Give me your honest opinion... will this grow fail?

If not, please point me in the correct direction. I don't want to be disappointed with a low yield or no budding at all due to my own incompetence.

Been smoking green since '02 so I suppose I'm somewhat veteran, but this year I'm going to up the stakes and start growing since it's difficult to find a job. I'll be growing outside in various places (nothing on my own property). I've done my research, but growing is like everything else; practice makes perfect. From what I've gathered, germination takes 2-3 days. I'm checking the seven day forecast every day trying to decide when to begin the germination process. Anyway, here is my plan for a few different various seeds, including Blue Mystic:

1) Immediately after germination, I'm going to plant them (beginner's pot or should I lay them directly in the earth?) in just regular soil mixed with sand from the local nursery (unless they have something I need, which would be...?) and use a water soluble 20-20-20 fertilizer (fertilome). I'll water it, but not so much that it'd drain the seed deep in the soil.

2) Not really sure how much I should water the first few weeks, so any input on that would be tremendous. Also, since my fert is water soluble, do I need to feed it every time I water it? And how much should I water it on a daily basis after the first few weeks? Please note that I'll be driving to my main site. Thanks.

3) Not really sure if I should cut the males or not. I would like some more of these Blue Mystic seeds... would that cripple my yield, though? If by an immense amount, the males are history. I will prune it accordingly, any tips on pruning...?

I'm not necessarily rolling in the dough so I don't have the money for all of these high grade products, and I know every grower has their own method, so please don't tell me to change something unless I absolutely have to. Any tips at all will be greatly appreciated. There will come a day that it'll be like riding a bike for me, just like it is with some of you.

Any help will be greatly appreciated, and I'm going to start posting on this site regularly for some feedback on my babies. What am I missing? I know I've left out a lot of vital steps. By the way, when harvest time comes around, I might be facing a bit of trouble. Would it be possible to hang my bud outdoors to dry? Above a tarp, mayhaps? Indoors will be a bit of a problem...

Thanks in advance. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
did u wanna grow in the ground or in a pot ? if its in the ground its good cos it wont restrict growth but the soil could be bad , dig a huge hole and just dump good soil in there for a good headstart then plant your weed in it.water once when u plant your seed then lightly mist the soil once a day until the seed sprouts , then water every 5 days , dont use any fertilizer until the plants about a month old or u risk hurting/stunting growth.and only use your ferts every 3rd watering during veg , and every other watering during flowering/budding.not sure how much yeild u would loose to seeds if your males pollinated your females but heres the best thing , all u have to do is scrap the pollen off the male and put it on 1 Cola ! so u get 1 bud site the seeds and the rest of the plant isnt effected, then get rid of the for prunning i wouldnt worry about it for outdoor grows but u can top your plants at about the 4th node and you will get 2 main colas instead of just like 1. if your drying your gear outside i would make sure its well protected from grubs/catapillars/aphid/mealy bugs etc.
did u wanna grow in the ground or in a pot ? if its in the ground its good cos it wont restrict growth but the soil could be bad , dig a huge hole and just dump good soil in there for a good headstart then plant your weed in it.water once when u plant your seed then lightly mist the soil once a day until the seed sprouts , then water every 5 days , dont use any fertilizer until the plants about a month old or u risk hurting/stunting growth.and only use your ferts every 3rd watering during veg , and every other watering during flowering/budding.not sure how much yeild u would loose to seeds if your males pollinated your females but heres the best thing , all u have to do is scrap the pollen off the male and put it on 1 Cola ! so u get 1 bud site the seeds and the rest of the plant isnt effected, then get rid of the for prunning i wouldnt worry about it for outdoor grows but u can top your plants at about the 4th node and you will get 2 main colas instead of just like 1. if your drying your gear outside i would make sure its well protected from grubs/catapillars/aphid/mealy bugs etc.
1) I'm gonna' ultimately grow in the ground, but I've seen a lot of people start off with their seeds in pots until they've grown a bit, just wanted some tips as to which I should do, and some recommendations

2) How large should the hole be? I was thinking about a ft?

3) Any soil will do? That's beautiful :-P

4) Watering once every five days? :-o Wow that's really surprising. It just seems like it'd dry up, right? How much should I water on those days?

5) No fert until she's a month old. Nice, thanks for the tip! I would've fvcked that up for sure.

6) "all u have to do is scrap the pollen off the male and put it on 1 Cola ! so u get 1 bud site the seeds and the rest of the plant isnt effected, then get rid of the males."

Sorry but you lost me here. Cola? I am such a n00b.

Thanks a lot for the advice. It means a lot to me. I don't want this to fail, I'd have to wait a whole nother year since I can't necessarily grow indoors just yet. Yes I'm planning on drying my buds outdoors, as well. I'll check up on it daily (hell, I might just go camping for a couple days) so I can keep a close eye on it.

Thanks again. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
yeah sry your going to wanna get that plant a good 6 inches b4 planting in the wild lol my bad , i actually lost mine to some animals 2 yrs back.u can use really any soil mariguana well grow good in pretty much any commercial soil , if u have the cash for the soil i would go 1foot wide x 1 footish deep for size but its upto u.5 days is perfect for a tree a foot tall but the smaller the plant the less water it needs but ultimatley the smaller pot the faster it trys up if u get my , so as your plants a seedling water every 3 days, u actually want the soil to dry up b4 watering again , less water is better then more water.


Well-Known Member
yeah so if u dont want hundreds of seeds allover your plant which will reduce yeild u can just get your pollen from the male and apply it to "1 " budsite or cola , a cola is just a branch with bud grown on it.

if your planing on making abit of money growing the stuff your going to want like 5 decent sized plants , trust me u never yeild asmuch as u hope!


New Member
hey dude i watched this vid on youtube last night about growing weed outdoors ,its a good watch and very informative.go to youtube and search jorge cervantes ultimate grow 2 ...there is 14 parts