girl scout cookies

I was so baked I forgot to get his name. He was recognizable, and he had people following him around. Was a cool guy, smoked me out with his thin mints cut.

Edit: In the berner / pieguy video he's the bald black guy who explains cookies. He's in a black shirt with a black and white graphic.

Yeah, that's the infamous pieguy, who claims that he holds the true genetics behind gsc as he says in that video. Apparently he hangs out at the hemp center in SF and will show you and smoke you out with his gsc and whatever other strains he has as he grows a few other strains along the lineage of the gsc like some stuff called "the y." He posts pictures on his instagram of his flowers.
Thanks. He was saying and also recently tweeted that he's thinking about releasing his cut to more people, and is looking at So Cal. While talking to him he did offer to smoke me out if I came to SF, but he also said that if I wanted a cut I would have to come "all the way up to the bay area". Who knows if he'll follow through, but if it's possible I'll make the effort to acquire it.
do it mith , he has the real genetics that everyone is hyped up about he says its flo-rida kush crossedwit a f1 durbin , only time will tell seems to me like theyre just hyping the strain upore to make money good business move.
@mith was he the one arguing with swerve for an hr over the genetics of cookie? wouldnt suprise me . evryones tryna make money of the cookie buzz its his own fault. if he would have took the time to stabalize and release it we wouldnt have this problem.
Talkign to him on twitter. I am planning on heading up there as soon as my current run is finished so I don't go up empty handed.

Yeah, he was the one arguing with Swerve at the cup. That's how I ran into him. I heard Swerve talking loudly on his mic arguing about who has the real cookies. Well, I had the forum cut on me so I headed on over to compare. I ran into pie guy as he was walking away and asked him to check out my own GSC. While my cut is not his cut I did get some props on my buds from some of the guys hanging with him, which was nice.

BTW, does anyone know what cut, if any Swerve has?
Thanks. He was saying and also recently tweeted that he's thinking about releasing his cut to more people, and is looking at So Cal. While talking to him he did offer to smoke me out if I came to SF, but he also said that if I wanted a cut I would have to come "all the way up to the bay area". Who knows if he'll follow through, but if it's possible I'll make the effort to acquire it.

Worth the drive up. Been there done that. Plant structure of GSC is really something special and looking at them there is no
doubt the end product will be amazing to say the least. Here's a podcast where pie guy and swerve gets into it at the cup. What I find confusing from what I saw in the youtube vid is if Pie guy was the one that created cookies accidentally than why did Berner call jigga to break down the cookie make up and not pie guy who was sitting right there. I mean wouldn't you want the guy that was responsible to explain the make up of cookies?
I really get tired of people asking for Cherry Pie and Girl Scout Cookies! You know why? Because they think they are going to find cuts for $10 a piece. No, sorry. People that have the real deal are charging $100 and up for it. Then all I hear is how Craigslist and Bud trader is full of fakes clones. You know what, you pay $10 for a clone and you should expect to get shit genetics. I paid good money for my Cherry Pie (The nicest Cherry Pie cut out there) Girl Scout Cookies forum cut and Ghost og. I even pay good money for cuts from people I know. I consider it a good tip for legit genetics. If you can't pay don't play!
I agree and when people bitch about the price they need to remember they are paying for the strain not the clone well that's how I look at it
cali connection has gdp in its cookie genetics swerve got real tight wen pieguy put him on blast infront of all his followers, swerve needs to stick to wat he knows n make seeds for godfather og n xxx og n obama og etc
I don't have an instagram account. If there is a Mithrandir420 on there it's not me. I don't think pieguy cares for the forum cut, but I don't know, I didn't ask him. He looked at mine (which is pretty good, if I say so myself) and was less interested in it than in his own GSC.