Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone
I can't seem to figure out the problem with these leaves. I checked this website
and NOTHING looks like what I have. I'm thinking POSSIBLY Pottasium, Calcium, or Magnesium, but deficiency or over-nuting?
They have not been getting huge loads of water or nutrients, so I think they are fine on that end. WHAT ARE THESE BRONZY, BROWNISH, paint-splotch looking spots?? They seem to affect only the older growth, and are on most of the top of the leaf.
Keep Checkin my Grow Journal...Hydroponic 10x10, Blueberries, Big Bud, and Mystery Sativas.
15....soon to be more, fat little girlies.
I can't seem to figure out the problem with these leaves. I checked this website
and NOTHING looks like what I have. I'm thinking POSSIBLY Pottasium, Calcium, or Magnesium, but deficiency or over-nuting?
They have not been getting huge loads of water or nutrients, so I think they are fine on that end. WHAT ARE THESE BRONZY, BROWNISH, paint-splotch looking spots?? They seem to affect only the older growth, and are on most of the top of the leaf.
Keep Checkin my Grow Journal...Hydroponic 10x10, Blueberries, Big Bud, and Mystery Sativas.
15....soon to be more, fat little girlies.