ive been looking at houses out in the country this year to get away from nosy neighbors. just had an idea, all of us regulars here should pitch in and buy some land, begin our own little colony, iim guessing none of us would get much work done but wouldnt it be fun as hell though
^It was great out here until the neighbors moved in. They have the attitude that since we are in the "country" they can be as loud and obnoxious as they want. Bon fire parties with 4-wheel drives blasting up and down the driveway all night long blaring the countriest of country music. They actually got me raided about 4 years ago. Rumors were going around they were selling meth. They were raided, some of the people ran and cut across my property. Next thing I know they had me outside in handcuffs surrounded by SWAT with machine guns in my face while they kicked in my doors "looking for the people I was hiding".
In some ways it was a good thing. I was inactive at the time, so after searching my house and not finding anything (except for about 2 grams of bud they made me flush) I am not so worried about them coming back.
^It was great out here until the neighbors moved in. They have the attitude that since we are in the "country" they can be as loud and obnoxious as they want. Bon fire parties with 4-wheel drives blasting up and down the driveway all night long blaring the countriest of country music. They actually got me raided about 4 years ago. Rumors were going around they were selling meth. They were raided, some of the people ran and cut across my property. Next thing I know they had me outside in handcuffs surrounded by SWAT with machine guns in my face while they kicked in my doors "looking for the people I was hiding".
In some ways it was a good thing. I was inactive at the time, so after searching my house and not finding anything (except for about 2 grams of bud they made me flush) I am not so worried about them coming back.
lol i fucking HATE getting raided. i never had the pleasure of being raided by the local pigs, just FBI >:(. u should put up a scarecrow facing their property and change its hat and clothes everyday and move it ever so slightly to freak the methys out.
lol i fucking HATE getting raided. i never had the pleasure of being raided by the local pigs, just FBI >:(. u should put up a scarecrow facing their property and change its hat and clothes everyday and move it ever so slightly to freak the methys out.
I had a parking ticket once a long time ago.. does that count? Seriously though, neighbors should mind their own business and leave others alone. I like the city, grew up in the country and now live somewhere that thinks its both.. sadly it's not. One day I will move where I want to.
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So here we go again!! :bigjoint:
Tomorrow this group of clones will go dark!! They are in recycled/re amended FFOF. I found that the mother and the first batch of clones needed more around day 40 so I hopped up my soil before transplanting today in hopes that what they've been looking for around day 40 will be available. As I did last run, I plan to topdress weekly and give tea twice a week. I already gave them their first topdressing of compost, psg, happy frog, castings and pea gravel. Will start a tea for them tomorrow
Day 1 :mrgreen:
Hope so. Keep in mind I'm not vegging on the screen. I had 3 others that I could have put in with them but I exercised restraint :bigjoint:
Probably going to flower my tent out in another month and I'll let them go then :mrgreen:
awesome thats a good plan MD. im sure hoping i get 1200g or so at least with my screen being full so i dont look stupid lol. IMO its well worth a little bit of veg time in the net, from my limited scrog experience it seems to pay off in spades
awesome thats a good plan MD. im sure hoping i get 1200g or so at least with my screen being full so i dont look stupid lol. IMO its well worth a little bit of veg time in the net, from my limited scrog experience it seems to pay off in spades
Yeah but I gotta keep the flower room "flowering" and I think these girls will use the space.
It was hard to break the cycle of vegging on the screen in there but every week of veg in my flower room is another week for know me T=$