Girl Scout Cookies lower branches are dying, feedback please?


Active Member
hello roll it up members,
i have 11 girl scout cookies 2end week in flour and i cant decide if this is a nitrogen deficiency or what have you, they where suffering from a fungus knat infestation witch i remidied before crucial dammage was done by removing 2 inches and sprinkiling dymatize earth and mosquito dunks as well as added 3% peroxide feed water along with nutes on before placing sand on top of each plant, they seem to be doing good accept for the lower branches on most are dying after turning a yellowish brown color. i decreased the amount of nitrogen to half if not completely from my feeding schedule as house and garden only permit this through the first 2 weeks of flour as optional before stopping the nitrogen. will this problem persist upward towards the other leaves, how can i prevent this from worsening?IMG_0180.JPG IMG_0181.JPG IMG_0181.JPG IMG_0182.JPG IMG_0182.JPG IMG_0186.JPG any feedback would be highly appreciated as this is my first grow op ever....


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If new growth is healthy, leave them or cut them off. Its normal for older growth, especially the oldest, to die as energy is focused on new growth.
AHH i see that's good to know thanks for the advise it is a huge relief...
is there any benefit in removing fan leaf itself at the starting point of the leaf so the plant can suck the remaing nutes from the stem to the other areas of plants? idk why but you would think there would be nutes and energy the plant can suck up from these dead fan leaves...
You can take off some fan leafs after stretch to increase light penetration.
I just cropped the cookies and it came out fire.
Im rocking the forum cut.
i hear defoliating the fan leaves is really beneficial, how would you go about doing so??
i know i make it harder than it seems so any tips would be appreciated...
i know there are countless threads on this topic but from a fellow gsc grower you must have good insight on these girls reactions, would you say mine are forum cut? im not the best strain identifier. but from the pick's ive seen they look legit...
Looks like under watering at some time. When they get to dry they live off the lower leaves. Starting at the tips. Once they are damaged they will die. Take them off. If lower leaves discolor. Fix problem then remove damaged leaves. The plant uses energy to keep those leaves alive. Green is what absobs light and makes energy. So if yellow they are useing the plants energy to live. Not supplying energy.
Hmm I forget sometimes as the plant gets bigger so does her appetite. I feed every other day with these 3 gal buckets there planted in they might need to be feed everyday now.... Idk but as a new grower finding a medium between overwater and underwater can be frustrating, I will tend to them more often, I will defoliate after there stretch I don't want to retard or stunt there progress, thanks for the tips
That's what I'm aiming at
Those little bastards have been having a ball for the last 2 1/2 weeks so I'm assuming it's this. Since then I have The top layer of sand, mosquito dunks, 3% peroxide, mighty wash, and dymatize earth applied so I'm hopping this will remedy this issue... It was definitely worse a week ago but it seems to be holding better I will Check progress as life progresses. Honestly thanks for the feedback all of you its a huge relief to have support since I'm a one man crew (:
If you see fliers in the future, look down in your soil and sift threw the roots to see how bad they are. If you dont see anything crawling in your soil then a basic neem spray (or whatever you have on hand) will get em.
I'm fairly positive it's phosphorus -- oxymoron lol. Anyway, I'm familiar with most deficiencies because I never over-fertilize -- ever. And anytime I have leaves turning dark and crinkly and withering away -- it usually happens pretty quickly -- I know I have a phosphorus deficiency. And ya, just boosting up some of your h&g should do the trick -- nothing crazy because it hasn't moved too far up your plant. I'm not familiar with gnat damage though either, so I certainly wouldn't rule it out.
What are you growing in? The only way to get rid of fungus gnats in getting them at the roots, which is where the lay their eggs. I use Gnatrol which adds microbes to the soil which eat the eggs. This process take 30 day's to work as that is a life cycle of a fucking gnat. Use yellow stickey traps and push them down to soil level for the flyers and crawlers. Good news is that they can't really kill your plant, but they are annoying. At 2 weeks into bloom, you can definitely cut back on the N, which you plants won't need as much. Is that the fan leaf you are worried about? Unless you have those all over your plant, I don't think there is a problem. That just looks like a dead leaf to me. Go easy on the additives. Too many are a waste of money. I use Techniflora BC Grow/Boost/Bloom as my main nutes ( good price/simple to use/effective), Humboldt Super Nova ( Sea weed/ Minerals) and Techniflora Awesome Blossoms ( best bloom food out there) as add-ons. I went through a lot of wasted money and listened to a lot of hype, and I figured out finally that for a good plant you don't need to spend $100-150 on nutes, save it and buy some good seeds. You want to spend money, buy some more lights, you need them. Good luck
30 days life cycle for knat Jesus christ...
I am growing with victory soil, I was going to use fox farm ocean forest but after reading and seeing that there was a recall or surplus witch resulted in contaminated soil for that product line I decided to go with victory soil.
I did have to improvise using coir that was sterilized (mycology purposes) with perlite added....
It was a poor choice as I noticed fungus knats more in these (2) 3 gallon buckets than the others....
I wonder if that cour was infested rather than my other potted plants I'm not sure either way I'm sure they made there way to the other potted plants.. Witch is a good enough reason to pasteurize all soil before use.
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i will look into gnatrol if the problem persist...
Do you think bottom feeding with 3% hydrogen peroxide/mosquito bites dunks/ dymatize earth might be benificial every other feeding at a low dose to control these gnats?
Ok so after the usual 2 week stretch if I foliage some fan leaves it will venifit them plant by adding light to bottom leaves? Makes sense but taking these nature fan leaves might hurt me more than my babies I will research this topic more. Your guys are awesome this is good shit.
Yea most definitely nutes from h$g are insane... I gata look into your line up bro I hear wonders of seaweed extracts.
Wow that is something to do with the roots or cal mag..
Check for both.. sometimes i think hydro would be a better option and way easier to fix.
and no bugs with hydro.
also could b just stressed from all the dunking and stuff.

Lower plant die off from lack of sufficient lighting/natural die off. Maybe a little early nute burn from the PAST.

The newer growth looks FINE! Keep going!


You might search lolly popping on this site and get a few idea's on that.