
I say we all place $80k+ orders so he's forced to shut the site down. Cuz if he "really" gets hit with a 10% fee for every order, then placing $1M worth of orders will make him have to pay $100k in fees like he says, I dought it though. I got 2 orders last month, then took a risk placing 2 more when I knew he said he was "shutting down" and had a feeling this would happen.
I don't understand where all the hate is coming from, I want my seeds as much as the next guy - but what's the basis for these claims that he's an addict or a scammer? Genuinely want to know.
Also, he's on stray's list of places to get seeds - so I have some faith this may resolve
I don't understand where all the hate is coming from, I want my seeds as much as the next guy - but what's the basis for these claims that he's an addict or a scammer? Genuinely want to know.
Also, he's on stray's list of places to get seeds - so I have some faith this may resolve
Try and send him an email about anything, anything at all except sending him more of your money and let us know the response.
I don't understand where all the hate is coming from, I want my seeds as much as the next guy - but what's the basis for these claims that he's an addict or a scammer? Genuinely want to know.
Also, he's on stray's list of places to get seeds - so I have some faith this may resolve
Hi bros, i hope you all will get your seeds from this smart ass clown.
Now to answer your question on what the basis...
Did you ever think about how scammers can go on and on and on again over so much years with all these scam dramas, hate, addicts comments, etc... ?
Well from my own experience it's really simple and i can't understand why it's so hard for so much people in this community to get it, so they could spot real scammers from glitches or issues some real seedbanks can experience at some point and then unite with all these people who got scammed by this or that scammer to STOP ordering from this or that said scammer.
Let's say i decide to become a seed vendor, and that from what i've seen happening over the years on social media and before on forums i know for a fact that there's always few customers not happy for whatever reasons about LITTERALLY each and every seedbanks and forum's seeds store on the Earth ! So what ?
Well... i never searched for such info but i guess you could find on the internet the "how to become the perfect scammer" guide so you can run your business while scamming some of your customers at some point. Some of these people will just moan making 2, 3 posts here and there, some will start drama on forums, social media, but most will remain silent coz it's still a shame to get scammed it's like you stupid coz if you look around, there was few people warning you with stories but you doubted about coz there was always more people saying things like "great guy, top communication and stupid freebies added to my order", or the classic "i received all the orders i placed with him since i started to order 4 years ago. That's like 30 orders !" or "my orders always come in 10 to 15 days, got my last order posted the same day ! So far so good !"

Insane ? Absurd ? Stupid ?
Not that much if you think its just about all that extra money people will literally give you without any counterpart from you. Of course you tell them all they are your cherished customers and you run a lot of promos so they can get that last hype at the lowest rates on the market !
Now when hundreds and hundreds orders are placed each weeks, you overlook most of them but read some of the orders comments and emails these customers are sending to you, and sometimes it tells you details about your customers and their situation and maybe if one day after shipping him like 18 orders without any issue, you just keep the packs from his 3 next orders as he asked you to do so, because for some reason he will not be at home for a month and he wanted you to hold these packs to ship together in one package later... Now with so much people looking for that same lil piece of cheese, (limited packs number) you can be tempted to say to a new customer or another wellknown customer you want to please, that you can send to him that pack hundreds of people are looking for so you will likely get him happy asf and get him ordering again from you as he will be convinced he's a special customer for you !

