Giant bullshit, need help! (Non pot related!!!)Ladies, look here!

Iron, Lion, Zion

Active Member
According to our attourney, she has found him in violation of at least 5 different employment laws, including Sexual Discrimination, Pregnancy Discrimination, and Herassment. She says that we are easily looking at $120,000 after she takes her cut, but the fight would take at least a year in a half. She says that it would be worth it to us, if we was to stick the deal out all the way and show up to every court date. She also recommended that we change jobs ASAP. I am looking into a 3 bedroom 2 bath, garage and basement for $450 a month, split with a friend that is also medicinal. In the end, we're going to be well off, I would think.
That sounds good. Good luck with this whole fiasco.


Well-Known Member
I have to ask, why didn't you just leave your work and take your wife to the hospital (regardless of what your boss said) as soon asy ou found out she was going into labor?


Active Member
Because my boss had us by the balls. We live in his apartments and he had actually threatened our ability to continue living within his house. This is almost wrapped up. I'm moving out within 2 weeks and we have him wrapped up in his attourney (we have many lawsuits on this)


Well-Known Member
Because my boss had us by the balls. We live in his apartments and he had actually threatened our ability to continue living within his house. This is almost wrapped up. I'm moving out within 2 weeks and we have him wrapped up in his attourney (we have many lawsuits on this)
thanks for the update. keep us posted. i am interested in how this all turns out.


Active Member
This is amazing.
"My boss/employer would not let me leave my work to take her to the hospital when she went up to him and told the guy that she was in labor."

The amazing part:
had to stay an additional 3 hours on the job (we are 58 miles from the hospital). When we actually left my job, my wife was 9 centimeters dialated and there was a breach.

You actually stayed. Listen im not going to do the obvious shit talking, because everyone is thinking the same thing about you at this point.

All im gonna say is its time to grow up, cause you have a mother and daughter to take care of. From now on, they come first, before the job and everything else. Its a good policy to put family first, before the job, especially shitty jobs that can be replaced by other shitty jobs.


Active Member
I read some more. I suggest you find a better job overall after having your way with that douchebag. Some good job where maybe you're someone elses boss. This way you can develop an ego. That way next time some shit pusher orders you to ignore the fact that your wife is in labor and leave a 2 year old unattended for half an hour, youll have the self respect to protect your family instead of just obey.

Im convinced my comments are going to come across as insults, but its pretty tough to be honest with this one and not call you out a bit. Regardless of the situation.


Active Member
Also there is a new way to fuck your employer that you should consider if you have not, since your description of this guy makes me want to punch him in the face, a bunch of times, I hope he was using pirated computer software or pirated mp3s at his place of business.

You can report software piracy and a lil over a year ago I was hearing commercials offering up rewards for people to rat on their bosses. Big rewards are probably for big offenders, but you might be able to add this to the salad of shit you're dishing up for him.