girl scout cookies

Picked up some GSC clones from a very trustworthy source (they wouldn't dare fk me over). I will be growing these out to verify the genetics but so far it appears to be the real strain. These clones appear to be very hearty and can handle a lot of stress and nutrients and take off as soon as you move to full aggressive nutes. I will be taking donations for trays of 50 only. No less then 50. I know people will want to mother these out but that can take months. I will have a sample of the finished product as well as pictures and videos to show the plant during growth. The nutes used as well will be available to anybody interested. Message me if interested.
I'm pretty sure that openly offering clones for sale is a big no no on this forum.
I'm pretty sure that openly offering clones for sale is a big no no on this forum.
Some people have absolutely no subtlety. That's the same guy who comes up to you in public, in front of your family and asks loudly if you "have any weed fer sale?".

As for me, no clones will leave here until I have verified it to truely be GSC. :)
I got sick and missed out on getting my cut. The guy in my town wants $499 for the Thin Mint cut. While it's the real cut, I would never pay that much for it. The price for GSC cuts are dropping like crazy. If your lucky you can find them for $30-$100, the problem is they are bought up faster than you can drive there to pick them up.
I got sick and missed out on getting my cut. The guy in my town wants $499 for the Thin Mint cut. While it's the real cut, I would never pay that much for it. The price for GSC cuts are dropping like crazy. If your lucky you can find them for $30-$100, the problem is they are bought up faster than you can drive there to pick them up.

499?!? Good lawd, maybe i am selling cuts! ;)

This is what I acquired. Ultimately I can only know for sure once it's flowered and done but I trust the source.


I prefer the Plat cookeis from greendoor and the new Cherry Pipe cookies they just back crossed..

If you love cookies and haven't been to greendoorsf then your doing it wrong!
I just want to smoke some cookies before i leave california. I feel like I won't be able to live my life without at least trying it. Still thinking about driving up to papadons to get some GSC seeds to take east with me.
Now a days growers have to chase fads

I'm going out on a limb here and suggest that as a grower, nobody is forcing you to do a damn thing.

You're making choices.

I suspect that some of those choices are pragmatic, or driven by greed. But you don't have to do anything.
I'm going out on a limb here and suggest that as a grower, nobody is forcing you to do a damn thing.

You're making choices.

I suspect that some of those choices are pragmatic, or driven by greed. But you don't have to do anything.

Well you either HAVE to do those things or be forced into exporting your buds or get a real job. Yeah, it's a choice, just not a good one.
I've read through the thread and I must agree with Dan, I've talked to two people who've smoked GSC from harborside oak. in two different sitting. The first sitting I asked, How was the smoke? they said it taste like how it smell, lil og/mint and said it wasn't all that. Now, I asked about the second time they picked up from harborside they said the high from the 2nd time around was nowhere near the first time he smoked it. one guy describe to me while smoking the joint he rolled up, he got so high that the forgot to keep hitting the joint, they describe the smell and smoke as the same as the first pick up, but 2nd time was really really the shiet. so really it come down to the growers.