That can look stupid and not possible to do but i will not do that (start to sell seeds) over lets say the next 3 years to only document the best cases of me scamming few selected customers and revealing later in a book how i did all that !
I really have more interesting things to do in my life but unfortunately there's some peoples already making thousands and thousands doll hairs from their business but for some reason they make the choice to scam a lil part of their customers. That's a fact.
Personally i got scammed 4 times, each time online from 2011 to 2016, since i started buying seeds at growshops back in '98 and 2008 online. Last one was by that greedy ass clown for a grand. Not even any hyped packs as most was 70 to 120 real breeders packs discounted from 70 to 45, 100 to 50 or 75, 120 to 90... Well he ghosted me after replying a bunch of my emails and never shipped the remaining packs he owed me... ive seen him relisted few of these long gone breeders packs i had paid for on his website with regular prices over 3 months, with a couple relisted twice which lead me to think other customers paid and didn't receive their packs.
You may get all your orders from him which will make you vouch for him with a lot of consideration and will recommend him to whoever ask you cause for you and lets say 92% of his customers, he's been good to you except maybe one glitch or a minor issue here or there with one or two orders over the 45 you placed so...
Now what about that 8% customers he scammed at some point for whatever reasons ?

Is this a good way to get people talking about you in social medias and forums ? You know there's no bad or good publicity/propaganda there's just propaganda like if more people are talking about me its just more people talking about me. No matter if its in a good or a bad way coz this brings my business name to a lot of new people coming in this community as the medical and rec legalization, are increasing all around the world and all over the US where im !
That's a good thing, it's possibly more people coming to my website just to see what its all about... seeing all these hyped packs or these rare ones and much more at high discount... Ok there's dramas about me so lets say 50% of these new people will pass but from the other 50% some will try their luck for that highly hyped pack that didn't drop elsewhere yet and that is 50 to 100 doll hairs below regular price wtf !
Or just to see, some may order a lil pack or 2... then once these orders got delivered, next orders will get slowly larger like 4 packs, 5, 6 and more why not... you may get all your orders like i said before and remain a happy customer !
But you also can, any day, wait forever for that or these last order(s) you placed like you used to... you will not understand at first why you never got a reply or heard a word from that guy who used to reply extensively to your emails telling you all was ok, just waiting on your word to ship your orders...
or just never receive your email for shipping confirmation after you paid and never get any reply to your request after a month waiting for any sign... no reply to weekly email, then few daily email ?

Well I guess you got scammed by this guy so nice with you over the last 2 years.
What happened ? I guess you will never get an answer !
You're just part of the 8% now... what are you going to do ?
Few posts on social medias... or forums like im doing here ?

This kind of Scammers just need to stay under a given % of scams to not appears too clearly as scammers ! There's some negative vibes and noise around your name but there's always more people to vouch for you and tell all the readers that you're legit and if there's people hating so hard on you it's because you do something right or it's the concurrence !
The fact you cannot put your mind on the same TRUE vibes of the people who got scammed, which ones just want to tell other people BEWARE ! you may be scammed if you play with that guy or "seedbank" ? that same guy or same "seedbank" who's been so good to you since the beginning ?
That is the key for the perpetual success of this kind of scammers !
Few people will call out these scammers because they just took their money but never shipped their paid order... but like you see... dramas here and more dramas there...
What a Big Deal right !?!
All that for what ? Almost nothing or rarely...

That guy would have to scam a friend, a buddy, a homie of a wellknown member of this mj / mmj community to get much more noise and to get a bunch of people to stop doing business with him like it happened in the past but that scammer either will not change nothing and continue to run his business with remaining customers, most not being informed correctly or again because they always got each orders and so their satisfaction is working against their doubt or fear to get scammed, like this cannot happen to me... keeping in mind there's always, each years, thousands of new customers worldwide coming to the party...
Or will likely announce a (fake as fuck) shut down of his business to start again a month later telling it's not him anymore website/business name the same but just another new owner getting in touch with all customers database acting exactly like before the fake shutdown... well and its still going on till today apparently...

I hope this help you to see how a scammer who decided to scam a lil part of his customers to get extra free money can still running his business years after years with continuous drama around his name...

I guess like it happened with TSD back in the days, that the day he's really going to stop his business a lot of people will not receive their last(s) order(s) and again more people will find out all the people telling stories on their "go to seedbank" were not haters or anything else... they were telling the true but its like too late, what it change now ? Nothing...
That's just how most Liw Noise Scammers works...
I mean within those who are running those large " "legit" " business with their dirty greedy mind, without giving a fuck scamming all kind of people...

