ginsberg's dire warning coming true already


Well-Known Member
but you said you would serve them willingly.

i guess you were lying about that. i guess you need to be "coerced" into serving blacks after all.

You sure have a hell of a time understanding someones point. Are you really this stupid, or just being hardheaded to get your rocks off? How many more months of this back-and-forth is it going to take to get you to comprehend what he is saying? Nobody says you have to agree with him, but a third grader could see what it is he is saying.

And in case you forgot, No one here even likes you. I guess that is your intention though. So you at least win at that one.


Well-Known Member
You sure have a hell of a time understanding someones point. Are you really this stupid, or just being hardheaded to get your rocks off? How many more months of this back-and-forth is it going to take to get you to comprehend what he is saying? Nobody says you have to agree with him, but a third grader could see what it is he is saying.

And in case you forgot, No one here even likes you. I guess that is your intention though. So you at least win at that one.
he seems to be saying that he has to be "coerced" into serving black people and that he has no freedom because of it.


Well-Known Member
he seems to be saying that he has to be "coerced" into serving black people and that he has no freedom because of it.

And you think you can change his mind? What's your point? Don't you ever get tired of repeating the same shit, day in and day out? There are a lot of us here who sure get tired of reading it. Add something useful. 60,000 posts of redundant dribble. Are you even capable of having a mature conversation?


Well-Known Member
i'm having fun pointing out the contradiction between the fake lip service he pays and his real beliefs.

what's your point, besides to broadcast to all of us how bitter you are?

are you?

If anyone here is bitter it would be you. You project nothing but hatred. No one here likes you.


Well-Known Member
he seems to be saying that he has to be "coerced" into serving black people and that he has no freedom because of it.
I asked you before, if an establishment is open to the public, should a business owner be forced into serving paedophiles and rapists, or is that "different" ??

I personally take a non-coloured view to business, the only colour I see is green, but the question above still stands.


Well-Known Member
I just wasted 30 minutes of my life reading this thread.

It looks as if this section of the forum is trolled by a guy who takes morally defensible positions, yet defends them in logically indefensible ways.

Advocating for civil rights is a good thing to do. People need some protections to ensure they get basic services. But civil rights cut both ways.

If a pro life organization was hosting a $500/plate fund raising banquet to fight Roe v Wade, how many feminist caterers might refuse to prepare food that would be sold to fight something she believed in?

Of course, many would do it because it would be a good payday.

Comparing a poor black person in 1930 Mississippi to a relativly well to do Groomzilla in a same sex marriage demanding a cake is an insult to the plight blacks have endured.

It's not even apples and oranges because those are both fruits. This is apples and waffles


Well-Known Member
I just wasted 30 minutes of my life reading this thread.

It looks as if this section of the forum is trolled by a guy who takes morally defensible positions, yet defends them in logically indefensible ways.

Advocating for civil rights is a good thing to do. People need some protections to ensure they get basic services. But civil rights cut both ways.

If a pro life organization was hosting a $500/plate fund raising banquet to fight Roe v Wade, how many feminist caterers might refuse to prepare food that would be sold to fight something she believed in?

Of course, many would do it because it would be a good payday.

Comparing a poor black person in 1930 Mississippi to a relativly well to do Groomzilla in a same sex marriage demanding a cake is an insult to the plight blacks have endured.

It's not even apples and oranges because those are both fruits. This is apples and waffles
Welcome to politics... UB is a troll extrordinaire.... Dont expect a real conversation with him.

Civil Rights is something that Government should be held to. I dont think anyone would agree with certain things that have happened in the past. The funny thing is that the discrimination was written into the law and the government carried it out. Somewhere along the line people forgot that. What people are arguing now is that the court went too far when ruling on civil rights and chose to apply it to the private sector as well as the public sector. It was at that point that the rights of business owners were suborned by the government.