Glass jars...?


Active Member
anyone know where i can get some large glass jars, i am harvesting very soon.. an online store or a store found in every city(i.e. target, walmart) ?? any info is great! thanks:joint:


bud bootlegger
yeah.. i 3rd wally world.. i saw some a month or two ago for around $10 for like mayb ten or so jars or there about... i also got some real cheap at the christmas tree store, but i don't know if you have one of them around.. and yes, the christmas tree store is the name of the store in case you've never heard of... it sells all kind of crap and not just xmas stuff, so i don't know where the name comes from..


Well-Known Member
heyy watsup?? ok this might sound like a dumb place to go.. but i went to this gay ass thrift store with my mom. =-/ its kinda like a salvation army type place.. idk hes all into antiques and what not.. but i went with her and look on the shelves that had like coffe cups.. and plates.. etc.. and at the end of the shelf i found 3 nice sized glass jars with air-tight lids.. idk how to explain them... but theyre the ones that have like the little metal latch that you hook over and pull down...?? and it seals it up.. well andywayz i got 3 of those.. and another one that was a little bit smaller than a normal size glass jar of spaghetti sauce.. and that one also had an airtight lid.. its one of the ones you twist the top off.. and the middle of the lid is cut out.. but theres another seal that covers the top.. its flat.. almost looks like the lid to a tuna can without the piece that you use to pull it off with...??.............

ummm well i hope you can uderstand what the fuck im talking about.. lol.. i know thats probably a wierd way to descride the jars.. but im high.. lol. but anywayz what i was tryna say is i paid 99 cents for EACH of the bigger glass jars.. and i paid 25 cents for the smaller one... you cant beat that!!! just rinse them out and sanatize them and your good to go.. its the cheapest way to go... and if your tight on money like i am its the ONLY way to go.. lol

but if you dont have one of those around.. christmas tree shop would probly be your next best bet.. i actually didnt even think of them.. or Ikea either.. well Good Luck!!!


Active Member
Chef Central has evry size of hermetically-sealed glass w/ the clasps. The largest 3 quart goes for 7 bucks.


Well-Known Member
That's what I use, plus a gallon size jar with a bail lid, currently stuffed full of Lady Cane (SSH x G13):-P


Well-Known Member
heyy watsup?? ok this might sound like a dumb place to go.. but i went to this gay ass thrift store with my mom. =-/ its kinda like a salvation army type place.. idk hes all into antiques and what not.. but i went with her and look on the shelves that had like coffe cups.. and plates.. etc.. and at the end of the shelf i found 3 nice sized glass jars with air-tight lids.. idk how to explain them... but theyre the ones that have like the little metal latch that you hook over and pull down...?? and it seals it up.. well andywayz i got 3 of those.. and another one that was a little bit smaller than a normal size glass jar of spaghetti sauce.. and that one also had an airtight lid.. its one of the ones you twist the top off.. and the middle of the lid is cut out.. but theres another seal that covers the top.. its flat.. almost looks like the lid to a tuna can without the piece that you use to pull it off with...??.............

ummm well i hope you can uderstand what the fuck im talking about.. lol.. i know thats probably a wierd way to descride the jars.. but im high.. lol. but anywayz what i was tryna say is i paid 99 cents for EACH of the bigger glass jars.. and i paid 25 cents for the smaller one... you cant beat that!!! just rinse them out and sanatize them and your good to go.. its the cheapest way to go... and if your tight on money like i am its the ONLY way to go.. lol

but if you dont have one of those around.. christmas tree shop would probly be your next best bet.. i actually didnt even think of them.. or Ikea either.. well Good Luck!!!
Yep yep found tight air sealed glass jars at Miracle Hill(local thrift store to support Boys Home) for .50 cents each and they're GREAT!! I also got an old skool at least 25 yrs old so antique set of mushroom glasses and mushroom coffee mugs.The mushrooms on the glasses change color once a beverage is served. scooped em up for $2, the whole set...
IKEA. HUGGGEEE selection with many different sizes to fit your individualized needs. you can check em out on their website before you even drive there lol. search