Last edited:
Hi bros, i hope you all will get your seeds from this smart ass clown.
Now to answer your question on what the basis...
Did you ever think about how scammers can go on and on and on again over so much years with all these scam dramas, hate, addicts comments, etc... ?
Well from my own experience it's really simple and i can't understand why it's so hard for so much people in thus community to get it, so they could spot real scammers from glitches or issues some real seedbanks can experience at some point and then unite with all these people who got scammed by this or that scammer to STOP ordering from this or that said scammer.
Let's say i decide to become a seed vendor, and that from what i've seen happening over the years on social media and before on forums i know for a fact that there's always few customers not happy for whatever reasons about LITTERALLY each and every seedbanks and forum's seeds store on the Earth ! So what ?
Well... i never searched for such info but i guess you could find on the internet the "how to become the perfect scammer" guide so you can run your business while scamming some of your customers at some point. Some of these people will just moan making 2, 3 posts here and there, some will start drama on forums, social media, but most will remain silent coz it's still a shame to get scammed it's like you stupid coz if you look there was few people warning you with stories you doubt about coz there was always more people saying things like "great guy, top communication and stupid freebies added to my order", or the classic "i received all the orders i placed with him since i started to order 4 years ago. That's like 30 orders !" or "my orders always come in 10 to 15 days, got my last order posted the same day ! So far so good !"
Insane ? Absurd ? Stupid ?
Not that much if you think about all that extra money people will literally give you without any counterpart from you. Of course you tell them all they are your cherished customers and you run a lot of promos so they can get that last hype at the lowest rates on the market !
Now when hundreds and hundreds orders are placed each weeks, you overlook most but read some of the orders comments and emails these customers are sending to you, and sometimes it tells you details about your customers and their situation and maybe if one day after shipping like 18 orders without any issue, you just keep the packs from his 3 next orders as he asked you to do so because for some reason he was not at home for a month and he wanted you to hold these packs to ship together in one package... with so much people looking for that same lil piece of cheese, (limited packs number) you can be tempted to say to a new customer or another wellknown customer you eant to please you can send to him that pack hundreds of people are looking for so you will likely get him happy asf and get him ordering again from you as he will be convinced he's a special customer for you ! That can look stupid and not possible to do but i will not do that over lets say the next 3 years to only document the best cases of me scamming few selected customers and revealing later how i did all that !
I really have more interesting things to do in my life but unfortunately there's some peoples already making thousands and thousands doll hairs from their business but for some reason they make the choice to scam a lil part of their customers. That's a fact.
Personally i got scammed 4 times, each time online from 2011 to 2016 since i started buying seeds at growshops back in '98 and 2008 online. Last one was by that greedy ass clown for a grand. Not even hyped packs as most was 70 to 120 real breeders packs discounted from 70 to 45, 100 to 50 or 75, 120 to 90... Well he ghosted me after replying a bunch of my emails and never shipped all the packs... ive seen him relisted few of these long gone breeders packs i had paid for on his website with regular prices over 3 months, with a couple relisted twice which lead me to think other customers paid and didn't receive their pack(s)
You may get all your orders from him which will make you vouch for him with a lot of consideration and will recommend him to whoever ask you cause for you and lets say 92% of his customers, he's been good to you except maybe one glitch or minor issue here or there with one or two orders over the 45 you placed so...
Now what about that 8% customers he scammed at sime pount for whatever reasons ? Is this a good way to get people talking about you in social medias and forums ? You know there's not bad or good publicity/propaganda there's just propaganda like if more people are talking about me its just more people talking about me. No matter if its in a good way or bad way coz this brings my business name to a lot of new people coming in this community as the medical and rec legalization, are increasing all around the world and all over the US where im ! That's a good thing, it's possibly more people coming to my site just to see what its all about... seeing all these hyped packs or these rare ones and much more at high discount... Ok there's dramas about me so lets say 50% of these new people will pass but from the other 50% some will try their luck for that highly hyped pack that didn't drop elsewhere yet and that is 50 to 100 doll hairs below regular price wtf ! Or just to see ordering a lil pack or 2... then these orders get delivered so next orders will get slowly bigger like 4 packs, 5, 6 and more... you may get all your orders like i said before and remain a happy customer !
But you also can, any day, wait forever for that or these last order(s) you placed like you used to... you will not understand at first why you never got a reply or heard a word from that guy who used to reply extensively to your emails telling you all was ok, just waiting on your word to ship your orders...
or just never receive your email for shipping confirmation after you paid and never get any reply to your request after a month if waiting any sign... no reply to weekly, then daily email ? I guess you got scammed by this guy so nice with you over the last 2 years ? What happened ? I guess you will never get an answer ! You're just part of the 8% now... what you're going yo do ? Few posts on social medias... forums like here ?

