Give Blood....


Well-Known Member
This is mainly a message for all men... especially those between: age 40-60
First off... I do not work for the American Red Cross...
The ARC does not approve and is limited in even letting this info out...
Why? Blame the FDA...
Maybe... You already know how great it is to give blood... Maybe you already give... if so:
If you have not ever considered given blood, or understand why giving blood is so wonderful...
Please read on...
[I have provided some links to back up what I am saying...]
So, without sounding too much like a church janitor to whom has just found the 'Holy Grail' ... I'd like to talk to you about "Giving Blood"...

The Shocking Truth about giving blood:
Giving Blood...It's Good For You!

Giving blood....The feeling is euphoric... someone's life could be saved, by your act of
That is awesome... Now, how about some return, greatness back to you?
Can I re-write a song lyric, {sorry if I offend]:

" blood gives you 'Instant karma'... It's gonna save your life... you'll feel wonderful my brother..."

Men... do you know, that when you give blood, you get a free health risk blood screening ? and Blood Pressure and...
...yes, you get a 'free' Iron check, your blood iron must meet the Red Cross' minimum guidelines...[mine was 13.2 last time I gave]...
Why is knowing your Iron level important you might ask....
The says normal hemoglobin ranges from 11.1g/dL to 15g/dL. Results lower than that indicate an iron deficiency causing anemia.
Results higher than 15 elevate your risks of heart problems [including stroke]...
When you give blood, if your level is over 15, you can bring the test [a quick prick of the finger before you give blood] result, to your doctor for further help...
Giving blood... like we always hear, your given blood can, and will help multiple recipients... And Now, if you give blood you can help your own health?
In a word: YES! Read these links I have provided...
More benefits of Blood Giving:

This above article says:
"that giving blood every six months led to fewer heart attacks and strokes in test participants ages 43 to 61."
Maybe, you are obese [ok a little chubby?], giving blood acts-as a quick diet? Yes!
"Another side effect of giving blood is that the donor loses weight as a consequence of this action. The University Of California in San Diego estimate that for every pint of blood donated 650 calories are burned as a result of the body's efforts to replenish itself. This equates roughly to a pound (2.2 Kilograms) loss of weight per each pint of blood donated. If you donate regularly, the loss of weight over time can be quite significant."

Article Source:
"Iron has been shown to speed the oxidation of cholesterol, a process thought to increase the damage to arteries that ultimately leads to cardiovascular disease"
Ridding your body of excess iron, also reduces the formation of free radicals which attack our immune system...
In 1998 a Finnish study concluded that giving blood at least one time a year lowers your risk of heart attack by 88% [OMG-EIGHTY-EIGHT PERCENT!]
Another study sited below, says the same 88%...
From this article:
"Did you know that you can reduce your risk of heart disease and save a life at the same time? That’s right! According to studies published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, blood donors are 88% less likely to suffer a heart attack and 33% less likely to suffer any type of cardiovascular event. Why is that? Well, researchers ....say... that iron has a significant impact on atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. When you give blood you are removing 225 to 250 milligrams of iron from your system, thus cutting your risk of heart disease"
"Giving Blood keeps you healthy"

".... However, among male donors, the risk of liver, lung, colon, stomach and throat cancer declined as the frequency of donations increased, which suggests that iron depletion may reduce cancer risk."

Giving Blood may reduce your risks of cancer? Another WOW !!!! ...there...
So why doesn't the Red Cross shout the goodness and good health side effects of giving blood?

"Historically, the safest blood has been from the altruistic donor. The blood supply is regulated by the FDA, which insists that blood collection organizations, in their efforts to solicit and recruit people as donors, do not directly promote any benefit to the blood donor.”
The FDA says the Red Cross can not promote any health benefit to the donor...
The FDA-can shove it... Giving Blood will make you healthier, happier, and live a longer better life... ALL evidence points to that!
We all want our quality of life to be better at the end.... this will help your dad... this will help you ....
Give Blood !
bump cause i bumped it down good message...when i was over seas we carried tampons to shove in our bullet holes if we got shot..didnt work to well.... the blood that people gave did save lives though just saying..
the last time I gave blood the nurse (big ugly black lady) backed her big fat ass into my hand that was hanging off the table because I had a needle in my arm. She proceeded to dress me down for grabbing her ass, as if!

I have not donated since.

The CEO of the Red Cross makes $500,000 plus expenses
My friends...

Now... I'd like to turn this personal...I started to give blood every 56 days or so, in the past year ... I went all in... You can get great benefits with just one given pint a year...

...I gave blood six times in past twelve months...that's pretty much the max you can give...Why because I had read on how much help donating blood does... This side effect that giving blood could prevent cancer, and heart issues... Aren't you sold yet? I'm selling you being healthier! For Free!
You give good... you get good... That's how life works, that's how your body works...
Your body [OK, the average body] has between 10 and 12 pints, slightly more or less.... So, in the past 12 months, I have added about 4 pints of new blood to my system...
You know, your body doesn't make blood with high levels of LDL in it [if you are in good health]. You rid your body of a pint of old, high LDL, maybe your triglyceride level in your blood is elevated... Your healthy body replaces the old blood with new healthy young blood....If you are in your 40's or 50'... you remember what you felt like in your twenties? New blood's viscosity is thinner... you have increased blood flow...

