girl scout cookie plants have only 3 leaves


We purchased a few clones that are thriving but does anyone know if is there a reason the plants only have 3 leaves instead of 5?


Well-Known Member
i don't know about gsc but whenever anyone posts about having 1,2 or 3 leaves....people here say ..."they do that sometimes"


Active Member
Clones could have been taken from a flowering mother and are still attempting to enter the vegetative state completely so it's throwing out immature leaves.

Or it's just the genetics.


Well-Known Member
Probably because you dont have the real deal? The ones I have seen that were supposedly it shot more leaves than three. I have seen them budding supposedly also. keep it green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
It has been said that true GSCs have 3 bladed leafs. Idk for sure, but thats what my fellow Cali growers are saying.


Well-Known Member
I have 3 different strains all throwing off 1,2,3,4 and 5 bladed leaves. Well they were throwing off 1 & 2 bladed leaves a couple weeks ago , now they are getting back on track and throwing out 3 and 5 bladed leaves.

Before I put them out in April they had 5 blades.

My guess is they are not aclimated to being outdoors and the light schedule the sun is on.

But like I said they are gettin.g back on track. I'm sure yours will too


Well-Known Member

I don't know if this is the case but this is a three bladed clone. I took it 2 weeks into flowering. Left side is last week when I put it outside. On the right you can see the single blades coming in from the reveg. 1/3/5/7/9


Well-Known Member
most my old true og clones popp out 3 blades at first ...
This is a result of old clones ...not only ogs.. but ogs being old cuts tend to do so ..
This happens when u take a small cut thats been vegging only so long..

So you gotta figure is your cut geneticallly 3blade.. or just having trouble ... health problems..
Any less than 3 id be concearned.. you shud know the difference when u see healthy and genetic 3bladers..


Active Member
RUDERALIS! No probly health problems. I've never grown kush since everyone else grows it but I have revived some frost bitten plants and they produced three fingered leaves for quite some time but eventually made 5's and 7's.