GHS white rhino report?


Active Member
white rhino is the Widow BX? i've tried some, grower conditions were probably not very good, as the quality of the nugs were subpar, but I had enough of it to tell you its going to be stinky...


Active Member
I harvested white rhino in april. Smoke smells and tastes sooo sweet. I just love it. I'm keeping it in my rotation. Though it can be touchy especially when going from T-5 to HPS. Here is a pic of a couple of the buds. Too bad there isn't smell-o-vision!DSC02591.jpg


Active Member
I've found clones I've taken from WR progress more slowly than other strains like Big Bud and OG Kush. Just have to baby them a little. They wilt fast if taken out of the dome too early. I transplant them into party cups then pull the grid out of the clone dome and put the cups under the dome and slowly open the vents until the plant is acclimated. I keep the dome on top of my T-5 4' 4-plex for warmth with another T-5 4' 2-plex about ten inches above dome.


Active Member
ur ghsc buds looks like very i thought i had pulled it early.. perhaps thats just how the shit looks.. eh o_O


Active Member
I harvested it at 62 days...when trichs just started turning amber. Does your stuff smell and smoke sweet? Almost like a petuna smell.


Well-Known Member
hmm, im an ok cloner.... for a long time i had trouble with my clones not getting nitrogen after they rooted,added a small amount of nutes and they turnt good and green.
i just hope i can get a few good clones from her.. . .. want to try a few outdoors in harsh conditions. ... .