So you just need to stay under a given % of scams to not appears too clearly as scammers ! There's some negative vibes and noise around your name but there's always more people to vouch for you and tell all the readers that you're legit and if there's people hating so hard on you it's because you do something right or it's the concurrence !
The fact you cannot put your mind on the same TRUE vibes of the people who got scammed which just want to tell other people BEWARE you may be scammed if you play with that guy or "seedbank"... that same guy or same "seedbank" who's been good to you since the beginning is the key for the perpetual success of this kind of scammers !
Few people will call out scammers because they just took their money but never shipped their paid order... but like you see...
What a Big Deal right !?!
All that for what ? Almost nothing or rarely...

That guy would have to scam a friend, buddy, homie of a wellknown member of this mj / mmj community to get more noise and to get a bunch of people to stop doing business with him like it happened in the past but that scammer either will nit change nothing and run his business with remaining customers, most not informed or because they always got each orders and so their satisfaction is working against their doubt or fear to get scammed, keeping in mind there's always, each years, thousands of new customers worldwide coming to the party...

I hope this help you to see how a scammer who decided to scam a lil part of his customers to get extra free money can still running his business years after years with continuous drama around his name...

I guess like it happened with TSD back in the days, that the day he's really going to stop his business a lot of people will not receive their last(s) order(s) and again more people will find out all the people telling stories on their "go to seedbank" were not haters or anything else... they were telling the true but its like too late, what it change now ? Nothing... that's just how most scammers works...
I mean within those who are running those large " "legit" " business with their dirty greedy mind, without giving a fuck scamming all kind of people...

Asks why glo is getting hate - continues to get a novel on the topic - I love it
I broke down on that last weekend on a fiddy dolla pack of sin city, so he only got me for gas money and I kinda knew that would be result, addicted, had to try. For 3 yrs I’ve gotten everything I wanted at dirt cheap, so no biggie to me. I have reached out, no response, aggravating because on charge back, I have to call and speak to capital one, when I do the line is like 60 deep, so I may just write off.
I got small orders up until this last one dated first week of Jan. You ever play roulette lol. It was a good thing while it lasted
So from the comments here. Looks like this is really it? GLO did a mad dash and dipped out?

