Girl Scout Cookies

straight coming at you i am for shure she is real she stinkie and not like my pinkie she reeks so fucken good i think im going to turn off my filter because people say man it smells fucken good what r you baking lolz no lie....... gsc week two.jpgand the notorious foursome stankie stankie dam i wounder what its gona do tord the end?????gsc foursome.jpgthe look on my dogs face she murderd two of them he ate them to the bear stem i confronted him and i explaned to him and all he could do is give me a shit eating grim the smile of opps im sorry look at him how many dogs smile????
NICE BRO!! I got GSC going myself. Checkout my journal if youd like. This is the lineage i've always gone by "Girl Scout Cookies" = [("OG Kush" x "Durban Poison" x "Cherrypie") x "OG Kush"]
than you know exzacltly what i mean when i say it smells like fucken straight from the oven im half tempted to do a hole round n not even turn filter on this is strange for me i been doing a few plants since 2007 and nevor have i come across anything like it..!!!!!!!!
she looks like she is pop lockinggirl scout cookies pop locking.jpgand the group pic only two in this next pic. they got the og trait of lankie ness but i have grown ogees that look like regular trees.girl scout cookies third week.jpg
okay hear is the green crack next to the gsc and look i hit it with house and garden folair spay magic green you know that shit makes your fucken leafs realy green but nope not the gsc thats y i was asking others if it was lime green..gsc compared to green crack.jpg hear is the pic green is up on the top and gsc down hear...gsc week three.jpghear she is camera still not busting any justice... ow i cant wait to see how she reacts in the areo..thumpiez sub zero.jpg
wow she has caused me a lot of fighting amongst friends that want her that help with no nutes no elect and no nothing lolz i have had a seed bank straight get nasty with each other i hope she not my curse. but soon everyone will have the cut..... she is just another plant to me..... i love the way she grows so far and i love the way she smells.. but not gona let people get me down. give me a few rounds i will be giving it away.
Girl Scout Cookies has an AMAZING smell and taste but I wasnt impressed with the high. sub'd I wanna see how these go BTW where did you get these clones from? Im looking for a green ribbon clone, green crack may be close to me and cookies is pretty big in the bay area too
i got them from buddy now looking at time for coltivation sac town or stockton. he kicked me down with master x cinderella 99 he isnt taking any calls he in for the long hall. green crack i got a realy great pheno i use it in areo fucken crazzy man fucken crazzy... but just for yield.girl scout cookies i hear its a ten weeker you can cut at nine but you know how that shit goes the longer you wait the better it is.. im waiting on this on till its ripe and ill be honest if it sucks it sucks but everyone i have talked to says its FIRE the canaboeds or whatever their called are at 7 so i think its gona get people shit faced lets see. for all i know she just might be all hype but thats y im giving her a test run...
View attachment 2007808she is two feet lankie but i had to get her out my dog ate them im not joking i realy am not... thats not funny.. i left with four n you can see were he has been eating the leafs it realy smells like oven baked cookies in the morning i turn fan off to save electricity... i also got the cinderella 99 x master im not shure if its og or not i dont want to call the guy back but its not doing as good as the girl scouts... its like six inches tall that cinderella man i hope she aint no dwarf......
if you get Cinderella phenos there usually real branchy and big , shouldnt get no dwarfs :)
well she got stunt the dude pulled them out of the dome i got lost for a minute and the leafs and plant were wilting i got home after 8 hours of driving and put it back under dome and let the roots sprout just a lil more but im not shure y she only one foot and a half but she was full of cliping man i mean alot but like i sead im not shure what happend i toss the small shit always but this i cut down to see if i can get a few to stretch after the cuts make roots
yeah once it roots it will blow up

well cool i hope so.. he sead thats one of nor calls exclusive just like girl scout cookies i remember hearing about it in south gate few years back the master cross with cinderella known hear in L.A. one version of the oboma.. the other version is master platnum og. and both are fucken rediculous lets see ill be posting that cut hear soon i still have the thread i havent forgoten it just waiting for roots
does 323cheezy have this strain to?i read the strain's name on another thread somewhere..

the buds looks great from the video posted on here.
last shot of gsc not coming on n e more my spelling police just sighted me my last talrable moment lolz they sead respect comes from spelling in my book it comes from who you are what you have done and what you been through lolz not spelling.. but hears my last pic cutings and top shelf cut will be donated to aqua farm top shelf remedies next month non profit still undecided. last pic respect lolz whaterver.jpgnotice the collare purple i wish i could have showed you its redish purple in the bud, remember if you got heart, you got my respect, easy their spelling police i feel them like ants in an ant farm lolz good luck to all your endevores roll it up. PIECE.......
Looks hella fake... sorry refuse to believe u got the real Girl Scout Cookies strain especially when it looks that crappy lol haven't shown a single decent flowering pic...
Lol don't believe it Lolz haters it will be at top shelf remedies one guy already got firedat a seed bank over it Lolz aqua farm top shelf remedies liquid coke og master platnuim og alien og king lui xiii og xxx og white fire og iron lotus and gsc og next month working on e I n number pluss gsc product cuts will be avalable we will see how it goes Lolz fucken hater hahaha blew it up just enough to get it off Lolz just cuz of u ill finish it out on this fourm buster ass lolz