global warming is killing people


Well-Known Member
Yep. whether global warming is real or not really isn't the main issue.
the truth is the Industrial Revolution has taken its toll on our Mother Earth.

we are all guilty.

that garbage island vid is depressing.

one more reason this is the best vid on youtube:


Well-Known Member
oh stick it up your ass. go to another country on the face of the planet and tell me where its cleaner.....oh, you cant. thats right. these backward ass countries like pakistan, india, china, iran, most of europe are fucking dumps with way more pollution that the US. you boys and girls need to get out more.
Singapore was pretty fucking clean. Def cleaner than any american city. also the Scandinavian countries are much cleaner than the US. Also the US' industrial waste far outweighs any third worlsd country.

we clean up our messes. most dont, fuck dude, they are still shitting in ditches in korea, most of south america, almost all of africa, lots of china...which in total is half the fucking world.
Shit is compost. some people grow vegetables in their composted shit. whats wrong with shitting in a ditch?

so get over your childish hate for somehtig you know nothing about. you think new york city is dirty, go spend a fucking day in some of the mexican slums, or peru, afghanistan, pakistan, india, china...these places are cesspools.
these places are cess pools because they are impovershed due to exploitation by the west.

people with the ability (money) will clean up their mess. third world countries could give two shits.
By burying nuclear waste in the desert? did you see FDD's vid? US aint cleaning that.
Whos cleaning the Gulf of Mexico dead zone?


jeff f

New Member
By burying nuclear waste in the desert? did you see FDD's vid? US aint cleaning that.
Whos cleaning the Gulf of Mexico dead zone?

have you ever tried to go swimming in any water in the poorest countries i mentioned.

we aint perfect...never said that.

go elsewhere and see how far ahead we are especially compared the poor countries. what needs to happen is we need to help poor countries improve by helpig them with energy. its the key to their success.

they will then be able to advance themselves like we can in the US. better crops, better water, better everything. it is the lefties that are holding these people back. give them power and they will give themselves life and wont be poor or dangerous.


Well-Known Member
oh stick it up your ass. go to another country on the face of the planet and tell me where its cleaner.....oh, you cant. thats right. these backward ass countries like pakistan, india, china, iran, most of europe are fucking dumps with way more pollution that the US. you boys and girls need to get out more.

we clean up our messes. most dont, fuck dude, they are still shitting in ditches in korea, most of south america, almost all of africa, lots of china...which in total is half the fucking world.

so get over your childish hate for somehtig you know nothing about. you think new york city is dirty, go spend a fucking day in some of the mexican slums, or peru, afghanistan, pakistan, india, china...these places are cesspools.

people with the ability (money) will clean up their mess. third world countries could give two shits.
I have been to all but 2 of the countries on your list of 'cesspools' and they have had clean parts and dirty parts. Detroit is very clean isnt it??:wall:


New Member
The USA has come a long way since the 60's and 70's as far as pollution. Give credit where credit is due.

China is now the great offender.

Go over there and protest ... see what happens to you.


Well-Known Member
oh stick it up your ass. go to another country on the face of the planet and tell me where its cleaner.....oh, you cant. thats right. these backward ass countries like pakistan, india, china, iran, most of europe are fucking dumps with way more pollution that the US. you boys and girls need to get out more.

we clean up our messes. most dont, fuck dude, they are still shitting in ditches in korea, most of south america, almost all of africa, lots of china...which in total is half the fucking world.

so get over your childish hate for somehtig you know nothing about. you think new york city is dirty, go spend a fucking day in some of the mexican slums, or peru, afghanistan, pakistan, india, china...these places are cesspools.

people with the ability (money) will clean up their mess. third world countries could give two shits.
I've been all over the world and specialize in 3rd world travel, so watch who you call out. You assume you know more than everyone and experience more than everyone. You think everyone else but you is naive - how narcissistic. Do you really think you're the end all-be all?

The sad thing is, you probably haven't traveled that much. Not compared to most of us. Just last summer, I lead my yearly trip to Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. I also spend at least a month in Europe every summer. Don't make assumption.

And BTW, do some research on Mazlow's hierarchy. Countries fighting for survival don't have the means to exercise sound, reflected responsibility. But those countries who have reached the highest level (self-actualization), through responsible reflection, feel compelled to act humbly to their surroundings. in short, developed countries have the means to act responsibly towards the environment - the 3rd world doesn't.

