH that are in the 5th week of flower, I germed two seeds, and they were both distinct in their own. One indica, one sativa.

The indica clones did not make it, leaving me the Sativa dominant seed's clones. I define is as the "ass of skunk" pheno, real rank odor, even in veg- when things are going well.

As im reading through all of these reviews, and some others, im seeing patterns come up.

My question is: How many varieties of pheno's would you say we are looking at? Is it black and white, or are you likely to find traits crossed between the two more often than not?

Like.. could I find an indica built, stinky ass, heavy yielding, super-go buzz dream machine in this ol' 10 pack? haha I really am excited for this strain, just trying to get an idea of how many variations per seed im going to be looking at if I decide to go with a few 12/12FS

Feel free to swing over and check them out as well!


Well-Known Member
Every strain I've ever grown has some or a lot of variation and I wouldn't classify any phenotypes I've gotten from any seeds as identical. Similar perhaps, never the same though.


Well-Known Member
Its a cross of super silver haze. I've used this strain to breed with before and what I noticed was lots of variation. From my crosses I found a sativa that had the best taste, but kept a larger yielding indica variation also that had a similar taste just not as sharp. The yield made up for the flavor. I would buy at least 2 packs of these if your serious about finding a keeper of this. Each 5 females will yield one decent mom of either a sat dominant structure or a indica structure. Having 2 packs will get you one of each. If you have bad luck it will take more but that's generally what I see from ssh crosses. I grabbed 4 packs myself, but its not on the agenda yet since they have phenos that take over 12 weeks.


Currently running GHS SLH. In 2nd week of veg and dayyyym am having problems. Main problem is they're growing at a snail's pace.
Roots are solid, bright white but above the soil, ain't nothing great happening. Anyone else experienced this? First week they got
just ph'd water. This second week I've given them some BioBizz Algamic, small amounts of AN's Sensi Grow and Power Thrive.

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
I've currently got 2 SLH growing right now @5wks in flower.. mine were slow veggers too they only got 2 wks before 12/12 .. This cut i got smells good so far ,doesn't have many branches to it and looks like it'll be a low yield-er without a decent veg time..i think it'll be done in 8/9wks..



Well-Known Member
I usually top all ssh crosses because they tend to stretch like a mo fo. If you find a skunk dominant one, all the colas after you top them will grow into the size of a main cola.


Well-Known Member
The pheno that I ran into when I grew this strain out was a more sativa dominant one, but I have to admit that it was an awesome strain! The buds were greasy to the touch because they had so many crystals on them. My pheno also had the skunky stem rub all the way back in veg. It wasn't a great yielder or anything. I think I got around 2 ozs. under a 400w light. I got this one as a freebie from Attitude, so I ended up buying another 5 pk. afterwards just because I liked it so much. The smoke was very strong and it finished up in 63 days of 12/12. It also doubled in size after the flip to 12/12. Not really that much stretch to deal with. My pheno had a very strong lemon smell but it didn't translate to the palate as much, but I still loved the taste. I plan on growing it again here sometime soon!


Active Member
I grew GHS SLH last year, turned out a great plant.
Its yield was less than the Vanilla Kush (Indica) I had growing next to it which was to be expected.
The smell and flavour was very distinct and sour, I could easily tell it was SLH when it was twisted.
Anyway I would personally recommend this strain, and looking forward to growing it again.

20130325_194517.jpg IMG_2302.jpg (on the left) IMG_2376.jpg (Vanilla Kush vs Super Lemon Haze vs Bio Diesel Mass Auto)
I've grown SLH a couple of times, love the smoke. Hasn't been a big yielder for me, but I just grow for myself, so I really don't care, as long as I get some good smoke. Funke where did you get those jars?


Active Member
Bought those jars from the Reject shop for like $2 and $4 a piece.
They work very well, the seal has kept some of my MJ at the right moisture for up to a year even.
Plus the glass makes it super easy to clean if you get mould on your bud.