Who really knows. He did the same thing just about 2 months ago and then suddenly reappeared again selling in full force like nothing happened. Only thing for certain is he is shady as fuck to deal with and sometimes comes through with killer deals. Even if he starts posting on instagram again he doesn't have ability for comments and won't ever respond to shit.
I only chanced an order because he had packs that are sold out everywhere. It’s been 5 weeks now with no communication. I’ll give it a little longer before I charge back.
Hi bros, i hope you all will get your seeds from this smart ass clown.
Now to answer your question on what the basis...
Did you ever think about how scammers can go on and on and on again over so much years with all these scam dramas, hate, addicts comments, etc... ?
Well from my own experience it's really simple and i can't understand why it's so hard for so much people in this community to get it, so they could spot real scammers from glitches or issues some real seedbanks can experience at some point and then unite with all these people who got scammed by this or that scammer to STOP ordering from this or that said scammer.
Let's say i decide to become a seed vendor, and that from what i've seen happening over the years on social media and before on forums i know for a fact that there's always few customers not happy for whatever reasons about LITTERALLY each and every seedbanks and forum's seeds store on the Earth ! So what ?
Well... i never searched for such info but i guess you could find on the internet the "how to become the perfect scammer" guide so you can run your business while scamming some of your customers at some point. Some of these people will just moan making 2, 3 posts here and there, some will start drama on forums, social media, but most will remain silent coz it's still a shame to get scammed it's like you stupid coz if you look around, there was few people warning you with stories but you doubted about coz there was always more people saying things like "great guy, top communication and stupid freebies added to my order", or the classic "i received all the orders i placed with him since i started to order 4 years ago. That's like 30 orders !" or "my orders always come in 10 to 15 days, got my last order posted the same day ! So far so good !"

Insane ? Absurd ? Stupid ?
Not that much if you think its just about all that extra money people will literally give you without any counterpart from you. Of course you tell them all they are your cherished customers and you run a lot of promos so they can get that last hype at the lowest rates on the market !
Now when hundreds and hundreds orders are placed each weeks, you overlook most of them but read some of the orders comments and emails these customers are sending to you, and sometimes it tells you details about your customers and their situation and maybe if one day after shipping him like 18 orders without any issue, you just keep the packs from his 3 next orders as he asked you to do so, because for some reason he will not be at home for a month and he wanted you to hold these packs to ship together in one package later... Now with so much people looking for that same lil piece of cheese, (limited packs number) you can be tempted to say to a new customer or another wellknown customer you want to please, that you can send to him that pack hundreds of people are looking for so you will likely get him happy asf and get him ordering again from you as he will be convinced he's a special customer for you !

That can look stupid and not possible to do but i will not do that (start to sell seeds) over lets say the next 3 years to only document the best cases of me scamming few selected customers and revealing later in a book how i did all that !
I really have more interesting things to do in my life but unfortunately there's some peoples already making thousands and thousands doll hairs from their business but for some reason they make the choice to scam a lil part of their customers. That's a fact.
Personally i got scammed 4 times, each time online from 2011 to 2016, since i started buying seeds at growshops back in '98 and 2008 online. Last one was by that greedy ass clown for a grand. Not even any hyped packs as most was 70 to 120 real breeders packs discounted from 70 to 45, 100 to 50 or 75, 120 to 90... Well he ghosted me after replying a bunch of my emails and never shipped the remaining packs he owed me... ive seen him relisted few of these long gone breeders packs i had paid for on his website with regular prices over 3 months, with a couple relisted twice which lead me to think other customers paid and didn't receive their packs.
You may get all your orders from him which will make you vouch for him with a lot of consideration and will recommend him to whoever ask you cause for you and lets say 92% of his customers, he's been good to you except maybe one glitch or a minor issue here or there with one or two orders over the 45 you placed so...
Now what about that 8% customers he scammed at some point for whatever reasons ?

Is this a good way to get people talking about you in social medias and forums ? You know there's no bad or good publicity/propaganda there's just propaganda like if more people are talking about me its just more people talking about me. No matter if its in a good or a bad way coz this brings my business name to a lot of new people coming in this community as the medical and rec legalization, are increasing all around the world and all over the US where im !
That's a good thing, it's possibly more people coming to my website just to see what its all about... seeing all these hyped packs or these rare ones and much more at high discount... Ok there's dramas about me so lets say 50% of these new people will pass but from the other 50% some will try their luck for that highly hyped pack that didn't drop elsewhere yet and that is 50 to 100 doll hairs below regular price wtf !
Or just to see, some may order a lil pack or 2... then once these orders got delivered, next orders will get slowly larger like 4 packs, 5, 6 and more why not... you may get all your orders like i said before and remain a happy customer !
But you also can, any day, wait forever for that or these last order(s) you placed like you used to... you will not understand at first why you never got a reply or heard a word from that guy who used to reply extensively to your emails telling you all was ok, just waiting on your word to ship your orders...
or just never receive your email for shipping confirmation after you paid and never get any reply to your request after a month waiting for any sign... no reply to weekly email, then few daily email ?

