girl scout cookies

Iv never grew her myself, she has.not.yet the rotation. But a couple locals have found good phenos in their pack. And decent yeilders. The flavor mostly comes from the fire oG. Cuz i love the taste of that oG cut specially.

And yes you heard me.right, oG raskal has them as FEM seeds. I asked what pheno you had Cuz maybe you grabbed it from thag random collective you said their dropping.
Cuz maybe they had Kromes WiFi that he found from his pack that he Calls WiFi #3. Thats the pheno everyoneone talks about. But wont get......why.....cuz.their fem.seeds.and have tons of variation.

I did not realize there were even seeds of it. I thought it was clone only.

Inless some ones gots connection with Krome n then gave it to the masses then you wont be able to get it.

Its raskals fire oG cut X Kromes "the white" clone.only cut from florida. Geneitcs are unkown.
Just saying, i dont think dark heart has a vendor that either pops random Fem seeds with different variation phenos or they have a.dogshit pheno.

Dark heart is pretty pro. They are probably the biggest clone cutters in the bay area. Usually their phenos are pretty good.

I'm just saying, there are a ton of better OG's out there. Why bother with one that is inferior?
Im sure they have good gentics but alot of people where im at always have a good wifi in their garden. And before the cookies WiFi was all the ragged and not alot bad reviews like swerve got When the auto accident happened yhat year.

Its not the best OG...but its gots some decent yeild from what i seen and covered in trichs. Really resiony plant.

4sure there are better OG cuts out there tho. But i guess Ill give her a around in jan and see How she does. Theirs respectable clone vendorz who are have popped alot of packs and havr amazing phenos which caught my eye for this strain. Tho i dont tbink WiFi is available atm in.seed form from ROG.
Im sure they have good gentics but alot of people where im at always have a good wifi in their garden.

A lot of trends come in go when it comes to genetics.

And before the cookies WiFi was all the ragged and not alot bad reviews like swerve got When the auto accident happened yhat year.

Swerve can make any OG good.

My argument for why white fire og is inferior.

1) Abusive OG
2) Skywalker OG
3) Platinum OG
4) All Star OG
5) Deadhead OG
6) Alien OG
7) Original OG
8.) Tahoe OG
9) Presidential OG
10) Jolly Rancher OG
11) SFV OG
13) Diablo OG
14) Jupiter OG
15) Sour OG
16) Banana OG
17) XXX OG

I'm sure I'm missing some. But if you put white fire OG on that list, it doesn't stand out in any way. It's not going to out yield, be stronger, or have a better flavor than most of those strains. It's pointless to grow. It's a trend, but not a great trend. People don't particularly want it more than other OG's, it's not better than other OG's, and it won't out yield other OG's. It's going around a lot because it's easy to clone so a lot of clone cutters put it into their rotations. It's just another random strain.
You obviously haven't grown out your own pack of Wifi beans. To say it's dogshit is pretty ignorant. Some of the best smoke I have ever had came from random wifi phenos. Oh and it won't outyield other Og's? BAHAHAHAHAHA you sir need to do some research. All your validity went out the window with that statement. hahahaha there is so much BS in your statements I have provided a link for you to do some research.
This arguement is pretty moot anyways since we BOTH have not even grew her out yet.

But theres tons of journals that show she a well keeper in the garden.

And i very Well Would knock a few off thst list for the WiFi. But i wouldnt Call them dogshit. Or just a random strain. Deadhead? Thats swerves strain. And would def take the wifi over that.
Ya know swerve has a strain call raskals oG? LOL. If he use his fire cutt then obviously rog has bomb genetics Cuz swerve (who makes any Og good) use his cutt.

At least grow the plant then ur feedback.
You obviously haven't grown out your own pack of Wifi beans. To say it's dogshit is pretty ignorant. Some of the best smoke I have ever had came from random wifi phenos. Oh and it won't outyield other Og's? BAHAHAHAHAHA you sir need to do some research. All your validity went out the window with that statement. hahahaha there is so much BS in your statements I have provided a link for you to do some research.

I see white fire OG all the time. It's an irrelevant strain. I just gave a huge list of OG's that are better than wifi. If white fire OG is some of the best smoke you've ever had then you don't get out much.
This arguement is pretty moot anyways since we BOTH have not even grew her out yet.

But theres tons of journals that show she a well keeper in the garden.

And i very Well Would knock a few off thst list for the WiFi. But i wouldnt Call them dogshit. Or just a random strain. Deadhead? Thats swerves strain. And would def take the wifi over that.
Ya know swerve has a strain call raskals oG? LOL. If he use his fire cutt then obviously rog has bomb genetics Cuz swerve (who makes any Og good) use his cutt.

At least grow the plant then ur feedback.

If I see a strain all over the place in dispensaries and it never impresses anyone, why would I grow it out? Would you grow out some strain that was average at best? I'm not trying to grow average at best bud.
BAHAHAHAHAHA you sir need to do some research. All your validity went out the window with that statement. hahahaha there is so much BS in your statements I have provided a link for you to do some research.

My "validity" is just fine, I assure you. And listening to some random hobbiest grower on the internet isn't "reseach".


This is the link you gave me. Sorry but someone's opinion who grows bud like that doesn't fall into my standards of "research".

