Its at this point i would like to share with erryone uncle bucky is a racist, who hates albertans, sascatchewan and manatoba folks to. even tho his issue is with me and the people in my area (even tho he dosent know them, or me) he hates us all. and he hates american southerners.
when listening to this iser, notice 36 000 posts. Can you say no life. For how long? t duration of this users existance.
just a warning so erryone knows this user is a racist, and if you disagree with them, they mill make bias accusations against you and erryone in your local. sure sounds like the cat i want advice from...
you know there bucky, if you had higher than a grade 6 education, you would know, not only do you know jack shit, but the fantasy world you live in dosent exist. You arent god, and just because you have ignotant racist beliefs dosent mean anyone else will follow you.
you support peole fucking each other uo the ass, and other disgusting things. why is this ok, and ridding a home of pests tge moral issue. i dont care what gays do, but i dont want to hear about what they do to on another.
and if you support people getting railed up the ass, well gee, i can see where your interests lie.
you are a hipocrite, and the true bigot. you tell us we are hicks and rednecks. you insult bassed on stereotypes. i got some bad news, ya need to go back to school. that grade six cant even get you thru a internet.chatting thing