Well I guess you got scammed by this guy so nice with you over the last 2 years.
What happened ? I guess you will never get an answer !
You're just part of the 8% now... what are you going to do ?
Few posts on social medias... or forums like im doing here ?

This kind of Scammers just need to stay under a given % of scams to not appears too clearly as scammers ! There's some negative vibes and noise around your name but there's always more people to vouch for you and tell all the readers that you're legit and if there's people hating so hard on you it's because you do something right or it's the concurrence !
The fact you cannot put your mind on the same TRUE vibes of the people who got scammed, which ones just want to tell other people BEWARE ! you may be scammed if you play with that guy or "seedbank" ? that same guy or same "seedbank" who's been so good to you since the beginning ?
That is the key for the perpetual success of this kind of scammers !
Few people will call out these scammers because they just took their money but never shipped their paid order... but like you see... dramas here and more dramas there...
What a Big Deal right !?!
All that for what ? Almost nothing or rarely...

That guy would have to scam a friend, a buddy, a homie of a wellknown member of this mj / mmj community to get much more noise and to get a bunch of people to stop doing business with him like it happened in the past but that scammer either will not change nothing and continue to run his business with remaining customers, most not being informed correctly or again because they always got each orders and so their satisfaction is working against their doubt or fear to get scammed, like this cannot happen to me... keeping in mind there's always, each years, thousands of new customers worldwide coming to the party...
Or will likely announce a (fake as fuck) shut down of his business to start again a month later telling it's not him anymore website/business name the same but just another new owner getting in touch with all customers database acting exactly like before the fake shutdown... well and its still going on till today apparently...

I hope this help you to see how a scammer who decided to scam a lil part of his customers to get extra free money can still running his business years after years with continuous drama around his name...

I guess like it happened with TSD back in the days, that the day he's really going to stop his business a lot of people will not receive their last(s) order(s) and again more people will find out all the people telling stories on their "go to seedbank" were not haters or anything else... they were telling the true but its like too late, what it change now ? Nothing...
That's just how most Liw Noise Scammers works...
I mean within those who are running those large " "legit" " business with their dirty greedy mind, without giving a fuck scamming all kind of people...

Hey amber
What did clearwater say about glo? He was sending people to glo for his seeds awhile ago

Go to his discord you'll see everything. Basically he said glo scammed him for 100k-200k and that glo is most likely not coming back this time. That was about a month ago. He even posted here to warn people.
I broke down on that last weekend on a fiddy dolla pack of sin city, so he only got me for gas money and I kinda knew that would be result, addicted, had to try. For 3 yrs I’ve gotten everything I wanted at dirt cheap, so no biggie to me. I have reached out, no response, aggravating because on charge back, I have to call and speak to capital one, when I do the line is like 60 deep, so I may just write off.

you would really gonna put in a chargeback for $50? Lol
Go to his discord you'll see everything. Basically he said glo scammed him for 100k-200k and that glo is most likely not coming back this time. That was about a month ago. He even posted here to warn people.

I mean that explains cheap/free packs.
when the cost is free a person can do that.
everything is profit.
I wish Netflix could make a documentary on this guy cause I’d definitely watch it lol
Thank you everyone I somehow missed the posts from Clearwater and LitFarms in my search. Shucks, that sucks. I wonder why @strayfox gear still lists GLO as a source for seeds ... this was the deciding factor for me personally, to try ordering from GLO.

Hit up the breeder and tell him you bought from one of his authorized dealers and got scammed. If he's a half way decent breeder he'll replace those packs for you.