Gibberellic Acid ?


Well-Known Member
Each seed pod is a pod that has been pollinated. No pollen, no seed.

GA will, as stated, cause the male flowers to start. AKA, a hermie. You don't want to self pollinate a plant. You want to use that GA pollen on a separate plant (not a clone from the same mother)
Sorry, not a hermie, a natural plant reaction, different than hermies, bro.


Well-Known Member
if you have 3 plants, all clones from the same mother, its genetically, one plant. To force male flowers and using that pollen on any of the 3, the seeds will most likely be hermie seeds. (think inbreeding)

2 Different mothers is a much better/safer way to go.

If the plant is that special to you, just keep cloning her (plus it wlli always be a female.)
ever heard of back crossing? I think you need to study a little more before you keep misleading people with all this crap about hermis and ga3, hermis occur when the plant is stressed, ga3 is a natural plant hormone (for the thousandth time) that switches female flowering back to male flowers, pretty simple. No hermis, otherwise every single female seed out there would hermi. think about it. most of the "breeders" are using the same stuff, how do you think they get female seeds in the first place? Jeez!


Active Member
I just finished reading a piece that talks about GA in an old HIGHTIMES mag, the Oct. 2001 edition.

I find this topic very interesting, and obviously more research is needed in this area. Human safety concerns being the first issue that needs to be addressed, beyond that, if safe to use, I see only good things coming from this. What a joy it would be to create your own fem seed, you could in theory build your own personal seedbank, containing your favorite strains in a fem only status.


Well-Known Member
Real good reading. Would like to see more talk in this thread from people who do this to make seeds and their process...