Girl Scout cookies auto day 32


Active Member
I’ll put a pic or two up of my two for scout cookies just over week 4. Look small to be but it’s my first auto try.
many tips going forward !?


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They look pretty good. Leaf tuck to allow light to bud sites. Low stress train them and if you have to remove a small amount of leafs to get light in do so. Other than that looks good. Do NOT over feed. Autos can be kinda finicky about feed.
I looked it up and it says that your light is a 90 watt light so, with that said you can lower to about15 inches away
One on the right needs a week or so the other one is a few weeks younger hasn’t matured as much yet


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the light says it’s rated for .85 amps so it can not possibly be a 600 watt light.
This is a typical LED scam they post them as a 600 watt light but what they mean is it will most likely replace a 600watt HPS light and it won’t. You have to look at actual wattage the driver puts out. These plants would do much better with at least 4 of these lights.
Not sure of the OP’s tent size but it looks to be a 4x4. I run a true 480watt in a 4x4 and could probably go bigger but the 480 does pretty well in that small space.
If anyone is looking for good lights check out the best deals thread there is some good ones on there. I highly recommend the groplanner 150watt that’s true watts. They are on sale for 40-50 bucks pending what dimmer model they are and 4 of them makes a true 600watt for under 200 bucks. That would rock a 4x4.
It’s best to have more wattage and run them dimmed down as it will extend the life of the driver.