Globilization...The Future!


Well-Known Member
Like I said its actually their new slogan: Globilization, a Penis In Everones Asshole Very patriotic for the American audience, still working on those silly French . . . :lol:


Active Member
Hi All.......I would like to start a broad discussion on globilization with everyone here on rollitup. Now that Barack Obama has been selected as the new president I believe the U.S. along with many other nations will being to embark on this journey into the unknown. My belief is that you will see a push for new currencies, new government policies(as in one world government), & more military/law enforcement. Do you think this is good or bad? Do you think the world will accept this course without massive wars & civil unrest? If you don't think this could happen please elaborate on your viewpoint as I'm convinced that NWO or whatever you chose to call it is here & will start making it's presence known within the next 4 or 5 years. Barack Obama is the first U.S. president celebrated around the world. Did anyone catch that? I did & I realized that the rest of the world already knows that this is happening & they were pleased to see that America selected a president that would be more caring towards the world overall. It makes so much sense to me know what I've been witnessing throughtout 2008 with the financial system, politics, law enforcement, & so on. They are gearing up & so far the world is mostly cooperating. I just want to get some people's thoughts & reactions.
dude were with you. we know of these things you speak of and they will arise soon. all i can say is keep your guns and keep burning it down!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I don't think we have achieved what the human race can , even within the laws.

As a child I was a bit of an anarchist and very anti establishement... unfortunately I was clever and very proud too, so i never settled for becomming a bum. I'm a paid and taxpaying bum

Throuh the years I have started to see the point to the majority of rules.... common courtesy. A sign of respect for those around me, and an aversion of danger.

Self dissipline is a wonderfull thing... trust me I'm a lazy slouch, but for instance when I drive my respect for other people make me obey the rules, to the letter, even if noone is watching.

There are still bad rules but through excercising true democracy we will in the long term come to the true answers... In our country it was illigal to date accros the colur line.. they had guys looking through keyholes and shit... and you went to jail.
It was a dumbass law which went against the rules of freedom.

Freedom means only as free as what is good for us... if you had good parents, there would have been numerous things you were not allowed. becasue your parents loved you and wanted what is best for you. Lets say I wanted the freedom to chop off people's heads, that would mean someone would feel they would have the right to chop off mine if they wanted... i.e. not a good state to live in...

Currencies need to be abolished. Forget about products and resources and minerals and shit like this.

Let us for a second assume you and I are truely equal (that IS what you want isn't it? Why should your time be more valuable than mine? Because that is the first byproduct of diffirent currencies.

So, by design they lead to inequality and to the formation of a certain world pecking order. We can never be equal as brothers and sisters until we are equal.
And this mean some of us will have to step down to the middle, and some uf us will have to up their game... It is not so hard really.

I am ANC and I am a pothead.


Well-Known Member
Hi All.......I would like to start a broad discussion on globilization with everyone here on rollitup. Now that Barack Obama has been selected as the new president I believe the U.S. along with many other nations will being to embark on this journey into the unknown. My belief is that you will see a push for new currencies, new government policies(as in one world government), & more military/law enforcement. Do you think this is good or bad? Do you think the world will accept this course without massive wars & civil unrest? If you don't think this could happen please elaborate on your viewpoint as I'm convinced that NWO or whatever you chose to call it is here & will start making it's presence known within the next 4 or 5 years. Barack Obama is the first U.S. president celebrated around the world. Did anyone catch that? I did & I realized that the rest of the world already knows that this is happening & they were pleased to see that America selected a president that would be more caring towards the world overall. It makes so much sense to me know what I've been witnessing throughtout 2008 with the financial system, politics, law enforcement, & so on. They are gearing up & so far the world is mostly cooperating. I just want to get some people's thoughts & reactions.

George Bush the 1st instigated the whole process and his son has been setting it all in to place these last 8 years...and now you notice..?? and say Obama has done it??? he is not even in power yet....
its no wonder its got this far,,when everyone is too busy with their heads up their arses to notice it happening:cry:


Well-Known Member
jats you must have misunderstood what I was saying & I've known for quite some time...I did not JUST notice what is taking place. The process has been in motion for a very long time way before W.'s daddy. All he did was switch gears on the chain & so did Clinton & so did W. Obama is the man who will change it from a bike with gears to a motorcycle. I simply said in my post that Obama has been selected president. I don't even vote cause it's simply not worth my time to play the game. You say he's not in power yet like it won't happen...are you sure your head is in the right place?


Well-Known Member
jats you must have misunderstood what I was saying & I've known for quite some time...I did not JUST notice what is taking place. The process has been in motion for a very long time way before W.'s daddy. All he did was switch gears on the chain & so did Clinton & so did W. Obama is the man who will change it from a bike with gears to a motorcycle. I simply said in my post that Obama has been selected president. I don't even vote cause it's simply not worth my time to play the game. You say he's not in power yet like it won't happen...are you sure your head is in the right place?
My head is probably not in the right place... I'm sorry that I misinterpreted you... I know Obama is president elect and will take the reigns soon.... And this monster concept called globalization has been many years in the making.... but,,, I cant shake the feeling that people just let this happen...

I remember one of the 1st global summit meeting was held in Seattle,,,do you remember that..?? there was mass rioting in the streets,,, many different people banded together to show the powers that be ,,and the rest of the world that this was a really wrong direction to take and it could benefit no one but the huge corporations....moving their factories((and all the work)) off shore to tax free havens out of site of public or gov scrutiny,,etc
then they started having their Global summit meetings all over the world,,using massive police power to protect the delegates from the people... Was there//is there any thing else that we could have done..???
think global,,,buy local one way we could all effect this situation... but I think you would be hard pressed to find any thing that is not made in China or the Philippines....
its all very depressing and its hard to keep my head on right when I think about it......
I choose to be optimistic about it and HOPE that humanity will seriously revise our concepts of wealth and commodity........:shock:


Well-Known Member
The bigger loss is a workforce being skilled and able to produce the things made in the offshore factories now.


Well-Known Member
that's deff one of them... the thing that has NEVER made any sense to me is.............. if all the stuff that was once made in country a, is now made in another country b, and is brought back to the country a,,,,sold "cheap" to the now unemployed ex stuff makers in country a......then how is it all going to keep working......where is the money..?
oh any one for a loan..??? oh no money to pay it back...?? who's trying to help..? the policy makers,,by paying back the banks for every does that work..?
none of it makes any sense to a rational person,,,how did it get that far..??
are the aliens in charge..???


Well-Known Member
Hey jats...I totally understand where your coming from cause I'm in that area myself, but Globilization isn't all bad in my opinion & yeah I remember Seattle. I keep telling my friends that humanity has finally reached the breaking point & that if people don't get it right than the future could be bleak. I think that if people can keep the elite of the world from getting too much power than things may pan out alright, but the elite are working very hard currently to see to it that the people are kept in check & follow there rules...At the minimum these are interesting times we are living in.