Global warming. Should we care?

Armadillo Slim

Well-Known Member
Apparantly the world is getting hotter and it's our fault for releasing co2 into the atmosphere. People say that the global warming will destroy us and we should do everything in out power to cut co2 emmisions even if it means harming the economy. What do you think.
of course we should care.. this planet is the reason your living. and it wont fuk up the economy becuz well be forced to use hydrogen cars,electric cars etc.. meaning less oil/gas spending less $$ meaning more $$ in ur wallet
People say that the global warming will destroy us

faaaaar after youve died and left the earth though...i say you enjoy your short time here and stop worrying about shit that wont effect humanity for 100s of years...besides, if the world ends in 2012 like everyone is convinced of, global warming wont matter

i say live your life how you want until 2012...if youre still alive after that, then we can start worrying about future generations

*goes to stock water and spam in preparation for "Doomsday 2012"...not to be confused with the failed "Doomsday 2K"*
So you all think that global warming is happening? What evidence is there that anthropogenic co2 is causing the earth to heat up? And why would it be a bad thing if it did?
Shame we can't go out with a bang. Bullshit! I wanna die like a man.
Global thermonuclear that is global warming with some pizzaz!
So you all think that global warming is happening? What evidence is there that anthropogenic co2 is causing the earth to heat up? And why would it be a bad thing if it did?

why is it a bad thing...because the ice caps will melt, causing the ocean to rise. Meaning my house could someday be beach front property.
This is all a conspiracy so home36own can own beachfront property.hom36rown is one powerful dude His initials are GWB and his beachfront property is in Crawford Texas.
i must say i hate that this is happening, not for humans sake but the other species that are suffering for our mistake.

but...... could look at this as a very natural thing?

what i mean is that as humans we have evolved, slowly (relatively).

everything has evolved, mentally and physically and it still is.

these days we have the knowledge and equipment available to "see" what we are doing to the plant whereas a few decades ago we may have been clueless as to what was happening.

the time it took to evolve our brain to where it is today, could be held responsible. couldnt it? if we had known many, many centuries ago we may have been able to halt the process, maybe even stop it happening.

but because you can't rush evolution, we are where we are. we only know now because of our increased capacity to remember things etc...

i'm not explaining this very well...... anyone get me?

it's only natural that we are dumb enough to let this happen???....

The world was already in a natural warming state, we've just sped it up somewhat. It would have happened anyway, just not so soon.

It makes me sad to see the news footage of the giant chunks of glacier breaking off and falling into the ocean.

"One day man will no longer be at the top of the food chain" Charles Darwin - I think that time is coming soon.
Seriously...Global warming does not make where you live warmer.

The more heat(energy) applied to the Earth the more violent all weather becomes. More powerful storms, colder days in winter.
Did none of you see the pen and teller show bullshit about this subject?

We barely even make a dent compared to fires and volcanos and other natural co2 emissions. They said it's all a marketing gimmick... Sell more shit make people feel guilty sell more new efficient cars, give Al Gore lots of money for traveling around giving speaches.

They also showed a chart showing the natural deviation of the distance between the earth and the sun or something that had to do with more radiation from the sun hitting us in cycles like that and low and behold the warming and cooling cycles match it spot on.

I think they have the right answers there, it isn't the first time we have all been sold a load of bullshit for other people to make a lot of money on.
Weed being illegal...

These cycles have been going on longer than we've existed.

There are real things we are doing to destroy the environment though... All that plastic in the ocean etc...

We do have smog covered cities though and the only thing to stop that is getting off oil completely. There is one solution... Biofuel made from cannabis. I've read that if it's feesable, growing the herb puts out more oxygen than burning the fuel that comes from it. Makes it a perfectly balanced system and isn't out of the realm of possibilty like hydrogen is. Plus as a byproduct ZERO trees would need to be used for all the building etc in the world if some of that material is recycled into pressed wood type stuff.