Girl or Weed?


Well-Known Member
i would never stop smoking for a guy. and i would never ask a guy to stop smoking for me. i just figure if you dont like a person exactly the way they are...then you dont really like them do u? i would never expect someone to change for me...the only time i would even ask someone to change was if they're health/life was in danger. like if a guy i liked started doing hard drugs...then yea...i would say something...but not for mary jane comes first :)


Active Member
yeah fuck bitchs I will never quit smokeing weed never!!!!! Not for some Bitch.
Pussy is awsome but there is so much of it. Dont quit smokeing dude


Active Member
haha, I'm a female and can't believe you're asking that! Weed honey!!!! You can find plenty of females that smoke, or don't mind you smoking. My last boyfriend wouldn't smoke. He had his own choice of pleasure.



Well-Known Member
I was a stoner back in the day. Started dating a girl who wouldnt allow it. Kept dating that girl for nearly three years. Now Im single, smoking, and fuckin that chick on the side.

THATS the way to do it!

But seriously, dont ever let a chick change you. Because its not really "change" its more "suppression." For three years I didnt smoke. Not once. Didnt touch the shit. But I wanted to EVERY SINGLE DAY. Its not worth it to stop. Find a chick who likes you for you.


People don't change and people shouldn't change for some bitch.
Lie to her until you sleep with her then take off and enjoy the weed.
No one needs a ball and chain.


Well-Known Member
dude seriousley...if you posted on here then you know your answer...weed over the girl man...this is for god sake...a marijuana forum now if you post on or somthing like that you will get the oppisite answer...drop the weed and dig the chick...but i say smoke, smoke, smoke!


Well-Known Member
true that if she doesnt like who u are....and smoking pot is such a small thing to dwell on unless your a teenager that giggles when he gets high...then let here go bro or smoke when shes not around...I had a girl that was the same way and had to roll a fatty everyday be4 I saw her and smoke it to get it out the way...hard to just say let her go though if she makes u happy...sometimes weed isnt everything in life and people will learn this


Well-Known Member
To sum that little story up I let that girl go 4 years ago..I have kids now and I still think of her everyday bro..and the new misses even smokes...dont get me wrong I love weed...but it still hasnt filled the space she left


Well-Known Member
The way I see it, there's only two women who'll love you your whole life, that's your mom and Mary Jane.