Global Warming or Over Population - Earths Biggest Threat?


Ursus marijanus
The cost of water is energy. Seawater can be distilled. The Mackenzie's spring floods can be piped down to Texas. We'll need a better energy source tho' than burning dead stuff.


Well-Known Member
I am not insisting anything, but I do suggest you are being an idiot troll, again. No one has said a word about running out of drinking water, but you. But, you suggest mankind doesn't have to worry, since there is rain. And you create this straw dog to argue with yourself, I guess, And you act like rain is a reliable source for everyone but it is not. And everyone knows that except you, somehow. You are rolling square on troll tires, yet again.
So you're only argument is to insult me? Taking lessons from BuckHead? You have fallen sooo far.


Well-Known Member
Self, is man's worst enemy or to put it more accurately the "love" of self was, is and will be the bane of mankind.

Global warming is a fallacy on every level. We have been recording history for what, a few thousand years and that equates to about .000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the time documented, so that leaves just a bit more time where "other" shit could have, might have and flat out did happen.

Global warming is as much a threat to mankind as a 4 hour old bowl of apple jacks.

So, having said that, I guess overpopulation is, at the very minimum, something tangible and quantifiable to place in an equation, cause global warming damn sure is not.



PS: Critical Sensi Star is some damn good herb, just sayin'


Well-Known Member
I was watching a show on TV over the holiday and at some point in the earths history at the first extinction I believe. They said a big chunk of earth's magma rose to the surface for some reason and made the area super volcanic for 1,000,000 years. I believe it was siberia. Anyway... Compared to global warming that is some climate change. It killed off 70% of the life on earth that time...

We keep forgetting that the Earth and space itself are far more dangerous than we puny humans are...

Let's figure out how to adapt rather than try to change things or keep them the same.


Well-Known Member
So you're only argument is to insult me? Taking lessons from BuckHead? You have fallen sooo far.
Hold on a minute, rewind. There is no call for this praise. I am indeed very flattered. I think I may have achieved the balance, if but momentarily.

Last year someone said I was almost a jr. Polar Bear. I blushed for a week, now this! Stop it, you.

(ya hear that Uncle Buc...[what?]...................... ah, it)


Well-Known Member
So folks, what are your thoughts on what is the larger threat to the health of our planets ecosystem: Global Warming or Over Population?

It could be said that one is merely a symptom of the other.

In democratic nations this is not usually a PC topic but I am not talking solutions, instead I'm directing attention to the real issues. ;) Shall we not entertain any genocidal or eugenic solutions please.

Your thoughts?
Time to Cull the Human population.


Well-Known Member
Geologically speaking, remind us how short that record is.
ice ages are irrelevant to the discussion i am attempting with desert dude. the topic is whether or not global warming has been "stalled" for the last 15 years. the only thing we need to examine are the last 15 years, which have been the hottest on record. it just keeps getting hotter and hotter with very few exceptions.


New Member
ice ages are irrelevant to the discussion i am attempting with desert dude. the topic is whether or not global warming has been "stalled" for the last 15 years. the only thing we need to examine are the last 15 years, which have been the hottest on record. it just keeps getting hotter and hotter with very few exceptions.
In other words BNB, stay the fuck away from UncleBuck's straw man!


Well-Known Member
The hottest recorded decade in the last 130 yrs is irrelevant, being the earth is over 4billion years old.
So, I'd definitely call that a straw man.
let's review, shall we?

racist douchebag climate denier desert dude: global warming has been stalled for the last 15 years (the claim).

me: no it hasn't, look at the temperature record.

racist douchebag climate denier friends bignbushy and beenthere: it's been hotter during the last 4 billion years.

me: i'm sure it has, but we are talking about the last 15 years.

racist douchebag climate denier friends: i'm not gonna let your facts get in the way of me making an ass out of myself.

and so the dance continues, with me still being right and you racist douchebags still flailing wildly.