Glass for sale!

Got any close ups of that black and white bubbler with the toilet bowl dome?

*and just curious, how much are you letting that Snic go for?

I wouldn't even bother vlrd, this dude changing his prices cuz someone pointed out to him what a rip off it was.

I'm gonna go with this dude is a spoiled white boy who mommy and daddy buys everything for and who is still in school, I'm gonna go with Kaplan University seeing as he has all schools books there.

Sorry dude were not interested in your ridiculously high priced USED glass. Maybe if you were blowing pieces like that someone would pay that but not for something that has your juices all over.

So do us a favor and go ask mommy and daddy for some more money I'm sure they wont have a problem with their son selling used glass on a marijuana forum.
LOL mon remember yrs ago a friend beat up some guy cuz he found out the bong he bought from some dude was his ex girlfriend.....dude used to fuk his bong and then get peeps to smoke off it. When mon friend found out, damn he was pissed and went on a rampage, he fuked that dude up bad!!!!!

Yea mon dont like pipe or bong unless it is Mons, seen some nasty crust on peeps pipes etc......that shit be nasty.
1.) You may buy, sell, trade glass on RIU.

2.) You may sell individual items, and the actual items for sale. Please include a card with your name on it and the date if you havent sold glass here before, to confirm that you have the item and its a legitimate sale.

3.) All glass must be spotless. It can be previously admired, but not dirty.

4.) Buy sell and trade at your own risk. Private deals can not be moderated. Public deals may be. RIU maintains zero responsibility for anything.

5.) All items paid for or traded must be shipped within 3 business days with a valid tracking number sent to purchaser. Insurance is up to the buyer and seller to offer or include.

6.) You may not advertise your websites or spam us that you have glass available. (Please send a private message to "rollitup" to become a sponsor!)

7.) Custom orders are allowed for members that are glassblowers

8.) You are responsible to ensure that you comply with the law. Dont buy, sell, or trade if its illegal where you are or if you are under the legal age to purchase the item.
Rules may be updated at any time, your glass moderator is dankshizzle, and the global moderator is rollitup.

someone didn't read the rules
VLRD got his pipe and pokers! He got one of the first pipes I made! thinking about it, I still need to make him a better rainbow poker!
those rules are bogus. someone who isn't around anymore wrote those rules in an effort to be more like another website. there really are no "rules". ;)
those rules are bogus. someone who isn't around anymore wrote those rules in an effort to be more like another website. there really are no "rules". ;)

Life is more fun without rules. The people that follow the rules bore me haha.
Got any close ups of that black and white bubbler with the toilet bowl dome?

*and just curious, how much are you letting that Snic go for?

LOL at "black and white" bubbler... If retards here think Pakoh is a rip off, wait till you hear the price on that CAC...