Giving Blood-Side effects: "Hello.... INCREASED BLOOD FLOW" and...kinda young again... [OK... 'Younger' for sure]...

My hands had osteoarthritis bad...A little over a year ago, I was taking between 2000-3200 mg Daily of Ibuprofen [that's between 10 and 16 pills a day!!!] my joint pain was at an elevated level, nothing would help... chronic pain was my life...Today, not pain free [too much body abuse] however, I am taking Zero, anti-inflammation pills, and my hands feel like it's 1994 again... So, getting old isn't always fun... aches, fingers now, are more flexible...way more flexible...My hands have hurt since the 90's... and now... way less...getting better?!!! Yes, they feel as good as they did in 1994... I have turned back the clock 20 years....

Usually, The Red Cross sets up at a public building in my area... The problem I see, is men, the women out number us [70% to 30%] in giving... it seems every time, I gave blood, there is always twice to three times as many women then men...Don't get me wrong, I'd rather see lovely women, while I am giving, however... Men... Come on... I want to challenge you men to go out and get healthier for free... on me....
Give Blood at an American Red Cross Blood Drive soon, to your area....1-800-GIVE LIFE (1-800-448-3543)

I got my "Yearly" blood test back from my regular MD...
My own personal results from giving blood last year .... [Your Results may vary].....
This Years Blood Test--- Last Years-------------Normal Healthy Levels
Cholesterol-163-----------189------------Under 200
LDL----------98-------------114------------Under 100
Triglyceride-158----------199-------------Under 159 [still a little high, next year with continued blood giving it is sure to be lower]
All the other Blood measurements-
All these blood measurements, for the above fell into the "Goldie Locks" zone... Just Right....

Now am I saying, that if you give blood you will get healthier? Honestly, how can a healthy person that gives blood, not feel healthier...

It's impossible to not feel better and healthier...Yes, your results may vary, THEY MAY BE BETTER THAN MINE!

Thanks for reading... I had to share.... My dad had a 5-pass when he was 62... I'm almost there... I do not want to be in a hospital bed with tubes sticking out getting a 5 pass... I don't want you there either... When I found out how much better I started to feel this year, and then was very surprised that the FDA doesn't want the good feelings from the donor to be the reason, I wanted to know why? There should never be a blood shortage...It's too easy to give and get healthy.
give a pint today !
Feel free to pass this note on to any of your friends...
Have a great day!!! A Blood Red Healthy day !
1-800-GIVE LIFE (1-800-448-3543)
the last time I gave blood the nurse (big ugly black lady) backed her big fat ass into my hand that was hanging off the table because I had a needle in my arm. She proceeded to dress me down for grabbing her ass, as if!

I have not donated since

Let me ask you a simple question:

If the first time you had sex, you had a bad experience, would you not go back to find out, if that bad experience was all there was to having sex? No you'd go back into the sex mode and say: "I'm tough, I'm gonna get me some good sex this time...."

I never knew, men are so afraid....
I guess that's the reason why there are always more men giving blood...NOT....

Men.... it takes an hour of your life....
You get a free health check up [worth 250-$500]
The benefits will astound you....

What are you waiting for? Feel better.... get healthier.... for free.... no pain.... Only Gain....
I would love to and have tried, but my iron levels are too low (have an absorption issue there) so they can't use mine. :-( I am a marrow donor though. Yes, blood is desperately needed guys. we can always make more.
I would like to give blood and have my organs used when I die but I have hep C and my blood and body parts are not usable. I think any one that gives blood is a hero. Thank you for giving.
I give blood every time I can, roughly about once every 10 weeks (though the limit is once every 8 weeks). I also donate my platelets because I am eligible to do so but you cannot do that as often. My mom would always drag me out to donate blood when I was younger and she works in medicine and made me very aware of how important it is.
They don't want my blood. It doesn't move too well on account of lack of demand. It just sits on the shelf and goes flat. I envy you O+ bastards. I really do.
So your giving greased up blood to poor uncle fester.

I'd like to see them track your donated blood supply and verified as a previous donor.

It's so easy to lie on those forms it's not even funny.

Johnny wants some donuts so Johnny's gonna go donate to acquire a voucher for Krispy Kreme.

My Jew doctor did not recommend use of others blood for safety reasons. I didn't ask why but I'm positive he knows much more than what studies show.
last time I gave blood this guy walked on water.
From one old guy to another:

"Hello.... Giving Blood lowers your blood viscosity... you have increased blood flow....Trust me... Increased Blood Flow is good..."

Side effect to giving blood is increased Blood Flow.... Men... you have no idea, if you have not given blood....

Yes... that kind of increased blood flow.....
So your giving greased up blood to poor uncle fester.

I'd like to see them track your donated blood supply and verified as a previous donor.

It's so easy to lie on those forms it's not even funny.

Johnny wants some donuts so Johnny's gonna go donate to acquire a voucher for Krispy Kreme.

My Jew doctor did not recommend use of others blood for safety reasons. I didn't ask why but I'm positive he knows much more than what studies show.
Well... you don't need to use the blood others give... I am too healthy, and I doubt, there will ever be a need for me to get back some blood... but you never know... accidents happen...
Around here, they give vouchers for coffee from Dunkin... no donuts although there are always milk and cookies....