Girls... Girls Everywhere!!


Active Member
Well... my first grow from bag seed has produced 12 hearty plants, a couple are stretched further than I'd like, but for my first try, I'm pretty damn pleased with myself.

Out of those 12, I've got 4 girls already! Just had to show some pics of the little buds I've got goin!. =)



Well-Known Member
Those do look real nice, what lighting r u using and how long they been on 12/12?

They look REAL good for a first grow



Active Member
I am actually only using a bunch of CFLs. Since this was my first grow, I didn't want to sink a bunch of money into supplies in the event it all blew up in my face, ya know?

I put the first 2 into 12-12 on April 10th. Oddly, I discovered my first female on 4-20!! I added 4 more plants on April 26th. Then last night I discovered 2 more females in my vegetation area, so I moved them to the flowering closet.

Its really a bare bones set up, which makes me even more pleased with how well they are doing.


Active Member
Looks just wonderful!!! I myself am also using pretty much the same type of setup so it's nice to see such great success!!! Good luck and may yer buds be strong and sweet!!!


Active Member
I put the first 2 into 12-12 on April 10th. I added 4 more plants on April 26th. Then last night I discovered 2 more females in my vegetation area, so I moved them to the flowering closet.