Girls do it better


New Member
Hi all, I'm a new first time grower in Denver. I've been smoking for about two years and I have a small 4 plant growbox (2.5ft x 2.5 x 3.5) made out of drywall and plywood with a 400w mh/hps cooltube. Week 1 into flowering and my babies are starting to smell fabulous. :) going to get a natures air sponge tonight because my homemade carbon filter doesn't have quite enough carbon in it. My goal for this grow is 1 oz per plant. I've got two Wonder Women, a White Widow, and a K-train (hate ktrain, weak/shitty genetic strain compared to the other two)

I'm a web programmer and a momma to a beautiful two month old girl going through heart surgery in about 3 weeks. I'm usually found on the growing area of riu but decided I'm too antisocial and need to make some friends and stop with the stalking already. xD


Well-Known Member
Bout time you stopped lurking and started posting:)

WELCOME TO RIU.I hope everything goes well with your baby girl,god bless.Remind us in 3weeks,the power of prayer is real.

Sounds like you have your setup running well,except the filter:)Any questions???Please stop by The Other Side of the Fence thread,we are a friendly bunch.I think theres a few females also.peace


Well-Known Member
Welcome! im new here as well and have found everyone super friendly and informative. Good luck on your grow and your baby daughters surgery!


Well-Known Member
Happy growing and very nice to make your acquaintance. Wishing you and your daughter all the best with her surgery.


Active Member
Belated welcome to you, and though im sure evverything ill be well i wish your daughter a healthy and speedy recovery form her surgery.


Well-Known Member
Welcome! My daughter is coming up on nine months now. We should swap pictures sometime I've got too many to count of the lil bugger. Here's to speedy recovery!


Well-Known Member
welcome friend!!! we can always use more ladies here at RIU!!

Prayers going up for your baby, hope everything turns out well for her :)

happy posting!