giving up on my first grow?

my plant is over 3 weeks old and is around 6 inches tall. i water it every other day and it has a 60watt bulb 1 inch from the top. it just doesnt seem to want to grow.whats up with this problem?
Take'em as far as you can. At the very least, you'll find a few more mistakes to learn from along the way. Otherwise, you'll get to where you are now in your next grow and start running in to situations that will have you scratching your head again. I thought the exact same thing as you a few weeks back after everything I did turned out to be the wrong thing to do. But, I got on here, did a little research and now my plants may wind up giving me some bud. If not, what the hell, they were only bag-seeds, which I have plenty of. I surely didn't want to cut my teeth so to speak on $100 worth of seed-bank stock. From the photo, it doesn't look like you are that far along, keep those AND plant some new ones. At least that way, the ones you have now might provide a few weeks advance notice when something is going to change or go wrong.
Oh wait... I didn't see the post where you said your mom takes care of them while you are at school... Sticky situation. I'd pull'em and wait a long while to start back. Parents involved is never a good thing.
I'm offended by that remark. I have adult kids and I grow. :fire:

Nobody should ever grow in their parents house without their permission first.

Maybe if you had your parents to help you that overwatering might not be such a problem for you. :bigjoint:

Oh wait... I didn't see the post where you said your mom takes care of them while you are at school... Sticky situation. I'd pull'em and wait a long while to start back. Parents involved is never a good thing.
lol my mom doesn't water it or anything
she just makes sure it's getting light.

i keep an 20 LED's right on the leaves of the plant and it's been growing fine... today i'm going it's growing new leaves too and even though the stem is broken it's still... there. i'm transplanting it today and i'm gonna start a new plant.

i dont care if it's male or female right now i'm just looking to figure out how to raise a healthy plant...

lol thanks for all the input.
ohohoh and today i'm going to try to set up a light system i have 4 5500k CFL's and 1 6500k CFL...

i'm gonna make some ghetto setup...
have the 60 watt and a 20 soft cool white flourecent i believe it is.i do have 4 more leaves growing on top in the middle of 2 other leaves and 2 other right below those. i had the same growth on the bottom of the plant but they died so i transplanted it to get it to thicken it up some. it is in around 6 inches of soil in a 2gallon bucket.
OK dude. Im gonna tell you EXACTLY how i started out. I FOUND some old seeds that i saved froma while back from some killer middies, and i said what the hell and decided to germ them. I made my first mistake of plantin 4of them in the same little ass bucket, so i ended up pullin them all out except for one, cuz i only had one bucket to start with. I took care of the rest, didnt kill them, but ill tell u about the one i kept in the bucket n how i took care of her.

It was about a week or so old, and it looked similar to yours, though not as stretched out though, but it was kinda limp n stretched. I had it under one 100w output daylight blue CFL, fixed in a clamp lamp. I had that shit hooked to a stack of VHS tapes to keep it over the plant, and then i took a trapper keeper and wrapped it in tinfoil, and surrounded the plant with that which covered it pretty well and provided enough reflection while hiding the light decent enough in the room.

The plant continued to grow, but the stem just stayed flimsy as hell. So i came on here for the first time, and someone told me to put a fan on it, set to LOW, and just keep it on there n shell perk up, n the stem will get beefy.

I know that most people on here have more experience than i do, but im tellin you dude, the fan worked for me. I kept the fan on that fucker for 22 hours a day n let it rest for 2 hours. I fed regularly, just plain water, and made sure that it was held up the right way, so it didnt blow over when i put a fan to it. I even had to back the fan up a little bit to make sure that it didnt straight blow the plant away altogether, lol. But sure enough, a straight week of feeding it water when the soil started to dry out, plus keepin the fan on it nonstop,and the stem tripled in thickness.

I kept the light that i had 3 inches above the plants top, n u should do the same from here on out. Spend the 15 bucks it costs to get a 100watt BLUE spectrum CFL, it should say DAYLIGHT on the box. N get yourself a clamp lamp like i did too. For small ghetto grows, its a good start, and itll give you piece of mind while your thinking of ways to improve on your grow space, and save up the cash to pick up all the shit youll need to see this thing through to the end.

I dont mean to go on forever about this, but i would hate to see you kill your plant, reguardless of its condition, the leaves are still green which means it can be saved, if you care for it, and just be careful in general.

good luck bro, i hope that whatever you decide to do works out for you..

btw, this is what that plant looks like now :

Leave the fan on low. Three feet away from all growing area's on oscilate. From seedling to 12/12 photoperiod. 24 hours a day. You will not have this problem. Circulation will keep your humidity or chance of mold low. I think you already know that your light sucks. Work on a light and $20.00 for a fan.
yeh but the fan aint for circulation, its to simulate harsh weather conditions, n thus making the plant initiate its defense mechanisms by beefing itself up to withstand hard winds. Maybe its just me, but i would put it a little bit closer, and CAREFULLY tie the plant to a stake so it doesnt blow away, and see what happens. DONT put it right up against the plant, but keep it like a foot, maybe a foot n a half away on low. give it a week n see what happens. N yeah dude, like everyone else is sayin, invest the 15 bucks on a CFL. itll keep you growin for at least a couple weeks before u need to get more lighting, but if your on a budget, pick up the one bulb, n youll be straight till you figure out what to do.
You might consider using a white plastic fork to hold your plant up until it can stand on it's own... :) if you get it good on ya mate. LMAO!
Get a good book and do some reading or visit a supply store they are always full of good advice and pretty helpfull, your skinny plant is because its not got enough light i feel 400 watts are good to start with, but do some reading then start small and add as you go, also rule 1-tell nobody not even your cat he or she could be carrying a wire always frisk your cat. best of luck to you.
lol i have not bothered to measure it because it's starting to grow better now and tomorrow i'm gonna get some sockets for my new box...

its gonna be a nice box for 2 plants
with 8 situated CFL bulbs...

i just need the socketsssss
but i got this lamp in my room n i'm gonna lay it on it's side and put it next to the plant lol
if you have some more seeds i would germinate one, get some higher watt compact fluorescents and try again. without miracle grow potting soil. get pro-mix
lol i just ghettofied my setup while i get the sockets. i have these pics...
what i did was take apart a lamp i never use in my room and taped it to a bunch of my school books lol and then propped it up with index cards and taped it to the books lol

creativity is AMAZING


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