Give to the people who need.


Well-Known Member
Give people what they want. Give to the people who need. If it is food they need, give them food, if it is blood they want then give them blood, if they want peace give them peace. Do not offer peace to those who seek war, do not offer water to those who seek food. For a man only needs what he wants.

Tell me, what do you want? What do you need? For a man is only as great as his deeds.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I need food, water and usually shelter...but i've gone without shelter. Family is important if they treat you well. If they use you fuck them. Each and every one.

I really like that saying. Its powerful.

To be honest as people we need a lot. But love is the most important.

We all need love. And peace. Every thing else will fall into place.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I would give love to someone that wants war because excluding people from love would make me no better then the man that wants war.

Maybe showing him love will remove his desire to show hate.


Well-Known Member
But someone that would want to wage war onto someone that wants peace would deserve death. If war is what they want then war is what they deserve. Have you herd of comic con? Well it is a convention where people go to here news about movies and comics and they go to have fun. Well a man stabbed another man in the face over a chair.
Would you offer peace to this man?

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Ya I have heard of comic con. I would offer him peace. If you expect anyone to show you compassion you must show all compassion. You cannot choose who gets peace and love because that defeats the purpose. If we are giving to people who need....the ones waging wars and killing NEED THE MOST PEACE AND LOVE!

It is the people who practice peace and love that do not need anything because they already have it. When you have something so universal to give there is no selection process or criteria...all are welcome.

EDIT: Also no one DESERVES death. But some people earn it.


Active Member
maybe people shouldnt be given what the want, THEY SHOULD HAVE TO WORK FOR IT LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
maybe people shouldnt be given what the want, THEY SHOULD HAVE TO WORK FOR IT LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE
So compassion, respect, love, and peace all have to be EARNED like money? Money is fucking evil. It should be in all of us to want to GIVE AWAY love, peace, compassion and respect. If we as a people want to get along we should treat EVERYONE with respect, love, compassion and peace. If they refuse to accept it then leave that person be. Simple things like being cared about SHOULDN'T HAVE TO BE EARNED! I think you didn't read his first post and just jumped in with a comment based on the title of the thread because this isn't about possessions like t.v.'s. It's about the basis that all people should be shown love and peace and whether or not they accept it.


Well-Known Member
By blood i mean death. I would like to ask, say it is world war 2, you and your squad are in a trench defending yourselves. If you got out of that trench and put your guns down and walked up to the nazi trench, do you think they would kill you?


Active Member
yes money is evil, but respect,love , and peace should be earned.

for example if someone starts talking shit to me do i still "give away" respect?

if someone kills my brother shoul i offer him peace?

if a my girlfriend goes out and fucks a couple guys behind my back should i give her my love?

ill admit the idea of peace love and respect is amazing, but it cant happen because not all people are good, some people no matter how much love and respect you give them will still turn out to be bad people it just how things work.