
Okay guys i feel like this is something that needs some serious discussion. Now when ya gotta smoke ya gotta smoke and in a dire situation we all do what we have to do. But inevitably if you smoke often you end up with a preference.

So whats ur pick Bong, pipe, bubbler, joint, spliff etc.

Personally I dig bongs with wands for pure taste. But on the whole I dig the effects I get from the spliff action, little head buzz that sort of leads into the high


Well-Known Member
i joint every time for me, i hardly use bongs or bowls even though ive got them, i think i might start thought because i mix my weed with tobacco and i want to stop smoking tobacco
I personally prefer a nice pipe. I mean, they're easier to carrier around and I have more experience with them.
I have a pipe which I call Susie that has a bowl big enough to fit $5 worth in there(generally shwag).