That being said, we do much more damage than 3rd world countries. In the 3rd world, individuals consume less. Many do dump their waste anywhere they can, but it's small level stuff. The US pollutes a grand level. We dump uranium into the ocean, which has an infinite effect. We dump shit from planes and ships - directly into rivers, oceans, and land. Look it up. Cruise ships, airplanes - they just dump their fecal matter and human waste - why? They have the means not to, but they do? Why? Arrogance, greed, corruption, and hubris. I've met hundreds, if not thousands of people living in the 3rd world and they are not largely characterized by arrogance, greed, and hubris.

Open your mind and work outside of your experience. I actually pity you. People like you (NOT conservatives; rather, hate-filled dogmatists) inspire me every day simply because I fear ending up like you. I work every day to keep kids from ending up like you.


Well-Known Member
oh stick it up your ass. go to another country on the face of the planet and tell me where its cleaner.....oh, you cant. thats right. these backward ass countries like pakistan, india, china, iran, most of europe are fucking dumps with way more pollution that the US. you boys and girls need to get out more.

we clean up our messes. most dont, fuck dude, they are still shitting in ditches in korea, most of south america, almost all of africa, lots of china...which in total is half the fucking world.

so get over your childish hate for somehtig you know nothing about. you think new york city is dirty, go spend a fucking day in some of the mexican slums, or peru, afghanistan, pakistan, india, china...these places are cesspools.

people with the ability (money) will clean up their mess. third world countries could give two shits.
have you ever tried to go swimming in any water in the poorest countries i mentioned.

we aint perfect...never said that.

go elsewhere and see how far ahead we are especially compared the poor countries. what needs to happen is we need to help poor countries improve by helpig them with energy. its the key to their success.

they will then be able to advance themselves like we can in the US. better crops, better water, better everything. it is the lefties that are holding these people back. give them power and they will give themselves life and wont be poor or dangerous.
First you come off like a douche.

Second, why do you see stopping/slowing pollution as somehow holding people back?

You don't get that trying to find new clean technologies and better cleaner more advanced manufacturing processes are going to help advance us into the next stage of our civilization?

People were pissed when we moved from horses to cars. But look at how much it helped our society grow.

And third, nothing is being 'held back' this is not like the rights fight against things like stem cell research, where new developing technologies are having roadblocks tossed up everywhere to stop it. That is being oppressed, not old outdated manufacturing and transportation systems that we currently use on a insanely massive scale.


New Member
Han, you should go to China and protest. They are now the great offenders, not the USA.

Don't forget to youtube ur protest, so we all can watch their enlightened response.


Active Member
The only answer is INDUSTRIAL HEMP!!!!

It doesn't matter if global warming is real or not.

When this topic comes up, that is your time to talk about INDUSTRIAL HEMP!!!!

Spread the word...



Well-Known Member
Han, you should go to China and protest. They are now the great offenders, not the USA.

Don't forget to youtube ur protest, so we all can watch their enlightened response.
Cj, you don't get that you are behind on this.

China has moved up to the #2 economy from being a third world country over the last couple decades. You cannot get that kind of growth doing the old school style of manufacturing without being dirty.

But now they are shifting priorities because they don't want to be a bubble economy like most of asia was in the 90's.

And one of those shifts is cleaning up their messes because they know it is unsustainable.

This is from 2006 talking about them moving to cleaner technologies:

Here is a much more up to date article:

Government measures included slashing taxes on cars with engines smaller than 1.6 litres and subsidising clean-technology vehicles. The government also subsidised auto purchases for farmers.
They were the largest market for automobiles, and their government is working to make them more efficient. They are getting into the solar/wind game too.

Face it, if we have people that constantly keep fighting this, we will fall behind those dirty countries you like to point to.

So instead of watching my protest on youtube, you can go back to all the batshit crazy stuff with people wearing masks telling about conspiracy theories and evil bankers I am sure you enjoy.


Well-Known Member
um, china pumps everything full of lead.

yeah, they're clean. :roll:
Right and we continue to buy it, and then throw it out a little while later on our own land even though it never breaks down and puts chemicals into our water and land.

Yeah, we're clean. :roll: