ginsberg's dire warning coming true already

Clearly this is an epidemic. Gays everywhere are being dragged into the streets after drinking from a hetero-only water fountain. They don't get loans. They can't go to good schools. I'm surprised we even let them vote! Yeah, totally the same thing.

this certainly sounds like you are mocking gays for their quest to achieve equal rights, such as marriage equality, workplace protections, civil rights, and the like.

but hey, it's something that should be mocked, right?

just because they fight in wars for our country doesn;t mean their partner should enjoy the same benefits as a straight person's partner, right?

that's certainly worthy of some more ridicule, let them have it tough guy.

I hate to break it to you, but being gay is not the problem with these shop owners. It's not like they administer a gay test when you walk through the door, give me a fucking break. It's all about acting appropriately in public and it doesn't matter what culture/sub culture/lifestyle you come from.

so tell me about how the gay couples who have been denied wedding services at cake shops, florists, and photographers were acting inappropriately in public.

after all, you have stated this is why they were denied service. it wasn't straight bigotry and persecution from christians, it was all THEIR fault according to you.

let's see you back that statement of yours up.
gays have been denied service at florists, cake shops, and photographers just because they are gay. they have ZERO workplace protection in most states, meaning they can be fired just because they are gay (and they have been). they are denied a whole host of other rights that you not only take for granted, but straight up MOCK them for not having.

you feel good about yourself?

LMFAO. That's your list? A cake shop and a florist? What are these whole hosts of rights? And this is the last time I'll run a lap around retard park with you. I was mocking you.

are you ever gonna show me this supposed insult?

because i don't see how it's insulting for me to note that i am not surprised by an anti-gay rant ending in a vivid depiction of gay male on male sexual relations. i'm just not surprised at all.
That doesn't surprise me that you don't see how it's insulting.

they've done studies about people like you and the other dude who mock the lack of rights gays face, people with homophobic attitudes like that are generally harboring some latent homosexual feelings that they're unaware of or deny having.

not an insult, just science.
They've don't studies about people like me? So you have scientific proof that I'm homophobic? Ever hear of libel? Talk about clown shoes.

i'm not denying it, just pointing out that you never seem to have a problem with it when any of your ideological allies makes fun of one our gay members because their gay partner was beat to death in a hate crime and the lack of rights that gays have comes back to bite them.

kind of sick of you to be so one sided with your manufactured outrage.
Yeah, see.. I already disarmed this lame tactic of yours in my last post. You won't get me to defend other peoples comments, nor does what they've said excuse your own. Try and keep up.

you'll have to ask them. i certainly noted that you were mocking gays for not having the same rights you take for granted.
I did. So far nobody has backed up your lame ass back pedal. Gee, wonder why?

yeah, it just makes you a hypocrite who sides with the hateful homophobes and bigots. congrats.

LOL. You are really running outta material aren't you?
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this certainly sounds like you are mocking gays for their quest to achieve equal rights, such as marriage equality, workplace protections, civil rights, and the like.

but hey, it's something that should be mocked, right?

just because they fight in wars for our country doesn;t mean their partner should enjoy the same benefits as a straight person's partner, right?

that's certainly worthy of some more ridicule, let them have it tough guy.
annnnd yet another lap around retard park.

so tell me about how the gay couples who have been denied wedding services at cake shops, florists, and photographers were acting inappropriately in public.

after all, you have stated this is why they were denied service. it wasn't straight bigotry and persecution from christians, it was all THEIR fault according to you.

let's see you back that statement of yours up.

And more twisting. I said acting inappropriately was the real problem with anybody who gets ejected from a store, not for being gay or belonging to some other lifestyle or culture. Tell me.. how do you even know if somebody is gay to begin with? Is there a litmus test at the door?

Clearly you are finished, just give this up. You can't seem to move beyond your first post on a single point. Unless you have something new, run the laps yourself.
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annnnd yet another lap around retard park.

And more twisting. I said acting inappropriately was the real problem with anybody who gets ejected from a store, not for being gay or belonging to some other lifestyle or culture. Tell me.. how do you even know if somebody is gay to begin with? Is there a litmus test at the door?

Clearly you are finished, just give this up. You can't seem to move beyond your first post on a single point. Unless you have something new, run the laps yourself.
when you ask for two grooms on your cake.............................
LMFAO. That's your list? A cake shop and a florist? What are these whole hosts of rights? And this is the last time I'll run a lap around retard park with you. I was mocking you.

so basic civil rights are not important then?

sounds like something a homophobic bigoted asshole would say.

keep mocking people who simply want basic civil rights. it's a nice look for you.

That doesn't surprise me that you don't see how it's insulting.

explain it to me then.

why is it insulting that i am not surprised when someone ends an anti-gay rant with a vivid depiction of what they believe male on male gay sex to be?

spell it out, your BIG BRAIN is obviously leagues ahead of me here.

They've don't studies about people like me? So you have scientific proof that I'm homophobic? Ever hear of libel? Talk about clown shoes.

yeah, you mock the concept of basic civil rights for gays, or workplace protections for gays, or spousal benefits for gay service members, or any other number of rights denied to gays, but you're totally not a homophobe.

Yeah, see.. I already disarmed this lame tactic of yours in my last post. You won't get me to defend other peoples comments, nor does what they've said excuse your own. Try and keep up.

i'm not asking you to defend anyone else's comments, i'm pointing out that you only get all pussyhurt and irate when i use those tactics.

you have no problem when other people use those same tactics, as long as they are on your side in mocking gays for wanting equal rights.

that's called hypocrisy, you retard.
And more twisting. I said acting inappropriately was the real problem with anybody who gets ejected from a store, not for being gay

then why did the gay couple get booted from that oregon cake shop?

why did the gay couple get booted from the washington flower shop?

why did the gay couple get denied service at the new mexico photographer?

surely they must have been acting inappropriately, according to you and your BIG BRAIN.

all that's left is for you to demonstrate that these soon to be married couples were being totally inappropriate and that's why they got booted, not simply because they were paying customers who happened to be gay.

let's see you actually put your money where your mouth is for once, assmunch.
so i take it you don't have any evidence hat these gay couple being denied service were acting inappropriately then?

Just to be clear, none of those individuals were booted from the flower shop OR the bakery. They would have been allowed to buy anything on the shelf and could have purchased any OTHER product that didn't involve the owner to be directly involved in an act they found to be against their religion.

Could they have bought a birthday cake? Yup.
Could they have bought a dozen roses? Yup.

The only service they were denied was the one that conflicted with the owner's religious beliefs.

Personally, I think the owners are idiots for their beliefs and should provide the services anyways. But, my opinion, much like your own, means close to nothing to the owner.
The only service they were denied was the one that conflicted with the owner's religious beliefs.

so in other words, they weren't denied service because they were acting inappropriately, but they were denied service because the owner was a bigot?

how is that any different than booting someone for their skin color or nationality, or any other protected civil right status?
so in other words, they weren't denied service because they were acting inappropriately, but they were denied service because the owner was a bigot?

how is that any different than booting someone for their skin color or nationality, or any other protected civil right status?
everything is a "civil right"..............except bigotry?
the ONLY thing that is not tolerated in America, is intolerance. that's