I don't need to do any research on it anyways. It's everywhere right now. I see it all the time. Why would you grow out a mediocre OG when good OG's are available? That's what you're not getting here. I'm judging it against other OG's. Anyone who would rather grow this than abusive OG, presidential OG, or even platinum OG is a freakin moron.
I"m not engaging in any argument with anyone....but I've smoked the Wifi....its right there on the very top shelf....wifi is some one hitter in my experience...also growing her right now she grows vigorous and strong and is actually hard to clone....I swear it took a month one time to see roots...but I'll add that girl scout cookies is even harder to clone...I have the DHN cut I don't doubt its potency as I've haven't flower it myself yet but will keep this thread posted in the future with its results.....Again I put Wifi right there with all the heavy hitters......Smoke some recently from harbor and it blew my doors off....and I've smoke the best....
you guys who like white fire all from SoCal? Maybe it's a bad cutting going around the bay area or something, but I've seen it a lot recently and it's always average at best, below average for an OG.
Not a fan of the White Fire either.... I think this is my first posr here and it amazes me how much hype there is (even here) with the GSC clone... Platinum Cookies too

I like my GSC bX'd to the Cherry Pie a lil better than the orig.

Hope you found a cut you liked. SO many in the Bay area, and now even Swerve (Cali Connection) and Subcool are making F1s with this. Good strain, but mostly hype IMO

There is a lot of talk about what is in Girl Scout Cookies. Some say Durban, some say GDP... I personally think it's a Cherry Pie x OG / (GDPxDurban)

I have no idea tho. Some are more GDP dom as I find that oatmeal "cookie" flavor coming from there... but Cherry Pie IMO is the mother for sure.. Though there are a lot of OG remakes with OG cuts as the mother
There is a lot of talk about what is in Girl Scout Cookies. Some say Durban, some say GDP... I personally think it's a Cherry Pie x OG / (GDPxDurban)

I have no idea tho. Some are more GDP dom as I find that oatmeal "cookie" flavor coming from there... but Cherry Pie IMO is the mother for sure.. Though there are a lot of OG remakes with OG cuts as the mother

thrs a link to the berner vid a view pages back where he explains it all
word thanks and i know i read that it was og kush X GDP X durban poison or a cherry pie X og kush

skip ahead a little bit

Cherry pie is F1 Durban x "a grandaddy" and cookies are F1 Durban x "an og" and they do say it isn't flo-ridah... "Secret recipe" is what they say about it they wont tell the og and they say f1 durban "isnt what you have it isnt durban poison blah blah blah"
I am from frisco.....and the wifi i got was from harborside oakland..also where I purchased my DHN ct......prolly the best og I've ever smoked and insane bag appeal....bud looked like it was dipped in rock candy.....I am pretty sure so cal has got some pretty rockin og genetics also......most of the stuff on your og list there dan...most of the stuff on your list isn't even sold in clone form in the bay area.......was curious where you saw your subpar wifi?...again not trying to argue...I appreciate all your info here about girl scout cookies.....I just never heard anyone say anything about the wifi that wasn't good.....Have you personally grown the wifi..Dan?
I am from frisco.....and the wifi i got was from harborside oakland..also where I purchased my DHN ct......prolly the best og I've ever smoked and insane bag appeal....bud looked like it was dipped in rock candy.....

Wow. Really? I've got to check that out then.

I am pretty sure so cal has got some pretty rockin og genetics also......most of the stuff on your og list there dan...most of the stuff on your list isn't even sold in clone form in the bay area.......

It's around, just not sold by the major clone cutters.

was curious where you saw your subpar wifi?

Mostly south bay clubs. Those are the ones I've been frequenting recently. I've been staying away from Harborside Oakland until the heat dies down so if they have a version of it that's really good, I wouldn't be aware of it. I don't want to list the clubs where I've seen bad versions of it because those are the clubs I vend to.

...again not trying to argue...

I don't take it personally, I've just seen wifi a lot and have never seen it come out as anything worth while. There is just better OG's out there IMO. But hey, maybe there are good phenos out there of it that I'm unaware of. There are a lot of strains like that. Good phenos make all the difference sometimes.

I appreciate all your info here about girl scout cookies.....

Well take my "info" with a grain of salt. Not a whole lot of factual information on GSC out there. Still, every club I go to is selling something different as girl scout cookies and every one of those clubs is 100% convinced that their version is the real version and everyone else's is fake. Literally, every club.

Some places have sort of fruity smelling GSC. Some have OG smelling GSC. Some have earthy smelling GSC. They are all wildly different. My favorites are the skunky versions. So even after all the research I've done, including going strait to the source, I still have no idea which are the "real deal", how ever I suspect my skunky version is the real deal because that's the one I got very close to the original source and it's on another level than the rest of them in terms of potency and odor. I'll have the lab test results on that back in 2-3 days, I'll post them when I get them, but I suspect it's going to test out in the mid 20's. Very good for an indica.

I just never heard anyone say anything about the wifi that wasn't good.....

I'm just going by what I see. I go to around 5 dispensaries a week, every week, different cities, some times a lot more than that. Every time I do I check out every single thing on the menu. I've been seeing wiki a lot, and it's always been unimpressive. DNH are dropping the cut because they are unimpressed with it btw. The last cuttings they are going to do are out there now. They're tossing their moms and dropping the strain.

Have you personally grown the wifi..Dan?

No, I have not. I have a very decent genetics library at this point and I have way too many strains for what I'm doing. I'm actually trying to find 6 strains to throw out right now but it's hard because they are all very good. So I don't pick up new strains unless I see some bud that really impresses me. I also try to stay away from cuttings that everyone else already has for the most part.
skip ahead a little bit

Cherry pie is F1 Durban x "a grandaddy" and cookies are F1 Durban x "an og" and they do say it isn't flo-ridah... "Secret recipe" is what they say about it they wont tell the og and they say f1 durban "isnt what you have it isnt durban poison blah blah blah"

I don't think the truth is out there on what GSC really is. It seems like every time they tell people it's a different story.

I suspect what everyone thinks is granddaddy is actually purple champagne, seeing as they are the same crew who came up with champagne/purple champagne. There is obviously some type of OG in there and I guess durban makes sense, but who knows about that even.