Ghs trainwreck & bigbang grow 250w


Well-Known Member
and some of up in the loft, i like the idea of using the lights vertically and using 360 degrees of light from the bulb



Well-Known Member
TAM, LMAO!!!! I am laughing my ass off thinkng of you and all these damn plants. your humping 'em up and down from the loft, probably sweating like hell cause those are big plants and big pots!!! go ahead and take a break and burn one while we look at a few of these shots!!! LMAO

your making great use of the space man! and +rep if it lets me!!


Well-Known Member
TAM, LMAO!!!! I am laughing my ass off thinkng of you and all these damn plants. your humping 'em up and down from the loft, probably sweating like hell cause those are big plants and big pots!!! go ahead and take a break and burn one while we look at a few of these shots!!! LMAO

your making great use of the space man! and +rep if it lets me!!
Lol yeah I have had a bit of a chuckle to my self aswell, they are too big to be moving around really, 3 weeks veg maximum in future and no sativas lol

And don't worry I've lit up 3 this evening so I'm nicely stoned :joint:

looking good bro, im prob gonna need the balast back after your done bud. you can buy a new one for £65 on
Your better off buying a new one as they do eventually die. mine have done a lot of work!
That's cool mate, I think I will buy one of them in the next couple weeks and then tell Tom come and get it, very much appreciated shrig cheers dude, I will get a few tasters your way:joint:

Now I must try and not go for a 600w !!!


Well-Known Member
hey guys just a little update, i have repotted the two ak48's and they are now up in the loft to join the other ladys :-P i used the westlands advance plus that i will always be using from now on because in my opinion its great stuff, even without perlite it has a great texture to it and i think the roots love it.

the mutant reveg is going to be kept vegging until i master this cloning thing lol. and of course a few more pics of the rest of them

yum home made pastys for tea :hump:



Well-Known Member
man im feeling lazy lately :-? not much going on really, should have some canna pk13/14 and some more bloom nutes shortly, these three ladys have eaten their way through a 500ml bottle of bio bizz bloom nutes already :shock: only got enough left for one more watering. The ak's are also doing well, heres to me getting two females :weed: or atleast one female hopefully have a 50/50 male female ratio like i did in my first grow. im also still trying to pick a few new femd seeds but cant make my mind up lol

heres a few pics



Well-Known Member
And the Snowwhite mutant that im keeping as a mother is growing well, i took 4 clones from her 1 week ago and i reckon i could take another 4 already :shock: shes only got 1 45w 6400k cfl over her. by keeping her as a mother will let me master this cloning thing, when i want to take more cuttings im gonna get some root riot cubes, on ebay they have the same things as root riots but half the price just no fancy names.

when the trainwreck and bigbang are done im gonna start a new journal in the journal section that i will just keep running as im all over the place lol kind of like a perpetual/ongoing grow but totally unorganised!! :lol::lol:

anyway guys talk soon



Well-Known Member
looks good tam. what you breeding?
good to see you gum, i did have plans on getting a male out of the two ak48's and then pollinate the female ak and the mutant snowwhite so i would get a shitload of seed, as long as its a good male it would be some real stinky killer smoke. so i have been thinking of going ahead with it now :) would keep this project very cheap and would always have some beans


Well-Known Member
good to see you gum, i did have plans on getting a male out of the two ak48's and then pollinate the female ak and the mutant snowwhite so i would get a shitload of seed, as long as its a good male it would be some real stinky killer smoke. so i have been thinking of going ahead with it now :) would keep this project very cheap and would always have some beans
Go, go, the SW48!