Gimme a Call

As long as we all hide behind our nicknames , it's good,not really they still know who you are,,do we want marijuanna legal,,,yes we do,,,I understand that in the states,,you can get fucked over,,very easily,,if everyone knew who you were,,,not sure about other countries,,prolly close to the same,,,dunno,,I'm from Canada,,,and if the cops wanna come take my lights and 4 plants,,let em come,,,but were not helping ourselves to getting pot legal everywhere,when we sit around in here acting like kids on bongs,,you gotta come out the closet,,no matter where you are from,,I've done this before,and I'm doin it again,so I'm gonna set some rules down,,first off my name is Ed,,I live in southern ontario,,Canada,,I grow dope,,let em come,,,and I smoke dope,try and catch me,,and we should all be able to talk about it,,,so instead of looking for balls on your plant,,grow some balls,,and gimme a call,,just to say high,,talk shit whatever,,it's 1025 in the evening,,if I don't pick up I'm on the phone,,,don't leave a message,,just call back,,,goin to the garage to get high,,drink some beers and await your calls,,,,1 416 605 9546,,,can't wait to talk to someone I know but don't know

Keep on Growin


goin outside now,,no pc out there so don't reply here
No takers,,,,ok,,,,,no worries,,,,,,,but know this,,,,,I ain't A Scared,,,,,internet or otherwise
I would say,,,,since it's Saturday night,,,,,,,or early eavenng out West,,,,,,,10;26 pm here,,,that that is why noone is calling,,,you must be out partying,,,,no worries,,,I'll be back,,,,Cheers Everyone
Is this real
I'm eating cheetos (chechitos) imported from Mexico. Fortified with vitamins and minerals (fortificado con vitaminas y minerales).
text me

I don't care,,,,,just wanna relate to my grow site better than blah blah blah
might as well cancell my subscription,,,,,,since no one calls,,,not even a new text,,,,,,I find this site to be full of people who are all gay,,,,,,no balls,,,,I grow dope but hide behind an avitar and a made up name,,,,,,,,what is social media,,if we can't be social,,,,oh,,,,we can only be social,,,,online,,,,,,,better get me an online girlfriend,,,,,,or a really good porn site,,,,,I grow pot,,smoke pot,,,,,,,and ain't AScared
might as well cancell my subscription,,,,,,since no one calls,,,not even a new text,,,,,,I find this site to be full of people who are all gay,,,,,,no balls,,,,I grow dope but hide behind an avitar and a made up name,,,,,,,,what is social media,,if we can't be social,,,,oh,,,,we can only be social,,,,online,,,,,,,better get me an online girlfriend,,,,,,or a really good porn site,,,,,I grow pot,,smoke pot,,,,,,,and ain't AScared
If anyone is awake right now,,,,,just text me and say Hey,,,,I will not answer,,,but will appreciate it,,,I woulda answered earlier,,,,,,ok I may still,,,,,but I ain't stayin up all night
Lol hole you drank like 56 beers bro. You going to give me a formidable drinking partner.

1.court at 10pm
2. Hop on train to meet you
3. Hope i dont get caught with cocaine at tge courthouse.
4. Kill 4 cases o beer
sorry i missed your lastest post. enjoyed chatting with you last time.

wife did get on my ass for that call thou...long distance and out of country. i dont see the bills here, my wife handles our/her monies.