Global warming. Should we care?

I guess La Chinga (doesn't that translate to "the fucker" or something like that?) doesn't know how global warming works. The warm seasons are a lot warmer, but the cold seasons get really, really colder.

That is Final Jeopardy boys and girls. Put the pencils down.
More severe weather, wetter, dryer, hotter and colder. All combination's. Not the normal changes that occurred over time. Unless nobody included sunspots in the models. They did not include sunspots in the models so there is no answer...yet.
global warming/cooling wotevr way u want to look at is all bullshit. we are insignificant to mother nature she is doing what she always does. just a way to get carbon tax off countrys thats global warming.
Hell no, I don't want the cops raining down on me. Where I live, it's illegal to burn fucking leaves, if I was to burn trash I'd probably get the death penalty.

We don't want another real Ice Age with glaciers like two miles tall---covering half the planet. Everyone needs to go outside and burn all their trash right now :)
In 2007, ExxonMobil provided roughly 2.9 million dollars to organisations and individuals specifically 'to promote disinformation and to misrepresent the science of Climate change' or to outright deny its existence' ****specifically via the Internet using web pages and social networking sites****.'

The above came from a scientific establishment called 'The Royal Society'.

The accusations and claims were made in a letter to ExxonMobil. 'The Royal Society' has never before in its 350 year history challenged the activities of a commercial organisation.

In the same way tobacco companies founded organisations that were funded in order to find no evidence of tobacco and cancer being related, oil companies have been doing the same. Their 'media' budgets are a little better funded than your average climatology lab is.

I'll wait for the 'conpiracy theory' claims. But think quietly about what the oil and coal industries stand to lose if we all become aware of the damage we're doing to the planet through fossil fuels.

Oh, as for Penn and teller and the volcano thing? Yep, they sure did cause more than us humans...millions of years back...
...we've done it through accellerated and artificial's happening, get used to it.
The royal society is the government science organisation in britian. It gets all it's funding from the uk government so it says whatever the government want it too. The fact that it sent a letter to exxonmobil telling them to stop funding people who have a non-conformist opinion on global warming is evidence of what a totalitarian, naziesque movement global warming is, large organisations are trying to crush debate on the issue, this isn't how science should work. People should go on the evidence not the "consensus", and the evidence for anthropogenic climate change is almost non-existant but there is a lot of evidence against it. The planet hasn't warmed in the last ten years, maybe when it starts getting colder the skeptics will have their chance to say "I told you so". I'm looking forward to it, maybe we can lynch Al Gore.:fire: