Glen Beck's a Douche!


New Member
I agree with you on that. I am still trying to figure out your core views? Did you like the Bush Administration or are you just skeptical about government in general?
Bush was two Presidents. Domestically, I give him a D+/C-. He dropped the ball on controlling Congress' spending. He failed to get Congress to address the Freddie/Fannie debacle which at that time was a few years away from collapse. He didn't get it done, though he repeatedly tried. But trying only gets you a C in this world.

Foreign policy he was dead on. Under intense pressure to quit Iraq, he turned it around, against the odds, and freed 50 million ppl from tyranny. That's an accomplishment. Our military was stellar. bush understood the military (not surprising since he served and served well).

My core values are quite liberal. I just sort of insist that taking other ppl's money to do it with requires special care to not waste and piss it all away, and not FIX the problem.

That's where the Govt. as a whole gets an F today. the stimulus.... wasn't a stimulus at all. WASTE............ it also didn't work.
A second one? oh please... give it up.

Health care... 17% of the GDP under govt. control? No thanks..... they can't run cash for clunkers right.

We have massive debts building in every sector. The bills are going to come due.

FIX the problems before you try and absorm some of the private sector.

In the end, I belong to no party, no ideology patterns.

I just insist on logic in politics (gasp), and fiscal responsibility with taxpayer money.

The very idea that more govt equals increased GDP is laughable.


Active Member
I can respect that CJ. When talking about Bush's military service are you talking Bush Sr who was a WWII hero or G.W. who was AWOL from the Texas ANG. At least that's a little more balls than Cheney's 5 deferments (that assholes a coward).

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
You guys don't get it. Rep or Dem nothing changes.

Cheney worked for haliburton, Obama worked for Acorn. Which is worse?

Paulson worked for GS, as did many others...
Rubin worked for Clinton, then he and Sandy Weill changed the law so they could get rich at citigroup, then Rubin goes to work for Mr. O?
Freddie Mac CEO goes to work for Mr. O
GE also owns the white house
Think about where your representatives get most of their campaign contributions - financials.

There's no doubt in my mind Mr. O will bacnkrupt the country in order to stimulate the economy, and 99% won't realize why a loaf of bread is $20.
Your government representatives are owned by the corporation.
You can't fight it
Vote the criminals out of office if you want real change, but crying about how unfair it is, won't do you any good.


New Member
Bush served honorably, and was given TOP duty as a coastal patrol fighter. The cold war, now a distant memory, was THE war at the time, Vietnam was just one theater.

The Cuban missile crisis was very recent when Bush was flying the coast. We were at war in Asia. That patrol was not given to chumps. Bush's commanders only gave him high praise, nothing less.

Flying a fighter jet takes a heck of a lot of skill and intelligence. Most cannot do it. Ol George could.... give him his due there.

Frankly, I think all Presidents should have military experience. Takes the "I" out of you and sticks in the "WE".

Obama has far too much "I".


Well-Known Member
You guys don't get it. Rep or Dem nothing changes.

Cheney worked for haliburton, Obama worked for Acorn. Which is worse?

Paulson worked for GS, as did many others...
Rubin worked for Clinton, then he and Sandy Weill changed the law so they could get rich at citigroup, then Rubin goes to work for Mr. O?
Freddie Mac CEO goes to work for Mr. O
GE also owns the white house
Think about where your representatives get most of their campaign contributions - financials.

There's no doubt in my mind Mr. O will bacnkrupt the country in order to stimulate the economy, and 99% won't realize why a loaf of bread is $20.
Your government representatives are owned by the corporation.
You can't fight it
Vote the criminals out of office if you want real change, but crying about how unfair it is, won't do you any good.
nicely put... i read an article a few days ago that a montana town was being patrolled by American Police Force. It's a company affiliated with Halliburton. The town had contracted halliburton to run it's Federal Prison. And the suns o bitches started patrolling the street, in MERCEDEZ BENZ SUV's Decked out in SHERRIFS OFFICE decals.

that my friend, is against the constitution. yet no one is crying foul... is it because of cheneys friends in high places? or is it because the trampling of the constitution cannot be called out if they cite "national security"?

:roll: really makes you think....


Well-Known Member
Bush served honorably, and was given TOP duty as a coastal patrol fighter. The cold war, now a distant memory, was THE war at the time, Vietnam was just one theater.

The Cuban missile crisis was very recent when Bush was flying the coast. We were at war in Asia. That patrol was not given to chumps. Bush's commanders only gave him high praise, nothing less.

Flying a fighter jet takes a heck of a lot of skill and intelligence. Most cannot do it. Ol George could.... give him his due there.

Frankly, I think all Presidents should have military experience. Takes the "I" out of you and sticks in the "WE".

Obama has far too much "I".
george bush Jr. lied about his experience in the military.

he is nothing but a dumb, rich republican.

his tenure as president are an embarrassment to the country.

did you know his wife has 8, i repeat, 8 secret service agents assigned to protect her. you want to talk about less spending, let's start there, what do you think??.....


Well-Known Member
ok, i've found some articles, but they are waaay too shady (conspiracy driven)to post right now,

one of them says that the patrolling of the streets was a misunderstanding, it was an act of goodwill, like to show the town the brand new cars, and that the company will take off the decals, others start talking about unorganized militias and revolutions n shit....

let me keep reading, i'm trying to find the original i read but still...

i'm on it


Well-Known Member
My core values are quite liberal. I just sort of insist that taking other ppl's money to do it with requires special care to not waste and piss it all away, and not FIX the problem.
This is where the labeling system applied to politics fails dismally.

You can be fiscally conservative, but a social liberal, but if you want to vote for someone that represents you, it's quite hard to do in a two party system where conservatism is expected to apply to both fiscal and social concepts. Ditto with Liberal.

It's too bad people are identified by certain political sticking points.


Well-Known Member
There's no doubt in my mind Mr. O will bacnkrupt the country in order to stimulate the economy, and 99% won't realize why a loaf of bread is $20.
Thank goodness I know how to bake my own bread, my future income is secure.

his tenure as president are an embarrassment to the country.

did you know his wife has 8, i repeat, 8 secret service agents assigned to protect her. you want to talk about less spending, let's start there, what do you think??.....
Definitely a view that most progressives hold. The areas where Bush was bad, he was really bad. The areas where he could have been great in, he was so-so. Most of those failures were due to abandoning more conservative principles.

I truly feel that Obama will be the most destructive president we've seen since Jimmy Carter... and those are some big shoes to fill. On the economy, he is already an absolute failure. His foreign policy and negotiation skills are the laughing stock of the Beltway and even among other leaders. They watch him apologize (without our support) for this country and smile and congratulate him, but when it comes time to concede to his requests, they kick him in the teeth. Stimulus...failure (no surprise) Cap'n Trade...will be a colossal failure, Health Care... who knows but it sure looks ugly so far, Immigration reform... gonna shove that down our throats despite 70+% of the public being OPENLY against it. I could go on for hours and it's only been 9 months. The key word is inexperience, it was brought up often during the campaign and it's turning out to be a completely valid criticism.