Give advices about growing a weed plant


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you're having a rough grow. If nothing else, you will learn from this and be a better grower for it.

Is this in good soil or just some random earth?


New Member
I'm sorry you're having a rough grow. If nothing else, you will learn from this and be a better grower for it.

Is this in good soil or just some random earth?
yeah all of the soil im using is good, Ive bought it in the shop so its not just a soil from a random earth


New Member
What nutrients are you using?


Did you buy the seeds? If so, what is it?
IDK im just using some plant nutrients but it has Phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and magnesium and I didnt buy the seeds i just bought a pack of Sativa weed and there were some seeds in it. Im planning to visit the plant again tmrw but during the day time and take a photo so mb something can be seen better.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate but can u tell me how much water should I add daily in liters ? 1, 2 or 5?
Depends what size it is? If its only aboutt 60cm around 1ltr but if its really hot in the day twice a day. Once in morning before it gets really hot and once in evening when the heat dies down. It would give it a chance to drink/absorb it.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't have much hope for that plant sorry. The leaves look too far gone now. Single stem isn't what you want either. I would start over but keep experimenting with that and see what happens.


New Member
Well if someone is interested the plant have died but before that my friend and I have harvested everything that in there. We got total of about 6-7 grams and first time we smoked it (3 days ago) we've rolled a joint and I didnt expect it to be strong so we just killed the joint. For the next 2 hours I dont remember shit. It was a fun experience


Ok guys so Im growing a weed plant outdoor in a tropical country so the temperature sometimes gets really hot. The plant is around 2 months and lately it looks so bad, any ideas why is it like that? BTW I water it about once in 2 days and few days ago ive bought a nutrients for it and added more soil.
Hi, I'm also trying to grow in a tropical country with similar weather conditions. Can I ask if you started from seed outdoors? what was the process like? When it was a seedling, do you put them in direct sunlight?